How did she become THE fire emblem girl?
How did she become THE fire emblem girl?
>take series' main protagonist
>call him a girl
>let your self-insert fuck her
>take THE fire emblem boy
>add long hair and a vagina
>make her the main character in the game that saved the franchise
>loses a popularity poll
>still gets preferential treatment
Fuck Lucina. The face of corruption.
>let's take the only fire emblem character most people know and make them a waifu
How could it have failed? I'm surprised they haven't tried to make R63 Ike/Roy yet.
Although I guess they had Effie.
She's strong, brave, and dosh garn cute to boot!
>IS already made the Lucina outfit expecting her to win
>Still give it to her despite losing
Everyone expected Lucina to win. That's why people voted for Lyn over her.
Because she's cute and has a flat chest that I want to bully her over
Wait, IS did what? What the fuck have I missed by not paying attention to Heroes? What outfit? Why isn't best girl Lyn getting her dues?
I bet they would have given it to the top 3 if she was third.
I did like Lucina at one point, but it's getting a little ridiculous.
Because otaku have incredibly poor taste in everything
>alternative facts
gtfo 4chins (((Sean Spicerstein)))
Roy is the bigger cancer.
The prize of the character popularity contest was the winning character for each gender getting a special costume. Lyn won, but both her and Lucina are getting a costume.
She's a boyfriend (female)
Roy is alright because seniority, Lucina had one recent game and she gets her stupid face plastered on everything. What does roy get? A lot in Super Smash Bros.
That he lost in the third entry and only got it back due to dlc.
She's the waifu version of the face of Fire Emblem and she was in Smash Bros.
That ain't Lyn
By being the best and the cutest
It's going to be a banner.
Banners feature 4 characters. Lucina was never going to lose.
>Roy is alright because seniority
literally why does ths make it OK
he's the second-worst lord in the series, and at least Corrin can become a mage
Lyndis will forever and always be the best FE girl
You cannot argue this
This is not an opinion, it is a fact
smash bros
>Roy is alright because of seniority
Tell that to Leif. There is nothing to Roy BUT Smash.
This, it shocks me how much he was voted on
Well lets see
>Been around longer
>Biggest 'pushes' were just a playable slot in the SSB game. Which he lost
>and only got it back because of fan feed back and dlc
I really don't see how he is pushed more than Lucina.
Same reason Saber became retarded popular in Fate/Stay Night. Stoic, petite swordswomen that only show their dere side to the self insert sell like fucking hot cakes in Japan, and apparently have a strong standing with weebs across the ocean too. The time of moeblobs has passed, and this fad will one day pass too.
>Gimping Lucina.
>Gimping Cynthia
It feels like they're whoring her out so I can't like her anymore. Feel the same about Saber and Lightning too.
>being a hipster about waifus
I'm glad I'll never sink to your level
The only reason why the first two gachas has four rate-ups was to celebrate the release of the game.
>incoming battle theme
>preparation theme
>map theme
>post-battle theme
>final chapter theme
The one that beat her in the heroes popularity contest
I thought that was the purple haired girl with the huge rack.
>Been Around Longer
>Was a shitty smash bros clone before he was his own character
>The shittiest functional lord in the series where you can use him promoted for 1 chapter, or 4 chapters at the very best.
>His character in FE6 was garbage
>His unique weapon had 20 uses
>Had 0 things to contribute to the series before Smash, literally just an advertisement for japanese players 4 months before Fire Emblem 6 came out where he took the spot of a lord that existed in two games and had a lot more going on.
>The only reason why people even liked him over marth was FIYUR and because he didnt wear a dumbass tiara
takumi 5s, sheena, olivia, serra
keep or reroll?
It's literally the only thing I'm hipster about.
Roy really is the shittiest lord in the entire franchise both as a character and as a unit.
She was basically the main character of the most popular game in the franchise and she has a really good design. Add in the fact that she can be a waifu and you basically can't fail.
Post lewdcina
Being around longer means nothing you nitwit.
>Biggest 'pushes' was just a playable slot in the SSB game and was introduced via DLC
You're describing Corrin as well with this line, except that even Corrin's can be slightly justified as a little more than a walking advertisement because Fates was already out in Japan.
Lucina would be better if her boobs were bigger
Yes. He almost ruins an otherwise great game. Thats how bad he is.
cute Cute CUTE!!!!
>said nobody ever
I'm saying it right now.
No you retards, it's the other way around. She got into Smash BECAUSE she's the FE girl.
Because she's a sex goddess
>said nobody ever
She was popular in japan, that's why she was in ssb4. She's cute af.
I'm saying it right now.
Oh whoops can't show a little nipple
Remember when Fire Emblem had Dignity?
Never had been into FE. Now I play FEH and I fucking love it. Probably gonna buy the normal games too
Remember when Fire Emblem threads were entirely waifuposting, and then turned into shitting on the newer games as soon as Fates released?
Who's the artist?
But she belches and has smelly feet
That video brings back memories.
>franchise pretty much fujocore bar 1/2 characters like Lyn
>Ike might as well be how to make a yaoi character 101
>dying off
>introduce waifus and give the husbandos the back seat for one game
>popularity skyrockets
>Fates launches
>husbandos once again take the spotlight, royal brothers have more art than Camilla.
>The FE girl
Because IS doesn't stop pushing her, that's her main boost, lyn of all characters beat her after resurfacing again. IS push gone? She drops, fact. Be grateful that piece of shit gets the lightning treatment.
put her in smash bros
Uh, she didn't actually. There was this big poll that was a global thing and another girl took the top slot. Sorry to break it to you, friend.
>took not only first place
>but 5th place as well
Can anyone even remotely control our boy Ike?
Because she's cute and autistic
>it's smashfags have to turn everything into a smash discussion thread
Why'd you quote me, you mouth breather?
>implying smash wasn't the reason why she took of so much in the west.
Only in the West.
She's been pretty much top dog in Japan. Lyn being the West equivalent and the real start of Waifu Emblem.
>implying they didn't already have it all planned
You stupid fucks should have known they already had that stuff done. Hell the other positions were for Calendar spots, to which they posted a Calendar page before the poll was even over for a character not anywhere near the top.
You should have known.
I made seven linked accounts with 5 5* heroes, do you think I could sell them?
The Fire Emblem Heroes poll was global, friend, sorry.
uhhhh Lucy literally saved the series bro, I think she deserves at least a special costume more than that rusty grandma Lyn
show a picture of Lyn on the street, and the'll be all "who dat", but show Lucy and you'll get a response