What's going on at Microsoft?

What's going on at Microsoft?

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Buy a PC

Microsoft is looking to exit the console industry. The Scorpio is gonna be the fall guy to blame for low sales so they have a legit reason to pull out without worrying shareholders and shit like that.

t. My dad works at Microsoft.

Console exclusives only sell for Nintendo. Why bother spending lots of time and money making games when your console is just going to be a Fifa/CoD box?

The usual


Microsoft realizes that the only thing they need to do to be successful is make a shitty 3rd party PC box with the the most Graphiixxx to attract normies.

Game companies have no souls.
The spirit of gaming as it was in the 80s and 90s and early 2000s is dead.

a conosle's exclusives doesn't nessecarily have to sell to support the console

I mean when you have two consoles with similar power and price but one just has a much larger library it's obvious which one you will buy

Xbox one supports more games than ps4 though

>Xbox One announced
>You have to be online to use it
>People throw autistic shitfits
>Xbox One comes out
>Exclusively used to play Netflix and CoD online

This is why companies shouldn't back down because a few spastic idiots spam messageboards.

>tfw fell for the Xbone meme
>sold it for $200 because the price was in freefall after a year

Name one reason other than Halo to get buy a Xbone

Protip: You can't

What meme? You wouldn't buy one unless you were a die hard Xbox fanboy who buys nothing else, in which case you should probably neck yourself.

I feel ya bro, bought a Piss4 for Bloodborne and sold the console like 6 months after since there were literally no other games coming out.

>tfw tempted to buy another for Nioh but I know it'll just be the same shit of waiting for non-existent games before I sell the piece of shit when it gets nothing again

>selling your game console
Unless you are in dire need for money to get a surgery or die a horrible death. that is not acceptable

They recently(in terms of console generations) had a change of management from Matrick to Spencer.

Halo isn't even worth playing anymore lmao

Microsoft Xbox hooked up with Oculus Rift

Surely that will save the brand.

ori on the couch

What was I ever going to use it for? I have a PC, and the only game that could be good is going to be better with a keyboard+mouse.


It wouldn't surprise me if most of that shit never existed in the first place. They were all announced at E3. Maybe Microsoft found a way of lowering tax by announcing and "cancelling" shit.

Look at what they did to Halo and Rare.

Microsoft are just fucking terrible at video games.

So you can show off your gamer score to your friends.

Xbox One S is a cheap 4k Blu-Ray player that doesn't doesn't look like cancer.

This. Why would i buy a xbone when i can play cod, bf1, tf2, and weeb games on the ps4. Also the playerbase for bf 1 and tf2 is much larger on the ps4.

a long hdmi cable is cheaper than a bone

>No games coming out
Nice one nintendog

The slowly growing list of backwards compatible Xbox 360 titles, in a hypothetical world in which functional used 360s no longer exist?

Of course that's never going to support more than AAA games and Microsoft's favorite shovelware, so it's basically useless.

What the hell is Development Hell? As in, why does it happen?


Their priority is on hiring hundreds of pajeets to go online and talk about how they are the Good Guys(tm) to cover up for their history of anti-consumerist bullshit and trick new clueless idiots into throwing money at them.

Spark wasn't cancelled. It got released and shut down since fuckin' nobody played it.

Nigga after Bloodborne literally nothing worth a shit came out for like over a year. After that piece of shit say there rotting for 6 months with no games but shitty multiplats you're damn right I sold it.

Only this past Winter has it started actually getting games.

Despite the Nintendrones, Sonyggers, and PCucks warring on this board, I think we can all agree that we're still 10x's better than Xbones.


We're here to save the Xbox One!

If their network goes down you're fucked. Unlike your teenage ass, I remember when PSN was down for weeks. At least you had offline games, imagine not being able to play those at all (which they also planned, remember Sony making fun of that by giving one another games in that video? KEK).

Man I remember seeing scalebound at e3. It looked so bad.

Nier isn't exclusive anymore and it was the only exclusive I gave a shit about besides bloodborne. The problem with this gen is that each console has maybe two or three exclusives worth playing.

Normally shifts in vision on how the game should end up being during mid-development.

Almost every creative endeavour changes during development, but if the change is too big and it happens too often the work just doesn't get finished.

>Looking to exit

They have no intention of exiting. Their intentions are to continue with making a "unified" home network. I'm surprised that the Bone and Scorpio don't have Windows 10 on them yet.

>Gravity Rush 2
January 2017.
>Yakuza 0
January 2017
February 2017
Not even out yet.
>Persona 5
Not even out yet.

So my point here still stands. Bloodborne was in what, April 2015? So the next batch of worthwhile games on the PS4 only started coming out LAST month, in January this year. That's 21 months after Bloodborne released.

There were no games to play but multiplat shittery for 21 fucking months after the last good game.

How can you seriously defend this?

They should just make pre-built PCs honestly. That's basically all an xbone even is.

xbox isn't nearly down as long or as often as PSN is.

forgetting something?

B-but muh mspaint comic reeeee

That was exactly why it failed though. Their cancerous policy was all it took to make PS4 the meme console because unlike fucking Microsoft and Nintendo Sony just made a regular fucking console. Even the name is simple, PS4. Not Xbox One or Wii U or some shit.

CrackDown 3 was delayed just to avoid self-competition, it has been held at a high level of development for over a year now. It will be suddenly releasing soon. The rest are not really surprising, a bunch of misguided projects which never had a chance to turn out good anyway.

Generally, Microsoft is starting to see the writing on the wall for games consoles, especially thanks to what they're seeing happening with VR/AR. They recognize that failing to be a leader in VR/AR could be the most significant opening there's ever been for them to lose their OS hegemony.

Scorpio may end up plain cancelled, at this rate. It seems very unlikely they will actually be able to deliver the specs they need at a 'console' price point (under $500). I think there is a very good chance Scorpio will be put forward as a 'new type of platform', to excuse the >$1000 price and at the same time let them leap forward their 'lock down windows into walled garden' timeline.

Microsoft already had a bad image, that's why that attempt failed. M$ was hailed as a miniature EA, so them attempting to make an online console was easy to spin. Valve's steam machines received none of the backlash that Microsoft did for example, and they're basically the same thing.

No they failed because nobody wants that shit. Valve's steam machines failed too and nobody cares about them. Always online is a cancer that nobody wants. Also steam does not require you to connect to steam constantly to play your games. You connect once and can play them offline forever.

This is going to be huge on PC.

Well, it definitely LOOKS like an Xbox Live Arcade game, so I guess it's right at home.

>Valve's steam machines received none of the backlash that Microsoft did for example, and they're basically the same thing.
randomly inserting valve slander doesn't make you a cool guy

>Always online is a cancer that nobody wants

Always online is where the world is heading. Compare this generation of consoles to even just the last. Online integration is 10x what it was. Even fucking home appliances are turning into always online devices. Amazon is pushing their shit hard. All these companies are pushing smart devices. Televisions are turning into nothing but "smart TVs".

Have a proper discussion or kill yourself underage.

Steamboxes sold less than 50k units combined. That was a massive failure. Even worse than Ouya. But it was completely unrelated to them being "All Digital, always online" boxes and more being a box there was absolutely no market for with an OS which had terrible support for games.

>Dude let's give every single player access to our cloud servers: The Game.

That's not what always online means. Yes my smartphone is always connected to the internet but it will still function without ever connecting to the internet again. Xbox One was originally not going to function at all without connecting to the internet every 24 hours. Or at least your games would not function.


I'm merely pointing out that Valve received none of the backlash for making the same product.

Good strategy. Reminds me of a company I know who's been trying to spam Sup Forums lately to claim they are the "Good guys"

Were steamboxes even always online? I don't think you understand what always online means.

Fuck, I completely forgot that was a thing. At least their failure went mostly unnoticed, I guess.

>Xbox one supports more games than ps4 though
you can't seriously believe this right?

it has less exclusives, less console exclusives less shared exclusives with pc, doesn't support japanese games at all, and you seriously believe that it has even close to the same amount of games and even more than the ps4?

Wow hold the fuck on, I hate Microsoft but that image is dead wrong about the OG Xbox.

OG Xbox masqurades as a normie dudebro console, but outside of Halo 1 and 2 it's got nothing else casual on it. That console is a fucking goldmine of niche stuff, yes even including Jap games

>Otogi 1 & 2
>Kingdoms Under Fire
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate
>best versions of all multiplats for the entire gen

I grew up with a PS1 and PS2 but the OG Xbox is better than both to be honest. Plus it's modability is amazing.

Nintendo exclusives
Playstation exclusives

There's no reason to buy an Xbox.

>Ni-Oh was meant to be an exclusive but it got canceled

>Nioh was meant to be a PS3 launch title

Wow what happened there? Is there beta footage of the old Nioh? What did it play like back then? DMC or something instead of being a Souls clone?

By "supports more games" he probably means the backwards compatible titles as well.

Still not sure that puts it over the PS4 though.

>Console exclusives only sell for Nintendo

God I hate the cover of this game, when did Naughty Dog get so goddamn pretentious. Same with TLOU2 trailer. All their characters and camera angles are so pretentious looking now. I hate it.


It was going to be a Dynasty Warriors clone

>all those games were going to be shit
>microsoft cancelled them
could microsoft possibly be heading in the right direction???

>Black Tusk studios

They became the coalition

>Hey guys, I have this one example! This one example means you're wrong!

This guy must have an excellent understanding of the scientific method.

Except he did prove the claim wrong. The claim was they ONLY sell for nintendo. You only need ONE countrexample to beat that claim.

An exception does not prove his claim wrong. Did you niglets actually take science classes before you dropped out?

This isn't science fag. This is a debate using logic not the scientific method. Besides you haven't proven the original claim yet so we can assume it is false from the get go.


>Soon to be Horizon: Zero Dawn

You can keep being a retard though.

They had a game in development before that happened though. It was teased at E3 2013. It got canned so they could spend the rest of their lives churning out Gears Of War games.

>All Sony exclusives this gen combined still haven't passed combined total of MK8, Splatoon and Mario 3D world

Not looking good there champ. No one's going to care about poor man's feminist Zelda as well.

>Spends years trying to Kill Halo
>Spends years trying to kill Zelda
>Will also fail

at least it support Catherine and Lost Odyssey now

They've been wanting to exit the market since before the Xbone, but had shareholders to worry about. They won't be in the next gen of consoles.

The XBox was originally meant to be a trojan horse for MS to be able to control the living room- they wanted to be the box that you used to watch/play any and all content on your PC. Hence the "TV TV TV" focus at the initial reveal. But things have changed in the past seventeen years and that's not really the priority anymore- the company's focusing more on their core Windows business and services like Azure. XBox doesn't really fit in well with that- if the division was actually profitable then they'd be fine in spite of that, but they're not.

Their main problem seems to be that the suits and bean counters want all of their games to be online MP-based service games with microtransactions like all the cool kids are doing these days, but a lot of their devs (both internal and third-party moneyhats) aren't really suited to making those sorts of games, particularly Platinum. So you get a lot of bullshit executive meddling that leads to delays and eventually cancellation- death by scope creep, essentially.

this physically hurts

It never was in the first place unless you were a console kid.

It's the opposite, shareholders have wanted MS to kill the xbox for awhile now. MS keeps refuting them.

didn't black tusk become the coalition?


Fuck off Ninturd

What's the game between Black Tusk Studios and Scalebound?

UC4 sales weren't anything special until they started bundling it into every single PS4 that sells from about July 2016 until now.

phantom dust

Crackdown 3 is still coming and we may hear from it at E3. Fuck Microsoft on canceling Shangheist (Black Tusk's game) for fucking Gears of War a series that was always mediocre and dudebro centric. Fuck Microsoft for canceling the Phantom Dust reboot. All the rest were either shit or looked like shit, so who gives a fuck.

Are microsoft actually going go forward with the logical conclusion of their "one platform" policy and make all Xbone games available on PC rather than just most of them?

>exit the console industry
They already exited the console industry and in reality never really wanted to enter it in the first place. The original Xbox and 360 were originally supposed to be pre-built PCs that had built in Windows OS from the latest Windows. Scorpio is that realization of them finally making a pre-built PC for the living room and Nintendo is also finished with the industry, they are going for the IOS route with the Switch.

All their first party games have been since the announcement. They're not forcing third parties to make windows 10 ports like FFXV for example.

SeeThe problem is you idiots thought Microsoft wanted to make a full blown gaming console all these years when they mainly wanted to make a pre-built PC running Windows OS in the living room.

>when did Naughty Dog get so goddamn pretentious
>All their characters and camera angles are so pretentious looking now

Incorrect they always wanted the Xbox to be a pre-built PC that ran the Windows OS so they could easily port PC games on the Xbox but they always ran into time constraints with both the original Xbox and 360. Xbox Scorpio is them finally doing what they always wanted to do. Steve Ballmer and Don Mattrick fucked this up which is why they don't work at Microsoft anymore.

It is, but 5's only wortwhile bits are on PC anyways

nice meme

Funny that the scorpio will shit on the scoprio and every game will look better on it that the ps pro then

Pajeet, my son...