Do you take care of your vidya?

don't tell me you don't use screen protectors

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I dont because my screen is a tv and i dont want to put a tarp on it.


Also what kind of faggot needs a "screen protector"? You're killing your resale

>he doesn't tarp his tv after every use


how does that kill resales

>Pay hundreds of dollars for premium feeling device

>Cover it in the cheapest, nastiest feeling plastic you can find

Fuck no, accidents can happen, but if you are just careful with your device it should last a long time unless you are a dumdum.

>He doesn't use temper glass.

>cheapest, nastiest feeling plastic you can find

then don't do that and just get a good one?

>What is temper glass

>You're killing your resale
Peel it off before selling and have a screen that is as good as new.

This. Same principle with phone cases - you don't need them if you're competent.

accidents happen man. they're worth the small investment

dude i'm a neet shut-in and even i know about tempered glass

Screen protectors feel gross and look ugly. I don't like to ruin my devices so i don't need them.

samefag nobody cares about your meme marketing buzzwords

It don't consider toys investments, so I don't give a fuck if the screen gets scratched.

another 60$ down the drain

or you are that faggot who protect his iphone4 in 2016 in hope to resell it 3 years later?

slave of the tech

I have screen protectors on my vitas

Dont care enough for my 3dses

I get this
but the desire to hold a fancy new gadget and get all that good feel off of it at much as possible completely runs at odds with my desire to keep shit in shape so I can sell it should the time ever come to it
Being careless is wasted money

That said, I always make sure I get my hands on time with any new gadget I buy till I stop cumming to the thought of build quality being nice, and then actually protect it in something

If you aren't a retard when applying them you wont even notice them when playing.

Is the vita screen really that fragile ?

Using screen protectors is the same as wrapping your furniture in plastic.

Don't need them.

no it isn't retard

>Hur durr i'm a fucking retarded kike who cheaps out when buying product and opts for shitty Chinese products, then proceed to complain about the quality of the product. Kys

no. i have one for years, its as good as new with little scratches from dust.

bachside is scratched to hell though, but i dont care

>not using a glass screen protector
feels good

>said faggot with remote in plastic bag

It's a pretty good comparison. Screen protectors are for paranoid morons who can't take care of their shit.

even dust can scratch the screen?

Wouldn't know, never owned one
Always loved how it felt, but the price hurt and there was no promise of things just for me that could justify it

I'm speaking more everytime a new DS came out or the one time I bought an iPad and the recent times in buying a new smartphone

Unlike phones, I still go back to handhelds as far as the gameboy color. And you better believe mine is in good condition

Am I the only one who don't give a shit about the Switch?

what ? you have to apply two at once or they just want to sell you more plastic for +20% in price

He I won't bother then.

How do yo clean it tho? Just with rubbing alcohol?


I do take care of my electronics and that's exactly why I don't need a fucking screen protector

when you put it in tight pocket with keys - yes

ok lol keep going through life thinking that everyone else respects you

I actually wonder if I should bother with a screen protector on the switch considering I'll leave it in the dock 100% of the time

except a screen protector isn't like putting it in a plastic bag dumb fuck, the screen protector is practically unnoticeable and it's not to protect against dirt you can just wipe off it's to protect against scratches

who cares, its 1mm thicker with it.

Every screen protector on the market will either
worsen the visuals (less clear) or worsen the response and accuracy of the capacitive touchscreen of the Switch

It will never look better or respond better compared to going naked.

what does that have to do with anything retard

more like protecting you against losing your virginity

once bought screen protection and you never change it for years? is it scratched if not why do you even apply it on?

Yes. You are literally the only person on earth who doesn't care.

i do use screen protectors, and have had the default stylus scratch one (dsi) due to the casting process being retarded for the stylus manufacturing, allowing edges to exist
i'm glad the screen protection was there

i wouldn't buy a screen protector for a device without a touchscreen though

soft fabric, why alchohole? its bad for plastic parts and some types of glass

0.24mm actually

Do you have really long fingernails or something? And furniture can be cleaned of dirt? Who's bringing dirt to a couch?

Yes, and both are excellent ways to keep the things you use looking great.

what the fuck is with all of this shilling

fuck off


>p-please put money into my bank account i need to feed my wife's son

ITT people who have never had a DS

So soft fabric and water? Ok user.

Someone recommended me alcohol but it seemed weird.

Gotta save that resale value for when the New Switch XL comes out.

When I first got my N3DSXL I refused to play games that used the touch screen for a bit. Then after a while I was just like eh fuck it and played some SEVERED.

That scratch on my screen is staying there as a reminder, not to ever do such stupid bullshit again.

This. Everything else is wrong.

are you seriously saying couches don't get dirty?

I masturbate onto the screen and rub it with a lint-free cloth which creates a protective film. I do this for every screen in the house and also my neighbors' when they're not in town.

I use them with my smartphone because the build quality is typically intentionally shit, but Nintendo products tend to last longer. Honestly if you just use a case, clean it regularly, and don't go into shitty situations with it you should be fine.

t. I lost my stylus and used a toothpick

Some of us have jobs.

A stylus still scratches.

I have a carrying case for my Vita, along with metal cartridge holders for all of my physical vita cartridges along with a power bank for +5 hours of gaming and spare screen protectors. I use various screen cleaners that came with Vita LEs as well.
Everything else collects dust

>puting it in your pocket
>not in a case or bag

No wonder its all scratch up

>fucking gorilla no less

You don't need to be pressing that hard.

thicker is the right word.
elegancy is ruined

For glass/screen use a micro fiber towel and alcohol or Windex.

Why are you posting a picture of a door
what does this mean

why don't they just make the screens out of the screen protectors. submit post

you are trolling right?

Use 100% isopropyl alcohol and a mcirofiber towel.

Either you're an autist or you think dust doesn't scratch

>hori now shills on Sup Forums
this place is such a fucking shithole

wrapped in plastic black waste bag - they dont

what kind of mutant dust do you have in your house

don't worry, he's a hardcore adult that doesn't put ketchup on his hotdogs because that'll show he's more mature

>ctfl + f
>1 of 1

There's no such thing as Hori™ Sup Forums Marketeer Team. You can see for yourself at the Official Hori™ webpage.

i buy scratched shit for cheep. if i need it
(bought xbone for about 100$ and wii u with wii controllers for about 110$)

i'am a cheapass idort now

what's wrong with hori, sorry did i miss a huge meme contest like tortanic and konami pachislots


I didn't even know there were that many physical vita games.


what is your dust made of glass?

look huawei user
born mobile?

Ayyyy scratched bro.

It may look like shit but who cares, you're not gonna be looking at the console anyway. I got a PS4 + Bloodborne + Uncharted Collection for $150 just because the Piano Black portion of it was a bit peeled off and scratched. Best purchase of my life.

Does the Switch even need a protector? It has a capacitive glass touchscreen like smartphones do nowadays

most of them are the same game

still dont care. i dont own cheap things like consoles and handhelds for 10+ years and use the erryday arry

>buy $500 dollar phone
>refuse to invest $20 dollars to protect it

>buy $500 phone
>refuse to treat it well, instead invest in a shitty piece of plastic for you to shit all over.

but i do

glass screen protector/no case master race

which one do I get?? thinking the Nintendo licensed hard shell Hori one? it's like 18 bucks

>buy $500 dollar phone
>treat it nicely and stick with it for almost a decade


>buy $500 dollar phone
>drop it and crack its screen a few months later
>end up buying a newer version a year later anyway

My African American

Always try the ZAGG products, they are a tad pricey but well worth it

Only use their glass screen protectors

fuck off zagg marketer