Post and rate them boys.
Post and rate them boys
wow, Sup Forums really doesn't play games.
Why play games when you can post how bad they are on an anonymous image board?
TE2 is easily the best stick I've used.
I had the Ultimax one preordered, but once they got delayed I had to swap my order to the Xrd one because I was getting stick of playing Xrd on pad.
Also, I only have the extended version of this, can't be bothered to make another.
The Secret World any good?
Gameplay is only okay, to be 100% honest. It's the quests, and exploration where the game really shines. If you don't just follow an online guide, it's a wild ride and googling shit you never thought you'd be reading about.
Never bought any of the DLC, though. One of these days I may reinstall and try them. If you wanna play it, definitely get it on sale.
I've heard that TSW has some good worldbuilding and atmosphere. Or at least that's what Ross Scott said.
>Kirby Air Ride
Good choices.
I always thought it seemed like a cool looking game, but is it worth the $30? Or is it something I should just get on sale?
Fuck I'm a retard I didn't see that last part of your comment
>A fan mod is considered a game
Surprisingly hard to pick out some favorite vidya characters. Just not what I play games for I guess.
Sorry Edmund, it's my favorite iteration of Isaac. Just pretend it's Rebirth if it tickles your autism that much
Oh well, better get to porting the orignal isaac onto ps4 with the orignal soundtrack removed :^)
>sonic cd soundtrack
My absolute fucking nigger
probably looks like shit but whatever
>sonic r
>favorite soundtrack
best be taking the piss user.
im sorry my favorite soundtrack isnt the same as yours
>tfw Bayonetta won't ever choke you with her hair
Fuck that format, I'll just post it like this.
Ah yes, Who could forget games like Effect, Gaiden, Final Fan and Terrari.
Fun: Hyrule Warriors, Kingdom Hearts 2
Story: Sam and Max: Freelance Police
Atmosphere: Namco Museum
Controller: Dualshock 2, Gamecube Controller
Perfect Game: Super Smash Bros. (all of them)
Male: Bentley
Female: Laverne
Soundtrack: Frequency, Guitar Hero 2
First Game: Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 2 or PlayStation Interactive Sampler Vol. 7
>360 controller
Aside from the shitty Dpad, its been the best one I've ever used.
Gamecube would be a runner up but only one set of trigger bumpers and cant be used on the PC.
My black brother, I don't get why we don't get controllers with that kind of layout anymore, I need to buy a fucking arcade stick to get something like that of quality.
that's some good fucking taste right here
>Likes PSO for "Fun" and not for its atmosphere or aesthetic.
How? The gameplay is clunky.
what is even the point of this? you guys want validation for your identity on an anonymous website?
I just have nothing to do and filling one out is fun
i've been playing it since it's DC release in the US. it has it's shortcomings, but i do still have fun while i play it. i'm not sure how you'd find it clunky. the combat is fine for what it is and the menu system is decent enough to navigate even during a boss fight
What's the point of posting at all?
In case "visual novels are not games" you could really replace S;G with either FFIX or MGS
good taste user
Can't rebuke the duke
5/6 didn't like Mass effect
What is the "for fun" game? I like your other choices.
Dodonpachi dai-ou-jou
Not him but Vita isn't a bad console it just has literally no support.
>360 controller
Would be pretty high on my list without that atrocious D-pad. It's terrible.
Confession time. I haven't played Okami yet.
I LOVE Strange Journey. Wouldn't rate its OST too high though. Maybe I should give it a listen after a long while.
I'm sorry I was left out from The Secret World. That seemed really nice. I would have liked it, I'm sure.
GC controller? Really?
That 360 controller again... I have no mouth is such a great thing. I can agree with that though.
Haven't played Rocket League or listened any of its OST. Any track you especially like?
Shenmue has this really extraordinary atmosphere. I definitely sign that too. There isn't too many games like that.
>Chrono Trigger
Oh, yeah! Why near perfect though? It's one of the few perfect games I can honestly name.
>N64 controller
Ha! No. Really?
That's definitely a perfect game! What's wrong with you?
Strangely enough, I've always liked MM3 OST more. MM2 sure is iconic though.
>Dark Souls
Such a great game! Just picked up a few weeks ago for the first time. Sure have seen and heard things about it, but I'm glad I haven't totally spoiled myself. Definitely one of the best games I know!
>FFVI for the atmosphere
That's a really solid pick as well.
That's a perfect game for me.
>Shadow of the Colossus
As mentioned before, just recently picked up Dark Souls. It's nice how it kind of has the same atmosphere as SotC.
My main user! That GC controller though. Well, I can look past it since you seem to be okay otherwise. Love La Mulana.
That's a really solid list. Except for that 360 controller. Love your favorite music.
Thanks mate, I'm the last post you replied to, yeah the 360 is not the be all end all, but it's more or less the only one I've used for the last couple of year. Care to recommend a better one?
We could be friends
my man
To be honest, I've used it on PC until I got XB1 controller. I've got no real issues against it, except for that terrible D-pad and just because I like to play games which pretty much requires "classic" D-pad. That's why I had to keep switching in between PS2 and 360 controller a lot.
Thanks for the reply, I've been thinking about getting into more emulation as soon as I upgrade my pc, so I've never really ran into that issue before.
>Morrowind for Atmosphere
>Adam Jensen
>Persona 4
Pretty great
>Sonic Adventure 2 as near perfect
But user....Only one third of that game is good
Oi, I still think it's near perfect, even with my nostalgia goggles torn off by Sup Forums.
I know the game has a bunch of problems and can admit that. I still enjoy it though.
>DualShock 2
I love it!
>Oh, yeah! Why near perfect though? It's one of the few perfect games I can honestly name.
I'm not a big fan of the prehistoric segment tbqh, I feel like the map outside of the town was a bit bland and the boss wasn't that interesting for me.
Yeah, a fair opinion alright. I'm not a huge fan of that part either, but I like Ayla as much as the person next to me and isn't it exciting to learn how the arrival of Lavos made dinosaurs face extinction? That was probably the best part of the era imo.
Off the top of my head, this is what I came up with.
>inb4 des is not for fun
>K-On! Houkago Live!!
My fucking nigga
fav controller only covers the shit that's NOT a mouse&keyboard setup
I agree with almost all your picks.
I couldn't decided between NieR, CC and Katamari's OST. Good taste in music.
My nigga
Amazing pick
Cheria is fucking annoying, I'm glad you didn't pick her.
I beat that Tarzan game around 20 times when I was a kid.
play clannad
a bit debatable but all around solid ass taste
good taste mate
god tier motherfucking taste we should play vidya sometime
Whats that for fun game?
Mushihimesama, a CAVE bullet hell shooter