Post her feet and i will think about buying it

Because I have to take my wife's son to chess practice


But I am.

Because theyre all mediocre
Great music though
Mighty Switch Force has better music though.

I already did. Was fun.

What bloodborne edition is that?

Because the original is on my backlog and I want to play them in order.

that is a big fucking monitor

I just stole all of them. which should I play?

The Pirate's Curse

>dress her in slutty outfits in official art
>creator says she's underage

yo game is boring, short, and easy

Um that's clearly Risky's Revenge???

even better

all the stretchgoal dlc that i want isnt even in the game yet.

So, what's the deal with PureRuby? She's got videos where she's talking, but she has muted her voice and uses subtitles instead.

Is that a thing?

Yes, and?

I already beat it.

Pirates Curse was better.

Too busy fapping to the mermaid

If I buy the physical version do I get all the future DLC with it?

Hey Bocci Ball.

because its not good



Hello user. Whats up?

But I did a few days ago!
Her gbc game that is, was quite boring

Oh come on. No one has ever said the DOA Volleyball games are good.

>only two pics of her

Fuck this dead fetish

Catherine is easily one of the best games of last gens and the girls in the game are all garbage.

That was updated.

i wonder what her breath smells like, haha

But user, they are great Volleyball and gambling simulators. Sure, the tits and ass are FAR more important, but if you look at the less important stuff, you'd find that the mechanics are pretty good. Maybe not amazing or 10/10, but they do what they claim t odo.

I am, and for the first time too. It's pretty cute

Hey fuck you Odin Sphere was great.

fuck off, Jin Saotome.

Only people under the age of 10 and those without ambitions outside of playing vidya for adsense have time for adventure games, prove me wrong

Please prove me wrong, I really wanna get back into these

Did they fix the flickering on PC? I was really enjoying the game but I stopped playing after every fucking character was flickering like mad.

I fail to see the problem

Wow, that looks like game boy color graphics.

>Short games that are sweet and to the point
>Somehow for people that have free time and nothing to do
Did you get your genres mixed?

There actually is a Game Boy Color dungeon you can play through that uses the exact same sprites. That might be it, I can't tell.

>The Witcher
>Skull girls
>Fire Emblem

Nice b8 1/10 made me reply

Yeah man I can't max out the graphics. Too intensive on my pc

This. Fucking sad people have 2D waifus, at least with physical ones you have a non-zero chance of banging them. And fuck moeshit/fanservice.

Because I don't play waifu-pandering trash.

Yup, thats definitely the hidden GBC dungeon.

3D waifus are for literal cucks

>Ragnarok Online

What the fying fuck please kill la kill thyself

Awakening is one of the worse ones in the series.
Fates has more waifushit but is a much better game.

dumb slutposter

It's a TV.

What's the other one?

>I can't tell.
lol Shantae's graphics are a joke

No, it definitely is, I can tell now.

Neat Easter Egg.

Catherine is a good game you fuck.

It's hard being an NPC

Well she isn't in 1/2 Genie Hero so presumably she got a break.

Or died.

I'm waiting to see how the other modes will play

Fuck off, Waifufags.

I want to kiss Shantae's tummy!

breath mints

>No Pokemon

Agree with most of the list but the Pirate's Curse is a decent metroidvania and Danganronpa is a decent Adventure game. And fuck you for putting RO in there.

You shilled it too much. Turned me off.

>60 posts

Just post the porn already

I pity those who do not know the joy of 2D

Nice abs, what's your cup size?

Just like the character?

Not as great as the other one in the series, but it's a half-backed Shantae game

They could have polished it a bit more, it's as if they were rushing it

The one with the drama-cd.


Because I'm too busy playing her better associate's better game.

You had me until the censorship defense.

>3D waifus

It's like living in a dumpster full of liquid shit and fantasizing about living in a dumpster full of less watery shit.

Your chances are still zero, at least dream about something worthwhile.

>Playing shitty generic platformers because boobs

You know that there's porn out there, right? And if you want non-porn, there's plenty of sexy ladies, both 2D and 3D, on the internet you can fap to.

No human alive on this planet has ever said Wakfu was good. The contrarian who replies to me soon to refute this is neither human nor truly alive.

I'm balls deep in some Dragon Quest, gotta finish that shit before the new Zelda gets here!

I'll buy her game when it goes on sale!

Don't forget

>-----a cute, A CUTE!

Because my backlog of games, movies, TV shows, manga, etc has hit unprecedented levels. I've been waiting since PS3 launch for "Last Guardian" and I haven't even bought that yet.

don't bully Shantae.


I played pirate's curse which is amazing

I then played half genie hero and it's not that amazing. It's ok.

>"Today I'm going to sit down and finish show/game/book/etc!"
>spend all day shitposting on Sup Forums instead

Playing Pirate's Curse right now. It's alright.

I want to FUCK Shantae's 16-year-old half-genie PUSSY!

Played it and beat it. It was ok. Just stop with the hints and finding items. Just make it so you beat levels or at least you're told exactly what to do and not hints.


>Same guy who thinks this is the REEE FUN AND COMFY ARENT TERMS REEE guy
not suprised


Pirate it or play a demo first then you buttmunching homo.


Do you fly into an autistic rage when someone recommends you food or a book saying "it's good" ?

fucking sad people don't know the glory of 2d waifus

if they are trying to tell me why I should like something, yes

Busy playing Kat and Raven's game.

lmfao of course

My penis became quite firm at this point in the game

>the witcher 3
>bad game

Holy shit I knew you guys are contrarian fags but not this desperate.

official witcher 3 review.

all non-quest related things you can find on the world are copy paste boring shit
no one will talk to you unless they are quest related and you have the quest that requires them
awful ui made for consoles and only 2 consumable slots, making alch spec a chore
no resource management, you just instantly get all your potions back for whats essentiallly free
enemys have 1, maybe 2, attack that they repeat over and over, making fights absolutely boring after an hour
level system only works to the games detriment, as youll quickly outlevel everything you have to do and it will all be easier than the game already is
coming across a SKULL WARNING SIGN monster should be exciting but it's not, because you know it fights exactly the same as all the others of its kind, only with more hp.
"cinematic" controls that ignore accuracy in favor of looking more natural
even death march is easy as fuck due to a lack of enemy attack variety and every ability you can spec into being way too strong
ciri sections are boring and unneeded and only serve to rob you of what could have been the one interesting boss fight in the game.
the final moments of the story seem rushed as fuck, from oh hi crones now we fight, to im eredin i have a secret, im dying my secret is this guy tricked us and i had no plan to deal with it, to oh actually geralt i didnt trick you
majority of loot is randomized and scales to your level. Nothing you find really excites you.
all enemies have an extremely short tether that you will cross unintentionally more often than not. At this point they ignore you and start walking back to the center of the area or hang around to get hit easily
witcher senses are only ever used when the quest requires it and is just hold right click to follow quest arrow. you cant actually track monsters or anything out in the world(and why would you need to? theyre all tethered to a small location and never move away)

6/10 game. Had potential, wasted it.