Gameplay is just purchased unity assets slapped together

>gameplay is just purchased unity assets slapped together
>claims game will only be finished in 2025

>receive 5k a month in donations
>+youtube ad revenue

how does one get so many people to fall for a scam?

Star Citizen too.

They are children. Literally.

Because he managed to turn the assets in to a game, if you're referring to yandere simulation? It's not the assets that are the problem with games, but the devs that do not manage to make a proper game out of them.

Yandere simulation might be a bit "early stage" , but it still plays like a proper game, unlike some of the dlsite 3d hack & slash games.

dumb weebs will swallow up anything if it resembles Japan.

The hype act as a drug.

It's just timing, i.e. luck.

>hack & slash games
Really? Can you post an example?

Fools parted with money, kids are biggest audience,2010's gave normalfags ironic love for moeshit, Future Diary and Higurashi was their only exposure to Yandere, etc.
No more threads until he released the game. Or quits.
If the free app game by the slav or the Kiwi's game gets better, let's talk about that instead.

>>receive 5k a month in donations
>>+youtube ad revenue


God, I don't even hate the guy or the game, I hate the Undertale-tier fanbase.

Its been in the early stages for 3 YEARS. And theres still no concrete direction, he wanted to take it to be a 3d beat em up.

answer is right here, OP.
little kids and trash meme games. It knows no bounds.


Falseflagging won't work either, Eva.

>>>receive 5k a month in donations
yeah that's slightly above initial starting wage for junior software developers, can't really say im jealous that he:

1. is locked on a single project for multiple years, committed, cannot back out or hand it off to anyone else
2. spending his time creating something where he has to uptake multiple roles beyond engineering, adding on project management and whatever else to ...
3. a project that is heavily unmarketable in the west and that's going to draw a lot of social ire and cause any professional to laugh at him for talking about the subject matter
4. for less money than the professional counterpart for every role he has to overtake (manager, developer, asset creation, marketing, social networking outreach)

i guess if you're a poor eurocuck $60k sounds like a lot to you when "$60k" salaries get reduced to 22k because you're paying for tah'mahhim mussad II's sex change surgery with your taxes, but even shitty small mom and pop businesses make 2x that quarterly. Any professional would need a little less than double of that as salary to even consider putting their face on the project.

RJ118890 for example is an terrible game. Luckily that circle has 2 of the newest games that are good. There was another one/2 games that also suck ass, but I can't remember

Is this his only project, or does he have a day job too??

Found the 2 other bad games. RJ152943 and RJ163164

Inb4 someone posts his STEM tier coding abilities.

I wonder how the original model creator feels.

if (color == "red"

Have you seen the guy's face? He's a kike, that's why.

Sonnynigger spotted

At my work, we treated the asset store as a way to get simple assets to get the point across for prototype/idea demos, until we get art resources later on.

I also like how he's so busy coding the game, but somehow finds the time to make long videos bitching about the kinds of Emails he gets and Twitch not liking his bad asset flip.

Its a shame because the concept of a game where you play a yandere with elements of the Hitman games really appeals to me, but this faggot is never going to release a half decent game.

>Sup Forums is siding with the SJWs now

Did he actually claim that the game would get finished? I thought he was just going to make minor updates until infinity.

Well it's not like it's a AAA game, and if he wants to spend more time coding stuff for game / making new events/routes to play the game, I think it might be good to not focus too much on the assets. If we compare yandere to modern games, it's kinda more advanced, almost comparable to some morrowind or those older PC games, since it's not "on-rails" shooter or cinema experience.

The guy has some nice ideas for the project, like the rivals, but his ego and refusal to get more help mean he's never going to finish it.

After I saw people throw away 1/5 of a billion at Star Citizen I just don't care anymore.

Reminder that some guy(s) from kiwifarms are doing their own "Yandere game" called "Love Me".
Another group is making a game called "Yandere School" on steam greenlight, go support them.

You make some fair points here. He's absolutely not making anywhere near anything impressive in income, but don't forget that when he goes to release the game, he'll get an extensive influx of money.

The weeb market is pretty strong on Steam, and I have no doubt that he could drop it on there for $20 and end up with 25k sales easily, and that's a lowball estimate. Granted, he seems to make some poor business choices, so he could end up as one of those people who refuses to sell the finished product for fear of looking like he's a sellout.

In that case, he'd be pretty stupid.

From what I understand, he quit his dayjob to do this full time.

This, weebs are retarded

What did he mean by this?

>Agreeing that a scam game created by an incompetent and possibly pedophile -dev based on a cringeworthy premise is shit = being an SJW

This entire post is perfect. You got it all right, I applaud.

Twitch finally gave him an answer. They're not going to even review his game to unban it until he finishes it.
He's gonna rush this game so hard.

go back to bed eva

>He's gonna rush this game so hard.
One can dream


>if he wants to spend more time coding stuff for game
He can't do that either


Can boobies heal depression?

Apparently, yes.

They took cues from Breeding Season

>claims game will only be finished in 2025
2019 actually


>If we compare yandere to modern games, it's kinda more advanced, almost comparable to some morrowind or those older PC games, since it's not "on-rails" shooter or cinema experience.
>This is what Eva actually believes

Children with autism. He's on the Notch road to success.

>those variable names
>without comments, no less

I remember when the dev would come here and have like 4 threads ever once in awhile. Now Sup Forums hate everything about this game. 3 years and the sands have shifted.

>mfw this is not even the worst of it

Fuck, meant to

>Notch road

His game is going to be popular over the world with kids and gross billions?

because kids think 'XD le yandere lololol senpai notice me' is funny

I can bet you a shitty humblebundle game that he can't name what these variables do within even an hour.

>banned from twitch
lmao I'm starting to think Sup Forums was the one who reported him.

Is there anything wrong with the code other than the variable names and no comments?

What the fuck is he supposed to be doing here? He just take the position of something, copies it 3 times and then makes the position equal to the second copy.
Its madness.

This is gold. Pure kino

But this is what is wrong. It is not maintainable.

He is kinda right

Thats not even close to what is wrong with it. Shitty variable names and no comments is one thing but that code doesn't even actually do anything.

>dev exploiting weebs
couldn't care less

The shitty names without comments is bad enough, but if you actually look into it, that block of code literally doesn't do anything. It's all variable assignment, no operations whatsoever.

He's not. Star Citizen ALREADY has the best space sim combat in vidya ever and it's not slapped together from pre-made assets.

I know how to code in Java, what do I need to get in on this cash grab? There's no legal repercussions right?

Upon closer inspection it actually appears to be that he is setting this.transform.position.y = 0 if its less than 0 but he does it with like 10 variables when he didn't even need to make 1.

No, because Notch was friendly.

Do they have any merit?

>Notch was friendly.
Have you seen his twitter?

I'm somewhat convinced this is deliberately made to troll people.

The giant if-else chains for colors, I can see a complete amateur doing that - it follows naturally from beginning programming ideas.

But this is just silly and nonsensical in too many ways.

Like he tried to do the simple thing, got a compile error, added a thing to make it build, but then had to change it because it still didn't work. Then repeated a couple of times and there we have it.

Seems to set transform.position.y to 0 if it's less than 0.

So he only needs that last line to equal 0? Everything else is garbage?

If this is the kind of stuff he tried to show off to Mike Z, then it all makes sense now.

I don't understand this one. Before I played (and loved) and sought out fan created content for Undertale, I literally saw nothing from them except an animation or two on YouTube. And even now, all I've seen is some quality fanart and good music. I've seen no examples of Undertale fanboys being massive twats like you have for Sonic, Furries, MLP, etc. I know every community has an autistic side, but is Undertale's really that prominent?

A fool and his money are soon parted.

People hated eva during the livestreamer era for good reasons.

Thus they dislike a project of his once they found out it was him.


a good plan and realisitic scope.

Speaking of bad code, I've been enrolled into a project for the next three months as an university assignment. Part of it involves fixing code in a game's existing code base, and I found a passing like this (rewritten since I already fixed said code).

They were asking the Unity engine to look for the "Player" object in a script that is attached to said player object, only to store it into a private attribute ONLY to set said object's transform position when the object is instantiated. All that when they could just have written "this.transform.position = new Vector3 (x,y,z)", where even "this." isn't required as it's implicit.

That's the worst part, is that it's just a giant cascade of "what the fuck even is this?"

The worst thing I did as a junior programmer was hit a compile error the day of a deadline, and then add a random "if true != false" in desperation, which somehow got it to work. It wasn't even discovered for like 8 years.

Except he doesnt really have to actually work.

This guy has it almost right: . First, the code is redundant, and not in the "building a robust system" way: let's break down what it actually does:

1. if this.transform.position.y < 0.0,
2. create a new integer (num8) that is equal to 0;
3. create a new integer (num9) that is equal to num8;
4. create a new vector (vector350) that is equal to this.transform.position;
5. create a new vector (vector 351) that is equal to vector 350;
6. create a new float (single63) equal to num9 as a float;
7. create a new float (single64) equal to single63.
8. assign the y value of vector351 to single63.
9. create a new vector (vector352) equal to vector351;
10. create a new vector (vector353) equal to vector 352;
11. set this.transform.position to vector352;

Note that 2 and 3 are redundant, as are 4 and 5, 9 and 10, and 6 and 7, as they just pass the value around:

1. if this.transform.position.y < 0.0,
2. create a new integer (num8) that is equal to 0;
4. create a new vector (vector350) that is equal to this.transform.position;
6. create a new float (single63) equal to num8 as a float;
8. assign the y value of vector350 to single63.
9. create a new vector (vector352) equal to vector350;
11. set this.transform.position to vector352;

Note that line 6 could easily be done by just assigning it as 0.0, allowing us to remove line 2:

1. if this.transform.position.y < 0.0,
4. create a new vector (vector350) that is equal to this.transform.position;
6. create a new float (single63) equal to 0.0;
8. assign the y value of vector350 to single63.
9. create a new vector (vector352) equal to vector350;
11. set this.transform.position to vector352;

He takes this.transform.position (line 4) and assigns 0.0 as its y value (line 6, 8), gives it a new variable name (line 9), and saves it (line 11). This can also be accomplished as follows:

1. if this.transform.position.y < 0.0,
this.transform.position.y = 0.0;

the ability to plan

Use Unity/C# because it will be easier.

JavaFX or LWJGL if you really want to stick with java.

>anons actually recommending tumblr games and cheap Russian mod bs
you guys must really hate his guy

It's not as clear cut for passion projects. There can be great self discovery and fun in bringing a game to fruition, from start to finish, doing all the parts of it.

It can be worth diminished but still comfortably livable wages. Depends on where you live and what you like to do.

In the case of eva, he very likely wasn't making more than minimum wage - if anything - before this project.

if thats the case then why is it declaring a shit ton of new variables

appeal to their fetishes

YOU people are the reason he took off the way he did. it all started here and you fed his ego over and over.

Not him, but I broke it down here: The gist of it is: he doesn't know how to code.

Kind of. It looks like hes making it so something doesn't go through a floor because he doesn't want somethings y position to be less than zero so all he would need to write would be

if (this.transform.position.y < 0)
this.transform.position.y = 0;

But hes doing it in the dumbest way possible. Its makes it very clear that he has absolutely no idea what he's doing.

Has Eva ever said anything about possible Design document?

I learn more about game design in these threads than in /agdg/

thats because /agdg/ is amateur games with dickgirls

I guess when shitting on something, there's a small chance for intelligent discussion to occur.
This is helping me a lot with learning on programming and what not to do.

That's what I thought. Now I just need a cool meme idea to make a video game out of and get rich

It's disassembled from IL. That's why the variable names are stupid, and why there seems to be so many unnecessary variables (these are automatic variables that are created due to the object immutability).

Evaxephon is a tremendous crybaby douche. I don't hate him but his attitude is terrible.

>this.transform.position.y = 0.0;
WRONG. You can't do that user.

don't see why not, but okay

Care to explain why?

pewdiepie advertising

Good for you, Eva. Good for you..