How do we fix the horror genre?
How do we fix the horror genre?
Other urls found in this thread:
Resurrect Team silent
PT a shit tho
We make this fucking thread another 500 times, I guess.
PT wasn't even a canon demo tied to the larger Silent Hills project.
If anything, shallow horror games with no effort made into making things interesting to play should be called shit.
then what do you want to do? post vidya comics and circle jerk about 2b?
>PT a shit tho
PT is one of the greatest things to happen in vidya tho, and it was kind of accidental. Most of it was just a teaser for SHs rendering power, the spooky house content was just Kojima testing new waters and had apparently nothing to do with the actual SHs.
the "how do we fix _____" are just as retarded as any other of those threads. Just as bad as "what games can i (insert shitpost here)"
How about actually making a thread about something specific, instead of making the broadest, low-effort question you can think of
>PT wasn't even a canon demo tied to the larger Silent Hills project.
l know babe l just dont want anyone touching the SH IP besides Team Silent.
Maybe l worded that wrong but l honestly think that PT was an overly polished haunted house simulator.
By making it less shit. This isn't a hard question to answer.
Get rid of jumpscares
Start questioning the players motivations, sanity, and beliefs
True horror is questioning and challenging your own morals against the odds.
Don't get rid of weapons, but limit ammunition and make enemies meaningful.
By getting a VR headset and then playing RE7.
Fuck off reddit.
Horror is garbage.
There wasn't even a Team Silent with SH2.
2b's ass is a gift to mankind.
Fucking faggot.
By putting it into VR
Don't make it a walking sim.
Whoa haha that image gave me a SPOOK! Haha good one!
>Disliking walking sims
>not liking masterpieces like PT and Gone Home
You're on the wrong website, this isn't reddit.
>Gone Home
Post disregarded.
Looks like the story was a bit too deep for you to comprehend then.
what a spooky argument
>a lesbian comes home to find an empty house
Wow, fucking riveting.
>"ZONG! You're gay! The End!"
The horror genre can't really be fixed. You can only really make a few types of horror games.
There were a lot of nuances that the mainstream media and this shithole missed that makes the game fantastic. When you dig deeper there is a Lovecraftian, existential horror lurking below the innocent looking surface.
It's a this thread is happening because RE7 was a hit thready. DENYDENYDENYDENY
I got what you meant, just wanted to point out PT just kind of happened by itself without proper thought from Del Taco/Kojima, just pure luck. Personally I think that's what makes it great, was a shit design with 0 fucks given from the devs that for whatever reason happened to start a 'new' horror branch in vidya. Perhaps thats why SHs got cancelled.
>be Konami
>have hack Kojima on board
>hey guise Kojima has this awesome idea, A.
>but this chink wants to release this teaser called B that its completely different from A because Kojima
>fine, release B
>goes viral
>everyone expects A to be same as B
>clearly its not
>Kojima, could you please change A to B 2.0? otherwise this wont work
>kick kojima and his jews
>Find out you're gay.
That's the entire game.
How about make better threads that aren't all lazy rehashes of the same vague bad and obvious attempts at trolling based on recent releases and trends in gaming. That is if Sup Forums is remotely up to such an austere challenge.
kill all let's players and you'll kill all the LPbait with them
Where people make better less rehashed threads?
I don't give a shit what lore is in the game, it clearly had the budget of a minimum wage year's worth of pay. No chance in hell I can ever be made to give a shit when it looks like a cartoon with stock assets and lack of proper set dressing.
>Play the game knowing nothing about it
>Expected some sort of horror to jump out
>Nothing ever happens, glad I pirated it at this point
>Go online to find out it's just about some dyke
I wasn't even glad that I pirated it. It was such horrible shit.
I cant believe how fucking accurate this is.
Honestly most OPs can be summed up as fling random shitpost bait into the void and tie it to a recently released video game so it doesn't get immediately deleted on sight and see what happens. Usually this just means idiots repost the same bland shitposts from the prior thread though because they literally have nothing else new to contribute when the same threads get made sometimes twice a day
Make a game where OP isn't a faggot.
This game looks promising. I hope it doesn't stay exclusively VR.
Apparently "non-vr" is coming out within a few months of Vive release, which is supposed to be this summer
RE7 already did that, we can only hope that companies keep doing shit like that
by derailing this thread by posting some fucked up shit that happened in the real world
>put in less jumpscares, more pressured fear (Amnesia thing chasing you)
>limit weapons/make them useless (re7 does this nicely but it becomes comedic)
>Have a good setting, try to make it real
>write good
Did you guys like SOMA? I'm finding it hard to bring myself to complete the last few levels since it was so spoop.
I think the best horror is surreal/absurd horror such as the Amnesia/SOMA, and influence from this type is evident in games like Bloodborne.
Maybe Konami will try to make a Silent Hill to combat RE7.
They should stop listening to idiots who don't play or even like horror games for one.
What's the story behind this picture?
SOMA was started to get predictable gameplay-wise with the story overtaking everything. It gets boring, to put it simple.
My ideal horror game would be something like power drill massacre but give the player a limited chance to fight back.
Basically a group of killer/monster would search for the player and when they detect the main character they would proceed to hide and ambush the player when they walk by making the game a mutual stealth game with the player constantly listening to the for footsteps.
Soft footsteps means their planning to ambush you and normal means their searching.
The player would have limited means of fighting back in order to add extra tension.For example they would be given a revolver with 6
shots and no reloads and 9 enemies running around.If the player successfully kills an enemy they feel bad because they actually just made the game harder.
That is a very fair criticism. I haven't fully completed it yet but I can certainly see how it lacks a certain depth to gameplay.
That said, I thought the story, and how it was delivered was topnotch.
Lovecraftian is a new buzzword isn't it?
Here is one thing that needs to be cleared up abut horror games. Combat isn't a bad thing, it's honestly a preferred thing. You can still feel/be powerless even with a weapon. That can make a game scarier.
Honestly, I think the lack of combat is one of the major reasons why horror has declined in this industry.
>Silent Hill VR
>running through the alley
>elementary school
Fuck that shit.
We turn it into a terror genre.
Video gaming really is dead then.
that reminds me, I need to replay the first game in that first person perspective
Pick one
one of the things that makes horror games scary is that the player subconsciously buys into the idea of being terrified of dying and not wanting to see the death animation/game over screen. When your game is either too actiony or the player is totally defenseless, the player is over-exposed to dying and it becomes normal to expect to die rather than having just the right amount of offensive resources to keep the player in a very long limbo of just managing to survive.
In many modern horror games, the most common solution to being caught is to just let yourself be killed to get it over with and reload, which also highlights that the introduction of autosaves and modern generous checkpoints has also ruined the genre.
I think Alien Isolation does a pretty good job of countering both those modern problems, and while I know some people really dislike it, I thought it was very effective in regards to the right level of survivability and manual saves being a motivator to desperately want to survive.
Only if the volume wasn't fucking ear rape levels. I get that's what it was going for, but even watching somebody else do a playthrough of the other ending was enough to give me a headache.
>You can still feel/be powerless even with a weapon.
enemy zero proved this 20 years ago
this shit is like RE4 but permanently zoomed in
Your ideal horror game is shit
>How do we fix the horror genre?
the genre has been waiting for the return of dinos
By giving it back to the Nips. You can count the number of good western horror games on one hand.
The genre is called "horror" and not "startle" for a reason. A good comedian doesn't have to run up to the audience and tickle them to get laughs.
>he still believes in the potential for Sup Forums to improve
user, give up now. Give up right now and save yourself a year of torment before you decide on your own terms to give up anyway.
what's even become of the dudes from Team Silent?
have they all just disappeared off the face of the earth? just deep in those Konami pachinko mines where nobody can find them?
>Get rid of jumpscares
Nah, just make them far less frequent. They shouldn't be depended upon.
There'd no way to feel true horror through videogames if not for the existence of jumpscares, prove me wrong.
Notice that I said, "existence of", not imply that the fact that a jumpscare is happening is that scares you, the anticipation or paranoia of one happening is the scary part.
>Modern horror game.
>Shows you the enemy in a cutscene or far away before you face them.
>Ruin the surprise immediately.
Just have the nigga run into you ingame, I'm tired of that shit, it doesn't build suspense.
the director of the first game went on to make the forbidden siren series and gravity rush
ito (monster designer) recently worked on a mobile spiritual successor to the cloktower franchise
I think they make mobile games now... I'm not entirely sure, but I know they're still around.
oh really, how about this which is the exact opposite of jumpscares?
Silent Hill enemies aren't scary, never were. What is scary in these games are the silent (hyuck hyuck) moments in the game before something spoopy happens like that dude crawling down from the car in the beginning of SH2 or the cat in SH1 or the doll thing in SH3.
I'm still peeved I got spoiled to this in VTMB. Luckily the only spoiler I ever encountered.
>some guy says Gone Home is lovecraftian masterpiece
>people here actually give him replies and take him seriously
This is why Sup Forums will always be shit. You wouldn't recognize bait if it was dangling in your face.
>Get rid of jumpscares
Hey now, jump scares have potential if used properly.
They shouldn't be used as cheap, thoughtless trick to artificially induce an intense instance of fear. They should tone down the intensity they usually have so a jump scare is not outright in your face, but still jarring, and use it during moments where a player is most vulnerable. Again, I emphasize toning them down so that the player on average will still be able to think straight right afterwards, letting them react intelligently even though they're slightly disoriented, as well as not annoying the portion of players with an immunity to jump starfish material. It should overall be a highly bizarre instance that completes the tension rather than a sudden mutilation of the senses.
you must have something wrong with you because the jumpscare moments in SH games are the least scary parts
Tumblr and Reddit invade this place. You can never be too careful.
feels like it's already giving away too much with this trailer.
What the fuck? Did we play the same coming out of the closet sim?
I never said the jumpscares were the scariest part, I said that the moments BEFORE the jumpscares are, because they build up tension, and the anticipation of them is what puts you on edge.
I mean jumpscares themselves are kind of lame most of the time, SH1's cat is a fucking cat, but what gets you is the fact that the game build up so much tension to that point that even that scares you.
A cat jumping out of a box in Street Fighter or a Mario game wouldn't scare me, but in SH it does, because the game does a perfect job at building up to the scare itself.
Why are you blaming Outlast?
Frictional are the ones that did the same shitty stealth game 4 times in a row and they were praised for it. Everyone said "Look to Frictional if you want to know how to do horror right." and so they did.
The jumpscare was built up to nothing, compared to all the times when the build up led to something awful (first boss battle) or shit had NO build up at all and the dissonance jars the fuck out of you (PH knocking you off the roof in SH2).
Everyone that says "no jumpscares" has no idea how to do horror, because sudden events are perfectly fine, but must be used wisely. Another "gamers who have no idea how to make a game want to throw the baby with the bath water" moment.
Hey senpai how about the bigger issue of outlast
>mobile spiritual successor to the cloktower franchise
You have my attention. Name?
honestly horror should be about exploration and scavenging. Psychological factor also plays the major part on you fear level. Visuals and music are most important here. I get that a game shouldnt be just walking simulator but I just loathe these fucking hide and seek games.
>every notable action interacting with environment like pulling certain type of switches and powering up generators have their own button combinations and animation
>there's also hacking minigames where you have to select right pieces in time, and pulling the device out form your pocket / stopping hacking both have relatively long animations
>save stations also work so that you punch a card in and wait a few seconds for the machine to read it
>after activating a computer it takes some time to boot and time doesn't stop while you're clicking through menus and reading text logs
>elevators and trams aren't instant either, and you have to wait a while after calling them
>you have to do these when you have an enemy actively searching for you at the same time
I liked this about Alien: Isolation. Locking the character in place means you have to time these actions right or use sound distractions and you feel pretty damn stressed while punching in those codes.
Why does Sup Forums hate Outlast again?
It's called NightCry and it's fucking awful.
Do not play it.
Heh, it's funny because it's true.
Night Cry, it wasn't received particularly well
The shining was fucking amazing fuck you