The nintendo switch is probably the biggest generational leap in gaming history

The nintendo switch is probably the biggest generational leap in gaming history

We went from the ds - (mega drive tier graphics)

To the 3ds - (ps1 tier graphics)

To the nintendo switch - (wii u tier graphics)

Yet i still see people complaining about its graphical capabilities

Is it a meme i dont understand, or are people really disapointed a handheld isnt as powerful as a ps4 pro?

>tried to have a civil discussion about a pretty interesting topic on Sup Forums
>0 replies
>if i posted the opposite i would hit thread limit in an hour

Most people play their vidya at home. The dock should be more powerful

the dock is just a charging station, its a handheld

more people own a 3ds then a ps4
even more people own a phone then a ps4
no one bought an xbox

Because the 3DS was one of the smallest generational leaps and on top of that had 3D weighing it down.

Being able to do 720p on a portable isn't amazing. There's been a 540p dedicated portable game console on the market for six years now, and phones were beating that when it came out anyway.

"Better than 3DS hardware" is like beating a retarded cripple.

PSP had higher resolution than the 3DS. NIntendo hardware is just pathetic.

>3ds is Ps1 tier graphics
I would have said maybe early PS2 or Gamecube tier.
Still a decent leap.

I know OP is just fucking around but just to steer the conversation in the right direction here:

DS - N64
3DS - Gamecube
Switch - Wii U

Nothing astonishing.

It's a handheld, don't expect it to pack a ps4 into it's half inch deep shell.

>it's a console when it fits my argument, a handheld when it fits the other

>ignoring the psp and vita
Nintendo handhelds since the GBA were bottom of the barrel.

>the console is weak for what it's priced at
>"it's a fucking HANDHELD"
>games cost $60
>"It's a fucking CONSOLE"
>Zelda at 900p with unstable framerate
>"it's a fucking HANDHELD"

Not quite. If we were to be accurate I'd argue:

A little more powerful than the N64

A little Less powerful than a Gamecube

More powerful than a Wii U

To me that's impressive, it's going to be the most powerful handheld to date and the best part is it doubles up as a console, complete with hub that boosts it's power to max.

the worst of both worlds. brilliant.

>the best part is it doubles up as a console

What makes it a console? Having HDMI out?

It plugs into the hub, connects to your TV and you use a controller to play. Sounds like console mode to me.

Considering how slowly battery tech is progressing the Switch really is as powerful as a dedicated gaming handheld is going to be at this point.

Put more power in it and it's going to need more energy, which means more heat, active cooling, more energy. At some point you might as well just lug around a PS3 with a set of power banks.

The framerate is stable for console though. You are overestimating how well console games run these days.

3ds can not come close to gamecube graphics

nearly every texture if you hack and uwrap is a 64x64 texture or less with a less then 3000 polys in view at a time

its slightly better then an n64

the dock has no power
a hdmi out does not make it a console or my amazon fire tv stick would be a console

ive played botw and it plays great, i dicked around with bombs and fire and never saw noticable dips on the switch

Actually you're wrong. The dock unlocks the consoles power and makes it run at 100%, without it the system is at 75%. So it's a little more involved than just plugging a cable into it and playing it on the TV.

>where i live mario kart 8 cost me £43 to preorder
>when i bought it on wii u it cost me £40 to preorder
wew nintendo such price increase pls stahp

no, battery conservation stops being an issue so it just takes itself out of power mode when docked

stop spreading misinformation

>manipulating facts like this.
new PR teams are underaged faggots

but those graphic levels were abailable a few years ago with the Shield

i not a NO ONE

where can i preorder battlefield 1 for that thing?

>The dock unlocks the consoles power

This sounds like bullshit marketspeak. Yes, when plugged in it will run at a slightly higher clockspeed, but that's hardly as grand as you make it sound.

It runs at full power when docked, thus meaning the dock isn't "powerless" as that dipshit claimed. Simple as.

The dock is powerless in the sense that it does not have any processing power of its own. It's just a power brick.

Laptops also do the exact same thing when you plug them in, it's just battery saving mode being turned on/off.

Your charge cable for your phone/laptop/tablet/whatever does the same thing, it just comes out of power saving mode because it's plugged in.

Well, in terms of portables, it is indeed the biggest leap.

And for the Switch it assures proper circulation. Can't have the thing melt because you left it on thick carpet while playing Zelda on your tv.