>If a Nintendo consoles sells well, it'll get 3rd party support.
If a Nintendo consoles sells well, it'll get 3rd party support
really fires my neurons
Wii did get third party support though
Don't activate my almonds over nothing
I think he means worthwhile third party
Tell me one multiplat that got on Wii, 360 and PS3.
but none of the multiplats were worthwhile in that gen
It got fucking downgraded CoD's and exclusives,so yes it's true you memester
Call of Duty 3,4,MW3,Black Ops
Rayman Origins?
They were exclusive because it would cost 10x the amount of money to put them out on other platforms in HD. That and there were some games that just wouldn't work on them like Sin and Punishment. Well they could have used the move but S&P practically had their target market on the Wii already, and barely anyone owned a move.
more like TURD POTTY support
Guitar Hero
Wii had tons of 3d party shovelware
they all did
Other way around: if it gets 3rd party support, it'll sell well.
>Tell me one multiplat that got on Wii, 360 and PS3.
several Assassin's Creed
Watch Dogs
several Call of Duty
several Just Dance
>but all those games are shit!
Yeah, welcome to multiplatform games.
>if it gets 3rd party support, it'll sell well.
no lmao
>muh Wii
>muh Wii
Remember all those great Wii gems and how even your grandmother who was still alive owned a Wii for tennis? Or that hot co-worker who owned a Wii Fit Edition?
Yeah, great times for video games.
>Remember all those great Wii gems
Wii had shitton of third party support, just not much of AAA support.
why is it always a buttmad sonyshits always posting shit like this, you never see this with anyone else.