Why aren't you playing Natural Selection 2? Don't you like the boypussy?

Why aren't you playing Natural Selection 2? Don't you like the boypussy?

>how do you do, fellow posters?

fuck off Hugh

Did this get an update recently? why would you shill something so old. I don't understand.

literally shill thread

Currently playing on a server with 40+ people in one match

is it the entire player base

It's a poor sequel to the first game.



What's in the next Subnautica update?

They added an alien comm tutorial and they tinkered with health and biomass

No. The gunplay, the netcode and the overall mechanics of the game are far worse than the first. Then they added a bunch of useless gimmicks, like replacing bhopping with walljumping (???), alien commander, AI units that serve no good purpose, ruined fade blink and many other shitty design decisions. To this day, it also still runs like shit.

Skulks can still bhop, you can combine walljumping with it to go faster. There are no ai units so long as servers have players. Game runs great if you pc is decent

Fun. They've finally cracked the code!

Except that the devs are giant liberal fuckwits who are afraid of guns so the one thing we absolutely cannot have to defend ourselves from an ocean filled with horrific monsters is anything more deadly than a 3-inch bootknife.

Is this the same guy in every thread?

Is Sup Forums really composed of the same 20 people?

I really wanted NS2 to do well, but UW doesn't have a clear direction of how the game should evolve from NS1. The balance feels all over the place every time there is a new patch and Aliens remain underpowered. Doing a new engine from scratch was a terrible mistake that they cannot recover from.

At this point, I'm anti-gun, partly just to be contrarian for its own sake, partly because I like my super fighting robot suit.

It's just one person, actually.

Hi, me.

The walljumping mechanic is awful with the cluttered environments, bhopping only maintains aerial speed, you can't go fast with just bhopping and it's basically just press space when you land rather than goldsource bhopping which was actually fun to do. It's also exclusive to the skulk, when a huge part of the original was fast evolving to fade while farming shitters in pubs then going fast as fuck with the fade. It was actually pure fun, unlike NS2.

>Game runs great if you pc is decent
No, the game doesn't run great and never has, this is a game that was in alpha in 2009, even a top of the line PC from 2012 when the game came out couldn't run this game properly. Even after all the alleged optimization fixes, the game still runs like absolute ass and starts dropping in framerate in games with a lot of players and structures, even the goddamned dedicated servers drop in tickrate, that's how poorly optimized it is.

I'm playing right now, I'm reaching 100+ fps dude

Because im playing this

Gloom for Quake 2 remains the best base building shooter.

It has slightly more players than battleborn so almost

I loved it during the beta. Then they kept on fucking around with the balance. It's almost impossible to balance to be honest - players on higher skill levels will always win an engagement as marines against the aliens, because they get to attack and most often kill the skulks before they even get a chance to bite.

What made it impossible for the game to become a proper esport is the damn camera angle they use - show the players perspective god damnit - bird eye view is atrocious to watch. Imagine watching CS: GO only from above.

What annoyed me on top of all that was the fact that the game took sometimes 15 minutes to boot and my PC ain't even that dated.

It's fun, but...

They never fixed the 2 key issues aliens have, which is skulks getting fukken rekt by ranged marines always above pleb skill levels, and cysts always getting popped, making it so aliens can never expand.

So is subnautica good?


>that Onos vore mod
I'd play the fuck out of it, but I don't want anyone to see me jerking it to that hot and steamy Onos stomach.