>tfw you literally can't play other games anymore because every time you do play another game you like you think back to how Dwarf Fortress has the same feature but did it better or is just better in general.
Tfw you literally can't play other games anymore because every time you do play another game you like you think back to...
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw played Dwarf Fortress for nearly 10 years now
>People even back then either called it turbo autism simulator or Greatest Game Ever Madeā¢
>Noone will even play the game because they only even hear the two extremes
>Target of memeposting and falseflags
>[Newest Update] is the worst yet!
>Everyone missing the point of having fun building an artfarm
Fuck you for threads like this we could be having comfy fort threads instead.
>implying nu-Sup Forums will even look at a thread unless it has a baity title.
I saw a perfectly conversational and comfy DF thread just the other day and it died almost instantly. Unless your opening post is calibrated to get people to respond, no one will give you the time of day. Your only hope is to post something incredibly controversial and hope the autistic screening from the plebs will keep it bumped while the intelligent people have a reasonable discussion about the topic.
Dwarf Fortress is a shallow, simple game with a couple of interesting mechanics, and its reputation comes solely from having a really shitty, obscure UI.
The only "depth" in the game lies in actually physically learning how to play it. Once you've got that down, the result is not a deep or complex game. It's very much a game in a constant beta stage.
If you want a deep game with difficult controls, go learn fighting games. They'll actually reward you for your effort. All Dwarf Fortress gives you is the "satisfaction" of having a reputation for playing really complex games.
The moment you learn DF is the moment when you realize that complexity doesn't make a game good.
. . .
I really want to argue with you on principal.
But I can't.
Fuck you for being to intelligent. Apologies for failing too hard on the bait.
Oh its fine. As you can see, its working exactly as intended.
On another note, has anyone else tried a crabman run in adventure mode?
>live on the shore (since you can only sleep on solid ground)
>only eat what you can catch/kill in the ocean
>get into fights with fucking sharks and sea serpents.
This is the most fun I've had in adventure mode for awhile.
the most contrarian thing i've read this year, well done user
This game is autistic af
To be fair he's not entirely wrong. While it is very complex, it is not insanely difficult once you understand the controls. That's not to say that it is without challenge, but its very possible to do things in such a way that your fort will survive indefinitely. The challenge comes from trying to do crazy shit like massive pyramids or invading hell while also trying not to fuck things up and kill everyone. However, as NPC interaction becomes more complex, I feel the game will start to gain a lot more depth. Heck, the upcoming update is really looking to be a gamechanger.
>Dwarf Fortress is a shallow, simple game
OH NO YOU DON'T, I ain't falling for bait that big buddy boy.
Challenge gamers should be shot. I don't give a fuck about whether it's hard.
I never saw the appeal. Controlling a bunch of dwarves doing mindless shit with graphics far worse than early Amiga games doesn't seem very fun.
Oh I'm not disagreeing there, just saying that he's technically correct when he states the most daunting thing about the game is the UI. When you understand that, you'll find the game is far easier than it's made out to be. (Though as I posted above, that's not to say it can't still be hard.)
What sets the game apart is the world and history generator that adds significance to even the least relevant of NPCs
Have you tried adventure mode? Its more of a roguelike experience where you control one dude and go on adventures.
>caring about the graphics
Thats your first problem here. Second the appeal comes from seeing just how far you can push the limits of the game. Build in a volcano or a haunted desert that seasonally has clouds that rain diseased rats, set up a sea serpent farm to make toys out of their bones, set up a lottery and throw the losers in a cage with giant ticks, appoint a vampire who also transforms into a crocodile on full moons as your mayor, replace a dwarf's skin with bandages and stitches made out of adamantine so he becomes basically immortal, lock children in a room full of hungry, angry dogs so they learn to wrestle, make a military regime of dwarves with two shields and trained war elephants, make nobles fight captured forgotten beasts with their bear hands for your own amusement, flood the world with lava, flood your fort with lava, pump lava directly onto an elven caravan, hell you can even build a dwarf-powered computer if you try hard enough
>Dwarf Fortress is a shallow, simple game
holy shit you made me reply
Not like it's hard to get replies from faggots that post anime girls in the first place
Dorf stories?
>Be town guard in a modded DF world.
>This means when I see people fighting, I hit them until they yield and then argue with them about the merits of following the law until they agree with me.
>one day I see some goon harassing a goblin citizen of my town.
>A crime's a crime regardless of who's being attacked, time for a beatdown.
>Subdue and lecture criminal until he tells me he's been swayed by my words.
>let him go, satisfied that I have done my duty.
>The next day
>this fucking guy is at it again, holy shit.
>Only this time, he manages to kill the goblin
>After I finish bashing his head in, I pick up his corpse and carry it to the castle, where I throw it in front of the king, and several giant sentient spiders who seemed to be visiting the court.
>They will be important later.
>Tell the king what I did.
>He doesn't seem angry and people don't attack me so I must have done the right thing.
>Leave and take a nap at the inn.
>Decide to go into Legendsviewer to see just what was up with those two.
>The guy I killed was a slave taken as a child by a kingdom to the north, who became a traveling soldier.
>The goblin he murdered, who was a respectable member of my town, was actually a necromancer.
>The sentient spider people I flung the criminal's corpse in front of?
>They were representatives of the aforementioned northern kingdom.
>pic related
Anyway it was a moot point though. I killed the representatives while they slept, gathered a merry crew of lads, marched over to the northerner's capital, infiltrated their tree-castle, killed the king, and set the place on fire before fighting my way past the guards, swimming across the river, and returning to my home.
Because no one fucks with my town and gets away with it.
No one.
Id play this if it'd be made by beteshda
>Because no one fucks with my town and gets away with it.
>No one.
>Dorf Fort is difficult meme
If you can't understand what's going on in the screen get a tile-- err graphic replacement
>Be elephant man monk
>I'm so fucking big people explode when I punch them
>use multi-attack to reduce foes into meat slurry
>End up dying to zombie dragon
Obsidian is best tileset btw
You mean
(or bay12forums.com
I prefer my dorfs to have more realistic proportions instead of looking all chibi. I grabbed this screenshot from Phoebus but its the same design style so it makes the same point. I guess its just a matter of taste though.
>tfw no update for so long
>its just like the great 2014 dry spell
>DF is kill
>starting playing DF with Ironhand
>get used to 18x
>want to start using ASCII
>almost nobody uses 18x
>>almost nobody uses 18x
how does that factor into anything?
Who's hyped for the new update?
If it comes soon
I hope it does
>NPC adventuring parties
>Artifacts that nations will fight over
>NPCs can be secret agents with false identities
>So can the player
>Kobold sites
>can send squads out from the fortress on quests
muh dicc
>no update for so long
>the rapist/dfhack is still not up to date
Nothing is right in the world.
>needing to use the rapist/dfhack
say what you want about therapist but dfhack has purely bugfix/performance related shit that's very helpful
Fair enough. DFhack does have some useful features like that. Still, people should prob learn to play without it before they install it, so they don't develop a reliance. When the new update comes out, I'll be able to dive right in while the people who rely on those things will have to wait months.
Should a beginner start with a tileset or just go full retard into the original gfx?
Also, adventure mode first for basics?
You caaan start with a tileset since even if you rely on it it'll be instantly compatible with new updates, just missing a few sprites sometimes.
I personally started with adv mode like you were thinking, and it worked out for me.
Read a guide on how to work the UI.
Getting past the controls is the hardest part, everything after that is cake.
Yknow everyone seems to agree that the controls are the hardest/worst part and yet it's the one thing that's never fixed. If younger indies like Gnomoria, Stonehearth, and others can do the same "kind" of game with better UI/controls, why the fuck can't toady spend his literal months/years of dev work updating this?
Because although it is difficult for new people, the UI is functional and you do not fix something that is working properly
>why the fuck can't toady spend his literal months/years of dev work updating this?
He said that it's functional enough to leave for now considering how complex the game itself is.
Tons of people play this game, they just don't browse Sup Forums. This board is for shitposting and being a faggot.
I don't play DF but I can't get enough of the second best thing. Every time I try to get into DF I get overly intimidated because of the premise that everything might ruing your day if you fuck up even once. What's a good game to ease me into that sorta base building? I heard good things about rimworld
>for now
That's the key word. I never said fix though to be fair, it is functional, but it's not fun or user friendly and it could make such a difference
This board has been up since like 2003 and yet I still see stupid fucks like you falling for this weak-ass troll shit. Come on.
Functional as hammering nails with a screwdriver: with practice and effort it absolutely can be done, but it's exactly the best tool.
Rimworld is excellent though very hard if you don't prepare and learn beforehand, has a good modding community
Gnomoria is basically DFLite, nowhere near as deep but better UI and controls and gives you an idea how it works
Stonehearth is a nice 3d alternative but a little light too, good modding community as well
thanks user. rimworld and gnomoria seem like good places to start when going into DF
I don't think toady really cares very much about making a good game, he just wants to create a fantasy universe simulator, so he probably just doesn't really give a shit if the controls are crap, especially since he's been using them for well over a decade now.
Dwarf Fortress really isn't that hard, it's pretty trivial to set up a fortress that is basically unkillable (or it used to be, I haven't played since before vampires were introduced)
Someone give me ideas for what to do during adventure mode. I feel like I've done everything interesting in it.
D is for designate
B is for build
Step 0: Open up the wiki
Step 1: Embark on a location with clay
Step 2: Start hollowing out rooms on a clay layer starting with a 1 tile wide passage to be your entrance
Step 3: Create a plot and plant plump helmets
Step 4: Start building workshops
Step 5: Start distilling alcohol
Step 6: Have a dorf make a door at the mason's/carpenters workshop and put it on the aforementioned single tile passage
Grats you now have a functioning fortress that is completely unassailable from outside invaders
I see a lot of streamers use a different tileset. Is there a highly recommended one?
>starting with a 1 tile wide passage to be your entrance
Which one do you use?
I personally love Obsidian and will use Phoebus if I have to (eg a mod supports it but not Obsidian)
I have not slept in a long time
maybe a picture will help get my words across
>1 tile wide