This jew want's to try paid mods again

This jew want's to try paid mods again
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whats the difference between paid mods and DLC really? why should one be free?

>He wants to help content creators get paid

I bet you think pirating games is ok too?

>modder cranks out shitty chapstick-teir mod
>massive gameplay overhaul
I'm fine as long as there's quality control.

Based Gaben making sure hard-working independent content creators receive the compensation they deserve.

>another thread for Sup Forums to take the contrarian stance and actually defend this kind of jewery where the guy who built an empire on free modding is now fat enough to end it for others

>modder gets payed
>gaben gets half of it
based Gabe

>Massive patch to fix the game
>Massive patch to break the game
>Steam won $1.50

There won't be quality control, this is valve we're talking about, hell they removed greenlight just so they'd have to do less work and could charge people a flat fee as their "quality control"

>modders need to get paid
>the modders make the smallest cut out of everyone in this deal

Why he doesn't pay the people who translate the games he sells on Steam?
If he really wanted to reward hard work you think he would pay his translators, right?

One is made by professionals and generally comes with protection, refunds, customer support etc as a proper paid product.

The other is a bunch of code made by amateurs that can accidentally delete all my save files with no one to be held accountable over it.

By taking 75% of the share and not giving a fuck about the content stolen. Based Gaben ;-;

>make framework mod
>charge $30 for it
>no other mods can work without my mod

fuck off with your sarcastic bullshit, gabe is actually based

Fuck off. Even if he took 0% and the modders got 100%, there would still be gigantic, enormous reasons why trying to enter paid mods in a community like TES is a fucking horrendous idea.

>dev releases a new game patch
>breaks most of your mods
>modder made it while bored and moved away to the next thing
>no one else can release a fix because copyright infringment

Modding is about adding something to a game you like.

You want to get paid? Make your own game.

This fat faggot needs to die.

I wasn't being sarcastic you mongoloid , I'm a jew and his plan is amazing

>modder cranks out shitty chapstick-teir mod
and if you buy that, you are to blame.

learn about capitalism, thats what Gaben believes

You guys are honestly overreacting. If there's one thing PC gamers hate, it's being forced to pay for something that used to be free. Look at the last time chubsy tried this and tell me that people opened their wallets for him.

>million+ petitions exploded overnight
>the entire store was filled with horse genitals, stolen mods, overpriced mods, and mods purposedly designed to break games
>entire forums were lit on fire from the sheer negative feedback
>Gabe had to personally rescind it not even a week later, AND he was forced to apologize with the EU court system telling him to give refunds or get out of Europe

This will never come to pass as long as the customers rise up and tell Gaben what's what. No matter how many of them are idiot children

Gotta talk tall

This. Literally anyone who cites things like "oh the modders got paid only 25% and this is the reason why this is bad" is a fucking idiot that is accomplishing absolutely nothing but to create a scapegoat so Valve can say "Hey the modders get 90% of it now, so you can't complain anymore"

Reminder that if you support this shit you're no better than a consolecuck being fine with paid online.


You don't want to buy Blue Iron Sword for $24.99?
Way to show your support to the modding community.

Lots of games aren't moddable from the get go.
You need community tools (enjoy paying for them, and that is if the devs decide to share them instead of hoarding ti reduce competition).
Also stuff like SkyUI and SKSE are listed as dependencies of like 2/3 of all Skyrim mods that aren't simply texture/model swaps

I think the "valve takes too much of a cut" argument is just to point out how much of a fat hypocrite piece of shit gaben is.
Obviously in general this idea is retarded, all this does is tell devs its a good idea to make their games broken janky bullshit because modders will fix it and they'll make more money.
I agree that modders need to be paid, but Bethesda and valve should be footing the bill to fix their games.

I seriously question how many fucking CS:Go and Dota2 players are coming from those countries

Why? So the rest of his top executives which are brainwashed with the same mindset but probably worse can take over?

Did he got approval from Bethestodd?

Swear to god if I find out the disgusting r*dditers on r/masterrace or whatever other Valve circlejerk subr*ddit is defending and rationalizing this

what if Steam started charging for online?

if people are translating stuff for free, when why would he?

their fault for providing a service for free

Why do people like Valve nowadays? They don't make games anymore, they're just the Steam store company, who is not satisfied with regular sales and tries to make weird, new revenue models via the winter steam sale side events and cosmetic microtransactions pseudo-economies.
Remember a few years ago, Valve was like a beloved video game dev studio?

I'd pirate pretty much all my games again.

>Also stuff like SkyUI and SKSE are listed as dependencies of like 2/3 of all Skyrim mods that aren't simply texture/model swaps
The problem is if you charge $30 for each of those mandetory framework mods (and there's maybe a dozen or two) you're talking maybe ~$500 to get to where you can BEGIN modding the game
And at that point it's only because the game is broken bullshit and doesn't support proper modding.

No one likes valve, dude. Where the fuck have you been that you don't know this? It's not 2007 anymore.

>I'm fine as long as there's quality control

This is definitely the most legitimate criticism against anything Valve is doing with Steam. They're terrible at managing the fuckhuge amount of content that goes through their pipes. They seem devoted to the small company, flat structure ethos so much that they need to be able to solve every problem with an automated or crowd-sourced solution, otherwise it isn't worth it for them to pursue. On one hand, it is admirable - on the other, naive. But, at least they recognize their failures. Greenlight will soon be dead, and they went back to the drawing board on paid mods. I think maybe they just got a little arrogant. Valve started to drink its own kool-aid, and only afterwards realized "Wait, shit, this isn't working quite as well as we had hoped."

Valve wants to divide into segments mod community to kill it off so they have less competition on the market for their precious DLC and microtransactions.
Fuck Valve.

>Quality control
So you aren't fine then?

>Why do people like Valve nowadays?

Memes. Nothing more. Le based gaben steam sales lol rip wallet holy gaben photoshops!

They lose the several million BRs and free 2 plays who give them millions from hats.

Don't be silly user.
They will start low, probaby with Steam Gold Accounts or something to get people used.
Sony already showed that people are okay with this sort of thing if you start slow and give them a bunch of shovelware nobody would have brought any other way.
>The classic example of rent-seeking, according to Robert Shiller, is that of a feudal lord who installs a chain across a river that flows through his land and then hires a collector to charge passing boats a fee (or rent of the section of the river for a few minutes) to lower the chain. There is nothing productive about the chain or the collector. The lord has made no improvements to the river and is helping nobody in any way, directly or indirectly, except himself. All he is doing is finding a way to make money from something that used to be free.

Nobody "likes" valve, they have ten thousand dollars of sunk cost fallacy in rented games that they can't give up, so at best they defend it to the death under the logic that if valve dies they lose their entire "collection" of indie trash they'll never play.

They made good games and a fine gaming platform.

But now they got old and instead of being sneaky jews like before they became jew jew.

It is actually quite important that the guys who wrote the framework mods were so vehemently against paid mods. I suspect it will be similar when they do this again, except the framework authors are going to have to find a legal means to control who can use their mods.
>make framework
>release for free; say no paid usage
>bunch of other fags use my framework for paid mods
>issue takedown requests for using my software
>valve has to do it or the EU will rekt their asses
Americans still get fucked though. Sorry, burgers.

In 3-5 years paid mods will be a thing. Games will be cut in half in terms of their current content and will more or less be sold piece-meal to individuals. You will pay $60-80 for the base 'game' and then another $70-80 in content additions. Children (14-19) will of course defend this and eat it up as being loyal to their favorite game devs (not that Valve has made a game in ten years) not realizing it is in fact one of the most anti-consumerist practices in the entire world.

We'll hear some arguments about how you can buy a base-car but adding on the bells and whistles obviously costs more. What you dumb fucking kids don't realize is that a video game is not a car, and should never be held to the standard of adding on 'bells and whistles' to the game at additional cost. Unfortunately, so many kids have been entirely raised on the concept of nickel-and-diming their parents for additional game content that they see it as a logical extension of their hobby to be nickeled-and-dimed to death by video game companies.


EU will save us from this!

there would be backlash the likes never seen before

free games and cosmetics make valve a ton of money.
they'd lose money if they did that

>The gaming community needs to reward the people who are creating value.
No, we don't.

Their efforts will speak for themselves and their time is their own to spend.

Valve has completely forgotten that community engagement is done out of passion, not monetization.

If you're good at making models, animating, coding, or whatever, your work will show for itself and you can use it to fill out your portfolio. If you pay every single person who makes a thing, no matter how good or bad, you set a precedent that makes people think "as long as I pump out n of X, I get paid y." when it SHOULD be "as long as I put effort and thoughtfulness into X, I gain notoriety", which in its-self is more valuable than pay.

Those who make tf2 hats and models are vastly overpaid for their work, and Valve seems to think it's ok because how can excessively paying someone for work possibly be a bad thing?

They will probably pick a future big name AAA release with a clean community to be their shining city on a hill.
Probably the next TES.

Except the skyui guy who immediately announced the next major version of his framework now cost $15.

Is this fat obnoxious faggot don't have enough with all the shit his making with Steam Dota Csgo? Enough is enough you big piece of shit!

>There are people who still defend this
>There are people who'd trust valve with quality control

>takes at minimum 20%
>to as high as 70%
>any fees or taxes for the sale are taken from your cut
>if you make enough from your game to have to file taxes for the income
>valve will royally screw you by countering your tax reports with their own

I don't see modders not getting screwed.

When people asked stolen mods to be remove from Steam Valve's response was "lol talk with our lawyers" Why do you think it will e different this time around?
Most modders don't have the money to pay lawyers

SkyUI was free software, right? Someone could simply fork it. Even prior versions as long as they're licensed under GPL.

>all these faggots arguing that the game devs have the right to take a big chunk of the profit from mods because they are made for their games

ofc they have the right to do it, that won't change the fact that it's an absolutely tasteless, dickhead move with the amount of percentage they want to take from these profits.

>they already created a game to sell it as a full priced title
>modders already support the game by creating extra content completely free for the developers (in the case of Skyrim that's way more content than what the game originally had)
>now they want to make these mods paid created by others paid, take 90% of the profit and give only 10% to the content creators
>they even have the guts to show themselves as the good guys who want to support the gaming community

you can't seriously defend this

It's an amazing idea actually
It means companies can charge you money for bug fixing mods

I just want Valve to get fucked so hard by setting that precedent. Because there's one company that could bankrupt them overnight if this becomes a thing: Microsoft starts charging Valve 45% of their revenue because they're using Windows APIs.

>why do you think it will be different this time around?
Because all it would take is the SKSE or FNIS guys to license their shit under "no profit can be made from any software utilizing this application" conditions to force a takedown of hundreds if not thousands of mods. EVERY fucking mod worth a shit needs those two components.

>the game compnay that has profited the most from paid mods in the past is trying to standardize paid mods

what's wrong Sup Forums, don't you want more game classics like counter strike and team fortress?

>Steam machines flopped
>VR is dying
>Now Valve is going after paid mods to pay for their hookers and blow because God forbid they actually start developing an actual game themselves

In today's world if you aren't generating a profit you are wasting your time. Doing things out of love, passion, or community makes you a 'leftist' (despite this being a traditional conservative value) and if you aren't making money from literally anything, you're doing it wrong.

We've raised an entire generation of rugged individualist-capitalists who see those fucking over customers as 'smart' and those who advocate for consumer rights, or god forbid a model of production and sale that actually reflects the fucking quality of the product, as idiots. The true hilarity here is that the next generation is the most hungry consumer we've ever seen- desperate to give all of their money to basically non-products in the hopes that one day they too can work for an immoral company that pays them far too much money to produce essentially nothing.

For once a Scout is not a cunt.

It's not opensource so you can't fork shit, also they dev being the humongous cuck he is decided to make it the perfect opportunity to release a massive update to 3.0 and that it would be charged from now on.



I think the core problem is trying to make people pay for mods in the form they exist now.
The current ecosystem only works in the collaborative model, because assets can be shared and reused freely.
If mods worked as a source for 3rd party DLC they would need to be subject to regulation, making sure that the content belong to the author selling it, making sure the content passes basic quality requirements.
Mods don't fit into the little niches Valve has expanded it's market to, they do more than visuals, they change the way the game works, often in ways it was not intended to be modified. They have compatibility issues.

In short payed mods would take actual employees going through the mods that want to become payed and seeing if they comply.
Valve will never do this, because it's Valve, so the idea is born aborted.

If mods became monetized, it would do to the modding community what COD4 did to the gaming industry
It will turn it from a passionate, fun, nerdy subculture into a corperate, soul-less, "crank out just good enough to sell" mentality.
Every little nuance, all the small details, all the inside jokes, the memes, everything will be extinguished by the businessmen, whose mentality is "make a profit", not "make a good product."
There's nothing wrong with wanting money, but when you begin substituting fun, passion, and soul with profit, it leads to the death of the subculture.

Someone will create another UI, or many different ones, and someone competent will move in to replace the MCM. This is how things work in TES modding.

Youngfags continue to ruin gaming by accepting shit. What else is new? This has been going on for a long time. I haven't cared for gaming in years. I mainly stick to older stuff.

Why he of all modders can profit from his work?

>being so asinine and naive to believe this is for the modders and not to set up a pall wall for valve to get in on the profits
seriously user do you even live in a capitalistic country you bohemian faggot?


Paid mods would drastically improve the modding scene. It would create competition and provide incentive for teams to form and dedicate their time to modding. I hope it actually works this time.

If this gets implemented get ready to see the cancer that is UWP implemented everywhere. Why? Because it ensures that any mods HAVE to go through the official store so the devs get their cut. Free mods will be dead.

He is the opposite of what was described here: . He knows that everyone and everything uses his mod, so he wants make easy money.

Things in tes modding wouldn't "work" anymore when suddenly skyui faggot has tens of thousands to throw at lawyers.

It doesn't even have to be that expensive. Even if each core mod was $5, you'd still have like a $40 paywall just to begin modding with everything like SKSE, Sky UI, Unoffocial patch, Racemenu, FNIS, memory patch, precache killer, and so on. Then let's say each quality of life mod or practically mandatory mod like $2, you'd have something like a $20~$30 paywall just to have conveniences like better dialogue controls, better messageboxes, iHUD, uncapper, eUI, SMIM, FRD, etc.

You bought the game's Legendary Editon for $7.49 on sale, but now you're already paying more money than the game's $60 price on release day 2011, just to get ready to mod more meaningful stuff.

To recreate some of the currently existing fully modded games out there in an ideal world for Valve where every mod is a paid mod, at $0.50 ~ $5 apiece, you'd need to shell out around $350, maybe more.

And why is that wrong?
If you are going to monetarize mods, then the guy who made one of the most useful and downloaded mods ever should be rewareded, right?
Why should he give out his mod for free while everyone else charges for their stuff?

Lawyers for what? As long as the replacements aren't obvious copies of SkyUI and MCM, he will be shit out of luck. He doesn't have Apple money. He can't sue over it looking vaguely similar to his UI and win.

good, maybe the death of the TES modding community will finally kill this franchise

You're wrong and you are showing how young you are.

Valve became immensely successful because Half Life 1 was, until HL2 came out, always $40-50 in stores. You paid near-new prices for a very old game so that you could go and download TFC, CS, Action Half Life, Science and Industry, Firearms Online, etc.. for FREE. Successful modders were hired by other companies or as valve to contribute towards other games, and everyone was happy.

If you didn't want Half Life, you -could- buy Counter Strike for $15, TFC for $15, etc.. But I never did that. I always laughed when I saw a CS disc, because I had Half Life at home and could download CS on Gooseman's Website.

This is a bastardization. Valve became famous because they made solid and easily-to-modify FPS platforms for people to tweak and make their own experiences on their own time, to share and for others to enjoy. Now Valve is reversing this model and trying to make money by producing nothing and doing nothing. It is a race to produce as little as possible while paying yourself as much as possible.

I was 18 when I bought The Orange Box back in October of 2007. I was told Half Life would get yearly episodic content and that there were a ton of great new Valve IP's on the way from their sudden influx of new cash from Steam. That was ten years ago. I see no great new IP's, no new Half Life Episodes in a decade. All of the evidence that Valve has gone from full consumer-friendly to full anti-consumer is something anyone over the age of 25 has already seen, experienced, remember, and is wary of. 15-20 year olds probably can't remember.

>mods are now called third-party DLC
>want to apply third-party DLC to Fallout 6 but the game has invasive DRM that can ban you from this entirely single-player game if you try to install mods that you didn't buy off of Steam

>No Quality Control
>Stolen content
>Stolen everything
>Not guaranteed they will work after a patch
>Not guaranteed they will work with other mods
>Not guaranteed they will work by themselves
>Not guaranteed they will work at all
There are multiple reasons why mods are free, and is not just because people are doing it for love.

You mean your wifes son.

no, you idiot.
Skyrim is a highly functional and well programmed game without mods.
Everything is perfect, mods just add to the experience.

> Games will be cut in half in terms of their current content and will more or less be sold piece-meal to individuals.
But this already happens.

Why would anyone buy a mod?

Imagine if you made the mod loader and charged for it. Then you would have to pay to load your mods that you paid for.

Also some mods don't work with other mods.

Bad idea. Have mods with microtransactions or ads idgaf, but don't charge for it.

>why shouldn't he turn a profit when other people use his stuff
Two obvious answers. One is described better by FSF the other one is that all of the other "big" mod guys said fuck you we're not charging for our stuff. TES community is actually a community, not a marketplace.

>you'd still have like a $40 paywall just to begin modding
Oh you're not thinking nearly big enough. Because if the precedent is set that simply modding someone's code means they get to take a cut, then in theory any mod that modifies someone else's mod or calls their code owes the other mods they depend on money as well. Because why not? Apparently Bethesda has the right to a share of any mod's revenue simply because they made the game, so any framework mod would have a claim to the revenue of any mod that utilizes the framework as well.

That fat piece of shit could build a giant pyramid scheme.

Skyrim was outright broken on release and needed extensive patching to be actually decent.
And you are aware that a lot of the patches Bethesda released were actually made by the community, right?

This. We had these arguments again and again last time, yet these cocksuckers and shills will keep going on with it

If its crap, why are you buying it retard?

if modders dont like it, they can release their mods for free

You are asking underages to understand a simple concept of copyrights. Good luck with that user.