Just upgraded from my og ps4 to an ps4 pro

>just upgraded from my og ps4 to an ps4 pro

Have i made a mistake?

what's wrong with that bird?

Yeah might as well kys

Parrots are always like that


I'd reccomend you buying a PC as well to enjoy the best of both worlds.

you just future-proofed yrself for the best PS4 experience down the line, and atm you can play some games that look and run a little nicer.

>spending several hundred dollars
>for the same library

I don't understand.

>pc requires constant maintenance and you need to buy a new one every few years while consoles are timeless

I agree.

Modern consoles need to be maintained too because they will overheat and break down if you don't clean them.

>weeb shitposter
>also completely filthy and has consoles full of unknown substances
no surprise really

I'm just reminding you to keep your stuff clean. You don't need to throw a hissy fit.

>also a human full of filth
take your reminders somewhere else demon of disgust

Posts you don't like don't fall into the shitposting category. Your irrational arguing for no good reason however is shitposting.

I'm not arguing with you. I'm calling you names because your posts were bad.

Post more birbs

You're autistic mate

>every few years
You really don't know birds, do you?


ooh very green

r8 my bird

what the fuck I flipped it before posting
iphones are so gay

that's a young boy

Someone post the "it's time again... now in 4k" pic. That one always makes me laugh.


cute birb
post more birb

Not mine.

I always crop the photo slightly. That way it doesn't flip.

I mean... why? On PC it makes sense because of uncontrolled obsolescence... but I thought the whole point of consoles was to be cheaper and more convenient than a PC?


Hueg birb. I like it

Tell me about him


Also what kind of birb is that?


>Bought the same console twice without even doing his own research to see if it was a good idea.

Took this last year while on a walk

looks like the species which has completely different color for each gender.

Birds are not that important.

He bought a PS4 to find out if it was a good idea, found it was indeed a good idea, and then bought a PS4. Sounds pretty well-researched to me.

You dumped a console to get the same console a bit better for like 800 bucks.
Hmmm....I think there was something better you could invest 800 bucks in which would make you a smarter consumer and not destroy the vidya with your buying habits...
What was it I wonder.


Theres' almost no difference between them. Should've spent the money elsewhere.


I'm sure he likes you too.
He loves cucumbers. Dislikes oranges. Barks like my neighbor's dog and meows like my cats.
He's an eclectus parrot. You can tell he's male by his green color, the females are red.


goddamn that's such a big, green birb


R8 my birb

a total cutie/10

blackface racist chirper



I didn't know shoulder parrots were a real thing


>consoles are timeless

my birb flew away :(

Underrated birb

>Modern consoles need to be maintained too because they will overheat and break down if you don't clean them.
This. Cleaning up your hardware is really important regardless of platform. Not taking care of them properly led to overheating bricking a PS3 in my case, whereas once I had a shitty laptop that got constant slowdowns in DaS1 PC port and simply taking the thing apart and cleaning the fan solved all my issues.

I would too

Koolaid is too expensive

do you really need to take 4k pictures of your birbs?

>consoles full of unknown substances

You'll understand you when get one.

Birds are too loud. They annoy me.

>consoles are timeless
wow I didn't know timeless actually means "these games are for the new console, not backwards compatible sry"

Why are parakeets so comfy and chill?

>console does nothing but sit there
>limitless fun with PC provided you maintain it
Seems about right.

>Birds will never care about you, never come back home if they get a chance to escape or never go up to you willingly

Bunnies and birds are horrible pets, I'll never understand it.

parrots can be loud
but small birds like parakeets aren't that noisy

mine screeches once during the day but most time it chirps or be silent.

I'm one of those easily irritable people. All of the things I need to do, and all of the things I like to do all require focus. Unexpected noises break my focus and when it happens too often I get fucking crazy. Like breaking shit crazy. I have issues. I've soundproofed my computer room so it's essentially a studio. I can't keep any pets, especially not birds.

He came back once before. I think this time he found a mate so he didn't want to come home again. Or he get fucked by cats


>Oscure shit!
>Lots of indies!
>$360 for BOTW machine? Ridiculous, what a waste
>But look at this new GPU, it would allow me to run Cemu smoothly and it's only $400!
>Hey Sup Forums, why are you not emulating Super Mario 3D World yet?
>Nintendrones amirite?

Prove me wrong. You can try your best but deep inside you know it's true.

Forgot to quote

but the switch is $360 BOTW machine, what else is there to look forward to?

Kiki isn't a parakeet but I used to have two budgie parakeet. Loved those little guys. Just chilled chirped and muched on fruit. The city came and took them from me... Along with my entire flock, 200 Muscovy ducks and around 75 chickens. They were all put down via poison gas. It was during the bird flu pandemic. My ranch felt so empty for months. I'm still upset about it, all of my birds were healthy.


Post face

You should see on in real life. Photos can't even convey just how green an eclectus parrot really is.

It's this a meme? Am I a dip?

that's fucking bullshit dude where the fuck do you live?

don't think so
It's just that it's a really green parrot, especially compared to everything else in those pictures

I wish I had a pet toucan, they seem like the most adorable little fucking idiots ever.

You don't really know birbs user. Both of my parakeets accidentally escaped last year, I went outside and called to them for about 20 minutes and they both came back. They also fly to me every time I come home, and love to just chill on my shoulder.

Most birds that escape and don't come back aren't doing it intentionally. For most species of parrot, the default behavior when scared is to either fly to a safe place (their cage, or the flock i.e. you) or to just keep flying. In the wild if something is threatening you the best escape is to just fly away, so when a budgie or something ends up flying outside they often panic and just keep flying until they're lost far away. If you can go find them or if they calm down before they get too lost they'll come home happily.

>new pc every few years

Only if you're incompetent at taking care of a PC or buy some cheaply made pre-built shit.

Southern California, though I think the "bird flu" spread down across Texas and Arizona as well.

i wonder what he's thinking about.

neat pic user. saved.

Probably deciding what car to take a white shit on.

what is this comic?
I know the guy goes on about smegma princess, but I can't remember the name of it

My quaker flew away two years ago
He flew almost 15km away from home and got caught because he love rice and tried to get some from some stranger in their home
Eventually posting of him was found online by the stranger and my bird came back to me
This happened over a span of a month when I was not in the country, he literatly never disappeared in my perspective

Favorite game cat and a bird... Id succ

heck no



It's from Kc green's Gun show

What are the chances of a pro slim or god forbid another mid console upgrade.
Wasnt gonna pick up any PS4 until P5 comes out, cant decide to "future-proof" with the pro or just save some money and get a slim/original.

if only the pro had better approval, keep hearing bad shit about it.

What concerns you about the pro

not worth the price tag for its features.
the pro mode that every new game is required to have doesnt seem to have any minimum standards, so quality can range greatly.
some games run worst with it on since it enabling higher graphical fidelity but i care more about stability and running better. only example which is contrary to this seems to be BF1 amazingly.
to be fair it still relatively early so as newer game come out this could change, but in the mean time i could just get a slim/original and get a pro later on if it gets better. More money lost in total but safer choice.

I thought the boost thing isn't out yet

I have a normal ps4 and am content with it. Yea it seems bf1 is the only game that receives a noticeable improvement. But idk if the pro mode that can boost any game is gonna do anything significant