Red pill me on why the Night Elves joined the Alliance

Red pill me on why the Night Elves joined the Alliance

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>red pill me
People like you need to die.

They didn't. Blizz just needed to even out the number of alliance and horde factions and night elves fit perfectly with the alliance once the orcs, tauren, undead, and trolls were accounted for.

Blizzard was too lazy to make 4 factions

>orcs keep cutting down their forest because they want wood to build stuff
>trolls are vicious savages known for cannibalism and sacrificing each others to their gods
also orcs killed cenarius

tauren and trolls weren't even major races, forsaken also didn't make sense, why not have it like warcraft 3 did? orcs vs humans vs elves vs undead ?

Elves were part of the alliance once, Night Elves are purple, they also hate Orcs.
Why did the Foresaken join the Horde?

I remember hearing in an interview a while back that they briefly toyed around with the idea of having more than one faction but found it too difficult to implement

then there's Broxigar the Red. though ashenvale as a battlefront made a lot of sense. i just wish it wasn't just a CTF map and was a whole area that night elves and orcs fought for. same could also be said about Burning steppes orcs vs humans, searing gorge dwarves vs orcs, arathi and alterac humans vs undead

the half-arsed reason was basically for their own ends, to use the Horde to get what they wanted out of them

Then again Sylvanas is now Warchief, so I guess it worked

Because that is how they were written.

It's the same reason the jews are """allies""' with the united states. nothing but sucking off resources and using the sympathy card to get political immunity (with a little help from MUH ELUNE).

Big human dick.

What would they need immunity for?

>tfw literally anyone, even a fucking orc, could have told Sylvanas her plan to subjugate the valkyr would not only fail, but backfire and cause irreparable harm to herself and the Horde
>Did it anyway

I want to marry an Elf

Because of the "Third War"

Read for more in-depth reasons. I've got to get to work.

Tauren and Trolls weren't playable races but they did have playable units under the orc race. Warcraft 3 set up the storyline that would eventually have both Cairne of the Tauren and Vol'jin of the trolls pledging loyalty to the horde in exchange for Thrall helping save their people. It never quite ties up what happened with the Scourge after Sylvanas killed all the dreadlords and subdued Varimathras, but that was later explained in WoW when the undead went to Thrall to pledge loyalty though it was clear they were only doing it to further their own agenda.

war crimes, user. war crimes.

>knife eared

Oh God my sides.

>Why did the Foresaken join the Horde?
Horde wanted a foothold in the Eastern Kingdoms and the Tauren of all factions vouched for them.

The more accurate answer is that Blizzard wanted a playable undead faction and they wouldn't make much sense in the Alliance.

Post the coolest race they could add to the other faction, and the worst race they could add to your faction.

Mechagnomes and Ogres

Watch the whole thing, user. It's pretty kek.

>Naga, Ogre for horde
>Furbolg, Leper Gnome for alliance

Ogres and Mechagnomes

Harpies for the alliance; Murlocs for the horde.

Too bad you're gonna end up with an ugly fat girl who will put on elf ears to make your failed dreams seem closer.

Either that or a guy.

I've wanted playable Murlocs since BC. That and Gnolls.

Yea, he does.

The elves will never accept me to their forests.
Why even keep on living. Might as well surrender my will the the legion.

The legion is good, the legion is great
we surrender our will, as of this date

I concur

Why do people want Murlocs?

Neutral Naga, Alliance Furbolg, Horde Ogres

Then Centaur for Horde and Children of Cenarius for Alliance as Hero races

Red pill me on why Tauren joined the Horde

>"we wuz outland kangz ;_;"
>"earthmother guide your people out of slavery. we will help and protect the world."
>"kk thx"
>*1 year later*
>"...i-uh...yeah...i'm just gonna pick flowers over he-"

Being too pussy of a race to stand up to Centaur and Quilboar without the aid of the orcs


They did though. The Orcs just gave them a faster solution.

And they paid the price in extortion for generations after.

Because orcs were stealing the nelf women


Oh don't do this to me user.

I liked the idea of Sylvanas playing a dangerous game of politcs, selling her and the Undead to the Horde to add to the Horde, and to ensure their survival

Hell, Blizzard seemed to like the idea of Sylvanas being a politics person, considering they made the fanfic winner In the Shadow of the Sun to be the canon leader story for Loe'themar, with Sylvanas twisting his ear for more support from him.

Honestly, Lor'themar being ignored a lot worked in his favor to dodge a bad writer bullet that Sylvanas got hit with, not to mention he got his own spotlight in MoP, so he's already proven himself to be competent.

The only thing keeping Lor'themar from actually striking out is the Blood Elves low population. In reality, he might actually be a lot happier as Warchief than Reagent Lord, since he prefers to fight as opposed to be stuck with paperwork. Leave the paperwork to Rommath and Halduron, and Theron can go bro it up with Saurfang

You don't even need to mess any writing up, you just instantly generate interest with the idea of an Elf running the Horde alongside an Orc, with none of the bullshit they had to pull to get Sylvanas in that seat.

lust for human cocks, obv

>Nelves love u man cock
>Lose interest after a few years since the humies can't keep up
>Make literal fucking animals from Worgen to sate their lust.

>Letting someone who wanted to betray the horde and join the alliance be Warchief

>red pill me

go kill yourself faggot.

but same reason why forsaken joined horde. 2 factions is much more stable for gameplay.

if it was realistic, of course night elfs would have done their own thing, just like the forsaken. It would really just be humans/drawfs/gnomes vs orcs/trolls/tauren. the blood elfs would still be off reeling from the massive genocide they just experienced. nightelfs would be off fucking trees. worgen would be off in their walled shithole, goblins would semi join horde and semi be neutral. but orcs vs humans is too vanilla.

>Nightelves r sluts lol

Can you name a single Windrunner who HASN'T fucked a human? Because I can name plenty of Night Elves.

Shandris is pure.


She enjoy long raids into Orgrimmar, killing troll scum, and being a permanent virgin.

slyvannas never fucked any human.

and before you suggest it, she never fucked blightcaller.

>slyvannas never fucked any human.


>and before you suggest it,

too late. fact.

I blame Vol'jin being a retard.

Seriously, I doubt Bwonsamedi would want a filthy undead in charge

Arthas kept her alive for three days in lore.

Think about it.

What's wrong?

And then there's this literal royal chambermaid.

Can you really blame him considering how the horde leadership keeps fucking up?
>Thrall ditches the horde for his selfish desires, letting the following control it.
>Garrosh goes nuts, gets lots of orcs killed, the alliance trashing Orgimmar, time fuckery to repeat the First War and gets another world trashed.
>Vol'jin, puts the most evil, moustache twirling, bitch queen in charge and thinks it's a good idea.
>Sylvannas, literally the Lich Queen and Scourge 2.0

>single noble family vs a whole race
I mean high/blood elves are superior to night elves that you HAVE to put up an comparison this unfair to make the nighties look good.

I would.

Divorced from my feelings on their playerbase, blood elves and Lor'themar somehow became the better part of the Horde.

>Bro Tier:
Pandaren (Males)

>Good Tier:
Night Elf

>Mediocre Tier:

>Shit Tier:
Pandaren (Female)
Blood Elf

>high/blood elves are superior to night elves

What the FUCK did you just say, OUTLANDER lowborn FILTH?

barafags deserve death

>Shit Tier

>Not wanting to breed with space goats to create the perfect race blessed by the Light

Say it with me lads.

I want to FUCK Tyrande.


Fuck you. Worgen (Males) are classy bros.

They even put up with Worgen (Females?) and their krystalfan baity bullshit.

nope, she's too bitchy and stuck up for my tastes

Not Gay or a furry, I just think they're the most fun to play:

>God Tier VO
>Best animations in the game and the highest quality too, considering they put way more work into them than the racial remodels
>Loping strides and exaggerated movements like you're playing a N64 era plat former or something
>Pissing off people like you off
>The patent absurdity of playing a Pandaren as anything besides a Monk

>You will never pin down a thicc night elf and dump your fertile human sperm into her womb and fertilize her egg

>Want to try a new class
>Google Quizes
>First Question
>Which part of the house is the most important?
>WoW Quiz
>Houses suddenly matter

I need to find a class to main.

can someone give me a quick rundown on these faggots?

Tyrande is a whore, unfit to be Priestess of The Moon. Her degeneracy knows no bounds. Her and that ungrateful bastard son of a whore Malfurion "But muh DREAM!" Stormrage, and his brother Illidan "No, not the prison again!" Stormrage.
The only REAL Night Elves around here are those of the Shadowsong lineage and the Watchers that faithfully serve alongside the Wardens.

t. Maiev.


>bro tier:
>good tier:
>mediocre tier:
>shit tier:

The horde is just pure shit desu famalam

Go back to milking DH cock Maiev.

Cockney Werewolf-man is okay in concept but shit in execution. They might get better when blizz decides to remodel them, same with goblins.

fukken this
Maiev and the wardens are the shit

People who are ignorant about not seeking the absolute truth

>DH not milking her cock
obv you know shit about warcraft

That's it asshole, the Iron Hand of Justice comes for you!

I hope you've got some Naga bitch and fuccboi crack addict to save your ass like Illidan did, otherwise you're going to be well acquainted with my ol' buddy 'prison'.

I always liked the idea that you could start as race of your choice but swore your oath to the leader you want, so basically choose the fraction you wanna join.
But I guess I'm pretty much alone with it.

barafags know whats good

They spent a lot of time together, the two of them.

I want to fuck Tyrande!

Why are people shitting on Forsaken?
What the fuck man?

DK Worgen (Males) are scum of the earth, though.

>Implying she isn't force milking them
>Implying they're enjoying it.


>Getting anywhere near Maiev unless it's feeding his pansy ass food through the bars in his cage.


because horde characters and horde players smell like hot garbage

this is my fetish
>mfw a grand total of 2 porn images of them


Maiev and Illidan?

Im with you.

yes.... don't judge me faggot

>Judge you

I'm with you buddy.

>The personalmi image


Well user...

Plenty more on the /aco/ wow thread.

bogpill me on why people who say "redpill me on x" need to die

Whats that guy up to nowadays?
Really eager to hear whats his opinion on the "light dreadlords"

I'm sorry comrade


Maiev is going to force that demon-semen slurping race traitor Illidan to watch Tyrande get inseminated by Malfurion. In front of all the other Wardens and Watchers.

Maiev being corrupted by the Legion and hunted by Illidan when?

she's uncorruptable