
Because catgirls are amazing.

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People love their big fat cat tats.


Porn sells

Why are you surprised by that?

Are catgirls furry?

>OVA is not a hentai

Wow shit.

Fuck off shill


The kickstarted ended already

I don't understand why people are fucking backing this it's not even going to be pornographic

A couple years ago people would always talk about how much Japan disliked Kickstarter and other crowd funding campaigns. What changed their mind?


catgirls find a way

The additional rewards, probably.
Nekopara is also a Steam meme and memes get supported there to hell and back.

>Nekopara, a vn where a guy fucks his adopted children.

>we get a VN about loli Vanilla and Chocola

Are you upset because people didnt give money to butch/dyke furries?

It's only sekaiproject doing it as far as I know. They funded the Grisaia translation with kickstarter too.

I'm not upset just surprised that they made so much money.

>designed and created by Sayori
That name sounds familiar.

>she is now brown

Explain this.

why not?



If only this was porn. If animated hentai had this budget, it wouldn't look like garbage all the time.

The world always needs more catgirls.

But why are they cat people? Is it a genetic mutation? wouldn't the government be looking for them or are they just a different race coexisting with humans and there are more cat people besides these characters? Can they reproduce with a human?

>implying it's porn

hell, it aint even ecchi.
Dumb weebs got conned yet again.

>No sex
What's the fucking point? I can watch other moeblobs that are better than this right now.

>>Nekopara kickstarter reached almost one million dollars

and this is somehow surprising?

I'm pretty sure MGQ got an OVA too, didn't it?

Holy fuck, I watched that video and a sudden feeling of embarrassment got into my entire body.

Nekopara is cute enough. But the very thought of giving money to Sekai Project is disgusting.

>But why
It's literally catgirl porn.

Do you really need to ask why?

Sekai Project releases their games in Japanese, Chinese, and English, and gives them a worldwide release at launch. Most of Japan is xenophobic as fuck, and you can say what you want about the Sekai Project games, but they certainly do know the importance of a global market.

That means Sup Forums will love it.

Congratulations user, your gay!

>Sekai Project knows the importance of a global market and gives all it's games a worldwide release

Living up to their name I guess. Since Sekai Project translates to World Project.

her self insert is the Sister to MC
she's done other porn stuff aswell

>weebs will LITERALLY pay for anything

Hopefully the Slacker Backer Campaign will push the total over $1 million and we can get the mini-OVA based on the mini-VN

Fuck yeah!

Why Coconut looks like a gyaru slut?

But is not hentai. Why did people pay for this?

Anime is Sup Forums
VN is /jp/
Get out.

>What changed their mind?
It's just Sekai Project. The localizer.

Funny story. Sekai Project wanted to do a kickstarter for G-senjou no Maou just like they do with every damn licence they localize. But Akabei Soft forbade them from doing crowdfunding.
Because of that Sekai Project dropped any and all marketing for the game and did a stealth release on Steam without even tweeting about the release on their official twitter ahead of the release.

And on slightly related point. To this day they're still only offering a censored all-ages version with cut content, of their own making specifically for their own localization. No matter how little sense that makes of the story, nor how awkward the cuts from the cut content are.

>But why
Because sex

People are stupid as fuck

Cute cat girls doing cute things.

>wow what the fuck, why are weebs paying for what they have always wanted, a cat girl anime, what the fuck!!!?!?!?!?!

>haha holy shit weebs are getting exactly what they asked for ahahaha a fucking con job dumb weebs!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>But is not hentai.
Are you 12?

I don't get the love for Nekopara. As far as VNs go it's absolutely generic and boring.
I can get better porn with other VNs too.
Also, in this case they're not even animating the sex scenes. Absolutely useless Kickstater project.

The OVA funded by the Kickstarter is not going to be hentai.

The VNs are. (although Vol.0 is only light nudity)

>cute catgirls doing cute catgirl things

Even if it's not porn, it's porn for my heart.

>No hentai
De-fucking-lete this

It got a massive popularity boost thanks to the Steam version being able to be streamed on Twitch and such. A lot of people have gotten into the niche of streaming Steam VN's for the "so quirky XD!" views.

Nekopara is also REALLY vanilla in terms of VN's. There's no fetishes going on (not even anal dammit), and cat girls are probably the most generic thing to come out of Japan. In other words, it's a combination of being able to be marketted as "so quirky XD!" to people, along with not having any "scary" content that would make people shy away.

Did you know? There's a point when contrarianism reaches a point that makes you look like a retard.

Makes sense. So it's basically a bunch of normies that are actually repressed weebs.
Even Wanko to Kurasou is better than this.

It's true though. Nekopara is just cute catgirls doing cute things. Nothing interesting happens.

>40k away from the 1 million goal
I'm disappointed in you all.

Its based on a hentai VN retard.

Wanko's writing is a shitton better, but you have to consider the MC of Wanko also is a douchebag with his "I don't have feelings" bullshit, and that would likely make people hate the game. It also didn't have a family friendly version, at least that I know of.

What's interesting is that a LOT of people don't know Nekopara has an uncensored 18+ version of the game. If you mention it to people, they will generally give you an "ewww" reaction.

So which backer spent 10k on porn?

First Sup Forums tells me nobody pays for porn, now you're telling you should only pay for porn?

Sekai Project are fucking jews

If Nekopara dies, then all of Sekai Project dies. Winged Cloud has already left them so they can no longer rely on the Sakura games. Their licence for Grisaia is also running out, and with Front Wing having left them to go independent, they're not getting it back. Especially not with their now poor impression of Sekai Project.

If we're lucky, they really will go bankrupt.
Then again, with Kickstarter they can just ask and receive a fucking million dollars and then fail to deliver like always. It's like they're immortal with how they can always fall on kickstarter whenever they fall into the red. It's like they're using kickstarter like bankloans.

About to go bankrupt? Launch a kickstarter or two to get out of the red!
Can't go through with your current kicksterters?
That's fine, just launch yet another kickstarter or two in order to fund your previous kickstarters!
Still can't or don't want to bother actually delivering everything you said you would in spite of getting the money to do it? Just don't! You can always just ask suckers for more money later at a later date anyway through yet another kicksterter!
Repeat forever.

Fuck them.

it got the "le ironic weeb steam audience" due to youtubers

If you're to pay for anime on Kickstarter, at least pay for good stuff like LWA 2. If this was well animated porn, then it would be worthy since hentai nowadays have shoestring budget.

The Steam update broke the uncensored patch late last year. Now you have to pay for the fucking thing on the official site.


>Especially not with their now poor impression of Sekai Project.

What happened?

>Winged Cloud has already left them so they can no longer rely on the Sakura games.

lol why go independent? I thought they were selling well.

Ah yes you're 12. Type moon is a Hentai VN and you don't see hentai scenes in Fate/Stay Night anime, retard.
Don't worry, eventually you'll learn how the world actually works, kid.

>Type moon is a Hentai VN and you don't see hentai scenes in Fate/Stay Night anime, retard.

And thats why its shit and nobody likes it.

Sekai Project still has Maitetsu. I'm interested in seeing how badly they censor it. Granted, the sex scenes are a post-game reward, but the game had a lot of casual bath nudity in it.

>someone literally pledged 10k on this

Jesus Christ...

They went independent because Sekai not only kept fucking up and has a bad rep but they also realized they can get a bigger cut doing it themselves.

How good was the UBW anime anyway? I didn't watch it because I was and still am tired of Fate/Stay Night.

>And thats why its shit and nobody likes it.
One of the best selling/best rated/best animated animed of all time.
Nice damage control retard.

Where I can pirate the hentai games?

>best rated

Fanboys on Sup Forums dont count you stupid fuck

For starters. They really mismanaged the localization of Grisaia to the point that the fan reaction to the localization became bad enough that Front Wing themselves took notice of it.
Add to this, Sekai Project themselves had blamed most of their own shortcomings in regards to Grisaia, onto the developers Front Wing themselves. Knowing that Front Wing had no staff speaking English, thus knowing that they wouldn't be able to respond any of the accusations since they themselves were Front Wing's only portal to the western world. That is until Front Wing said fuck it to all that and actually invested into their own in-house localization branch with their own English speakers. And promptly debunked Sekai Project's bullshit and cut their ties with them.

How much of a jew do you have to be that you have crowdfunding for visual novels?

You can't anymore. Steam update blocked it.


Sup Forums hates it because it got popular though. It's still highly rated everywhere and sold like hotcakes in Japan.

>It's not hentai

For what purpose

>Sup Forums hates it because it got popular though

So Sup Forums is like Sup Forums?

I don't care for the series much and I see it everywhere. Especially Illya's cunny

Crossboarder here. In more ways than both boards think.

They are basically the same board

Volume 1

Volume 2


Sup Forums is literally the anime version of Sup Forums

people will eat any ol shit if it has cute girls

see: Kyoani's continued financial success, Neptunia's continued financial success

It's decent imo

probably for cute and comfy

I don't mind since others paid for it

>still using the Kyoani is shit meme

Fuck off Sup Forums

But you can patch it for uncensored.

i just hope they at least finish the Rabi-Ribi Vita before they go down.
shame that such a shit company got a amazing game.

Makes sense. It's a niche market and you get to know up front if it's actually going to be worth translating. If you can't guarantee X number of sales, then you're better off working on a title that can.

>le popular meme
It's a run of the mill VN where you fuck catgirls, fuck off you shitstain redditor fuck

>and you don't see hentai scenes in Fate/Stay Night anime

some of it comes fairly close


Try not replying to such obvious bait user

I'm talking about FSN retard.