they lie just for the cash grab
it's akway like that user
they just do it for the attention and scandals because it sells
Why is the "lady" in the right less fat?
maybe we should stop playing video games
Like a lot of batshit libcucks she's vegan
>spending more time following literal nobodies than playing games
protip anyone who just plays games doesnt encounter this shit
Ya, his posture is really bugging me too OP. Seriously plays with their arms and hands in that position?
Why would a grown man still wear that silly hat?
Anita Sarkesian is the one on the right.
>caring what society thinks
Shut up, conformist.
If you combined the hair from then and now you'd almost have a head full of hair.
>hey arnold shirt
lol fag
Where do you retards even get these strawman comics? Get fucked.
Fags aren't welcome here.
Wait a second, I fucking remember that artstyle. This guy was making shit for memecenter back when I was like 13. He's still going?
To keep his head warm.
libby folfax
Get out of here youngling.
I was trying to save face by not saying I was going to meme sites past age 15, what do you want from me?
to leave
He looks like a school shooter desu
His name is Not Important
We own this board.
Except when you were a kid your parents would take away your vidya if they thought they were violent or satanic.
Now all you have to do is not obsess over twitter and keep playing the videogames that you want to play. Problem fucking solved.