I want to start playing the Warhammer saga, but I don't know with what Warhammer should I start playing.
I want to start playing the Warhammer saga, but I don't know with what Warhammer should I start playing
medieval 2
shogun 2
I was talking about the Warhammer saga, not the Total War, but thanks anyway.
None of the relatively few Warhammer fantasy games are inherently connected. You can play older stuff like Mark of Chaos (assuming you can find it anywhere) or just skip straight to Total Warhammer or Vermintide or Mordheim or whatever.
Well, for starters, do you want to play Warhammer Fantasy or Warhammer 40k? They're completely different series.
Regardless, the only games in the entire franchise worth playing are Warhammer Total War, the Dawn of War games, and maybe Space Marine if you don't mind your Orc stomping to be a little dudebro round the edges. Everything else is mediocre at best and shovelware at worst.
> asks for warhammer saga
>lists total war
There's no "complete" game that shows the various factions and their location that takes place in warhammer fantasy besides maybe Total War: Warhammer and the Gehemnisnacht mod for CK2. Mordheim and Blood Bowl are both pretty gud, but their almost direct translations from the tabletop games to video games.
Would be Dawn of War fine?
Dawn of War is Warhammer 40k, the sci-fi future version of the setting. It's separate from Warhammer Fantasy.
Damn I don't undersand a shit, so should I play first Warhammer Fantasy to undestand Warhammer 40K?
total warhammer is garbage
dawn of war is cool
shadow of the horned rat is cool
dark omen is cool
The two universes are pretty much separate, order doesn't matter much.
mark of chaos
mordheim if you want to rage for every one of your warband member died
Total warhammer is still the best, most loyal warhammer fantasy game alive.
Is Sanctus Reach good? I heard it's the closest experience to tabletop
The two are separate, and so is pretty much every game in the fantasy line.
They all just do their own thing - taking something from the Warhammer tabletop lore to make a game.
Don't play any Warhammer games for the story, find a game that you enjoy first and the story/setting is a bonus.
Ok, thank you guys, I think I'll go to with Dawn of War that seems to be the most accessible, to look if it hooks me or not.
need some price drop
>asks about warhammer fantasy
>recommend him dawn of war.
Try reading the thread.
Mark of Chaos is the first Warhammer game I played. I'm not sure how well it is aged but it was good at the time. Campaign allows for playing both as Empire and High Elves (but in different parts of the same campaign, not one or the other form start to finish)
If you can find a download somewhere it would be probably be pretty cheap.
It's $12 on Humble Monthly.