Why does Sup Forums so desperately want to believe overwatch is dying...

Why does Sup Forums so desperately want to believe overwatch is dying? Literally every complaint that has been made by you guys has been fixed. The only genuine complaint I see is the slow release of content

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a lot of vocal Sup Forumsirgins just hate whatever's popular

Because it's a game that is as normie as they come

Sup Forums is 90% of poorfags, they would praise the game if it was f2p

How about you post more widowmaker ass or kill yourself, OP.

Cause Sup Forums is absolutely retarded. I seriously don't know where it gets half it's shit other from out of it's ass and seems to routinely believe and advocate for things that are obviously not true. Maybe Sup Forums should apply for a job at the White House helping Conway come up with alternative facts

Ah yes another Overwatch thread where people discuss more about the girls and SFM porn than the actual gameplay or game itself.



The queue times. Good god I have to wait 3+ minutes every time and I usually lose anyway.

Played it and got bored quickly. It needed dedicated servers, mods and more game modes.

And the entry price should be 10 bucks at most.

Console or pc? I consistently find games in less than a minute


Are you fucking insane? Literal entitlement

>Good god I have to wait 3+ minutes

That's terminal, what platform are on?

hots is dying. overwatch - not


>Literal entitlement

Spotted the paid marketer. If you want people to play you dumb multiplayer game with microtransactions and scarce content you should price it accordingly.

i hope it doesn't die, i don't play it but the porn is great

Because I want a new map every month and a new hero at minimum every other month damn it. If they aren't producing new noncosmetic content I don't fucking care about them any more.


Switching heroes on the fly is fucking retarded.

Not enough heroes so all the matches are the same.

Is there a widowmaker pillow?

Name game that pumps out quality content at that speed


Because it's an even greater negative influence on the genre than modern military shooters (spunkgargleweewee) were.

At the rate they are pumping out events and cosmetics they have enough people to put to map making.


Haven't been keeping up with this

My only complaint from when I played the beta was the lack of modes. How is it now?

>what is internal testing
>what is quality control
as nice as getting new content is, you cant expect the content to be good or balanced if you just endlessly pump them out. the game does a good job releasing non balance breaking content so far with the arcade game modes and evemt game modes as well as game features like custom games, we are still in the process of getting sombra to a balanced state and you want yet another op/up hero? why dont you go play league if you are so obssessed with playing with new toys

they released capture the flag, 1 v 1 and 3 v 3 on a special arena map, all brawls, and no limits which is just hero stacking


>start game
>queue for 20 seconds
>get in a game
Are you in a shit region or something?

Don't tell me it's dying, I'm thinking of buying it.

It just recently hit 25 million users, so it's far from dying despite what lies Sup Forums spews from it's ass

Oh well, that's good. I had a friend jumping in just 3 days ago and I was thinking of doing the same.

I expected pics of ass, got none


After solo queueing for awhile, going from Master down to plat through a losing streak of teammates who refused to play their roles, and got angry enough to switch to Widowmaker on a control map, Overwatch has become tiresome to me.

The toxic, horrendous spouting bullshittery from people made me turn voice chat, and text chat off as well.

It's sad, really. It can be a fun game, sure, but the community absolute ruins it. It drew in the MOBA community and become a downright shitflinging game.

It doesn't help that none of it requires much skill, at all. Trying to play CS:GO would be shooting yourself in the foot.

RS:Siege is a decent game, but again, the teamwork.. Just isn't there sometimes, and the language barrier ruins match ups as well.

>what is internal testing
>what is quality control
Shit Blizzard doesn't do

It's easy to get in to, and a lot of fun especially when you have friends to group up with. Go for it user

>The only genuine complaint I see is the slow release of content

More like the slow release of any new porn

Dropped off dramatically since the first few months of release

I really like Siege and I just wish there was a way to find people actually on my skill level for vs mode. I dont (and cant) play anywhere near often enough to get up to the level as most of the people I get paired with.

I've been debating getting Overwatch since launch, but from the Beta and subsequent gameplay I have seen, it just looks like a slightly different version of TF2 which is kinda turning me off. I feel like I have had my fill of TF2 for a lifetime at this point, but at the same time the game looks different and fun enough so I stay on the fence.

i watched some gameplay and quake just looks like a generic sliding around rocket spamming shooter with shit load of pick ups on the map

modern shooters like titanfall and infinite warfare also have tons of mobility and movement options

you are also quoting yahtzee who think multiplayer is dumb because you can just play vs ai and get the same results

choose one

>how to be a retard: the post


lol at genji and hanzo

Soundquake when?

Wow I have to drive a car and like.. get gas wow.
such microtransactions wow. I hate cars wow they should be like 10 bucks XD

>inb4 "c-car analoggyyyygyg!!!"

bitter hatfags

Which is why it was not expected at launch. Its been months and we have gotten what? One map? They have the public test servers for testing. Flood the thing with map ideas already.

>want to believe overwatch is dying?
No one said that, or at least I haven't seen anything like that. There are a lot of people that stopped playing after a month or 2 tho, and my complaints with the game are fundamental gameplay not some bullshit like not enough content. In fact only retards want even more hero inflation.

>leadfoot default movespeeds
>no support for community made maps, made even worse by the chokepoint-ridden official maps
>all the ability cooldowns cause the pace of play to be janky and jarring compared to other fpses
>infinite ammo combined with rapid reload speeds equals constant spam
>game is still dominated by ult-trains

Aside from gameplay issues, it's made by Blizzard, which has faggots aplenty on both sides of the debate.

the game modes and some hero designs draw from tf2, but the game flow amd gameplay is far different. for one there are multiple healers amd the game is far more hit scan centric and the usage of abilities are far more reminisciemt of mobas than tf2

just dont play mercy torb and junkrat if you are tired of tf2, everyone else plays differently and has no similarities to tf2

>the actual gameplay or game itself
Could be a coincidence that the gameplay is as deep as a puddle and most got bored by it after a month. OR IS IT..

Because people are starting leave the game as it's one of the most casual and shallow games made so far. Nearly every game is literally exactly the same, there's only 3 game modes and the map designs are horrible.

I'll never be interested in this till they improve their content-release pipeline
>3 months till the 1 year anniversary of release
>in the months its been out, we have only 2 characters and 2 maps
>one character is shit, one map is a clusterfuck chokepoint design

but we've been able to deeply enjoy like 3 skin events and mediocre game modes

3 maps, watchpoint antartica, eichenwalde, oasis, and to some extent lucio ball and junkenstein castle

they could flood us with map ideas, but i guess they dont want players to test textureless maps with no art assets that might not even make it into the game. we've only been able to test things that are far into the pipeline and ready to go

All I play is Q3 botmatches for an hour these days. Literally the only thing. It says a lot about the industry or rather the genre when a botmatch of a game for the 90's is more fun than anything MP these days.

is this art?

user i dont even dislike cod but jesus christ the absolute STATE of that post mate

Advanced Warfare actually features Q3A bhop. Other CoD games sap your momentum when you land on the ground. AW turned that off, plus VQ3 bhop actually works pretty well with AW's jetpacks. Bloops 3 and IW have retarded, both as in stupid and as in hindered, movement by comparison.

Just how delusional are you?

>Widowmaker will never sit on your face
>You will never taste her blueberry asshole
Why even bother living?

Lazy excuse desu, the only decent maps in the pool are the london thingy and the new castle one, the rest is one day work shovelware amateur mapmaking.
I'm a mapper since the 90's and I can safely say that mapping was never that fast with today's tools.

The core of the game is still incredibly boring.

how delusional are you to believe Overwatch is popular

>Literally every complaint that has been made by you guys has been fixed
No mods, shit gameplay, no campaign, etc, etc, etc. Overwatch will never be good

Who says they have to lack assets? It doesn't have to be custom but they can throw some stuff together to give a feel for the map. All they really have to do anyway is get the pathing and sight lines down and balanced for what they want for the map. Once thats done the work is basically over slap it on its ass and send it to the art department for finalization. They could get all the hard work done in a few weeks. Just set up a special mode that tests one exact map idea and fidget with the map daily or semi daily until it works.

Everything they threw in and took out just as fast again was the equivalent to Mario Party. Completely forgettable content nobody likes.
Instead of fleshing out one of them and sticking with it...
Also the easiest way to bump player numbers would be an actual casual fun mode with like 10vs 10 or something. Just some mindless mayhem, because the game sorely lacks one.

> The only genuine complaint I see is the slow release of content
I hate what you just said.

can't fix boring gameplay

over watch is actually shit, I can't believe I played it during season 1, I tried to go back multiple times to earn lootboxes for seasonal skins but i could never get through more than 1 game.

it is a dogshit game, im ashamed i gave blizzard 40 of my dollars.

>No mods
Custom games just became enabled.

>Shit gameplay
Highly subjective

>No campaign
>Wanting a single-player campaign in a multiplayer-based game


I just got overwatch on pc and it's awesome, way easier to aim with hero's like widow or mccree.
I also just made this vid of me playing widow on console, tell me whether you like it or not


>No mods
>Custom games just became enabled.
Those aren't mods

>Highly subjective
No. The FPS genre has been plagued with shit games for a very long time now. The best FPS games are a hundred times better than Overwatch. It's not even funny how pathetic the FPS genre has become. I truly wish we could have games like Natural Selection but instead we get the most dumbed down shit possible.

shut up Kefka

>Sup Forums
we really need to stop using this to describe the people her, its way to fuckin general and i don't want to be bundled in with the idiots that bark into a speech to text microphone from their beds to post their oddly consistently contrarian opinions on successful games

>it's not subjective because I REALLY don't like overwatch

wew lad

He is right though.

It's been nearly a year and we've only seen 2 new characters, a map (which is widely considered to be the worst), and a 1v1 map

I mean fuck even SFV is releasing content faster than this.

And SFV is releasing unfinished garbage

Isn't this the fate of every game that focuses 100% on PVP? You play the game, learn the ins and outs, quickly see everything there is to see, burn out, realize you're not having fun, and quit.

>Sup Forums
>game discussion

>someone posts a picture I took of my toilet

That only happens if you queue up with a full party of 6.

Dude me too. I always play alone so I feel like I should be getting in quick but almost every game is 3+ minutes wait time. And I live in Burgerland.

I'm starting to think my playtime is what's fucking my queue. I have over 400 hours on one character and almost none on all the others.


Overwatch WILL die, its just a matter of when, even if its still popular, it has already reached its peak.

Same thing happened with LoL, lots of people kept saying it was dying yet a short time after it peaked, now its dying because normies have already moved to OW

And Hearthstone players look at Overwatch players in envy of the attention they get. Blizz is shitting the bed pretty hard.

whatever helps you sleep at night

I love these comics.

It is f2p, pay once and done. Free to play it after, no subscription required.

I feel it, some times its quick but later in the day and at night the queue times are 2 - 5 minutes long. (west USA, California for anyone wondering about region)

Got sick of it, went and played tf2 for the rest of the night. Found a server instantly and started playing.

Why are most lewd artist for Widowmaker so shit? The point of lewd is that it's supposed to be more higher quality than straight up porn

And Counter-Strike 1.6 was popular too, so was Modern Warfare 1-3, DotA, LoL, TF2 and now OW.

I really don't understand why people think that OW dying will change anything, there will allways be a new game to complain about because its popular and fun


>you will never be suffocated inside of those ass cheeks

That is the most retarded thing I've read all day.

Anything you don't personally play is a failure.

Game's boring as shit, desu.

Thank god for the porn though.

>the chinese milf is pretty cute
>there's no good belly inflation/monster rape porn of her

Goddamn, do I need to do this myself?