Game has literally impossible puzzles

>game has literally impossible puzzles

What do?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_box_paradox


Fill two boxes with 15 and leave one empty.

Fuck you.

>three blanks
>all odd numbers to make an even number

The answer is 15+15+__=30

>Have three boxes
>But you're only meant to fill in two!!!! hehehe bet that makes you think huh hehehe so smart and critical thinking
what a dumb fucking question

Finally people who can get things done. Bless you.

>literally impossible puzzles
Name just one.

Just turn that 9 upside-down.

am I allowed to pick
7,9 + 13,1 + 9

>Question tells you to fill in the boxes
>People cheat by not filling in the boxes

I bet you fucks think you're so clever because the question didn't specify you had to fill in ALL the boxes, even though it's implicit in its wording it meant every single box. Shit like this had better been in a law school test and not anything else.

except it's an impossible problem.

The question only gives you odd numbers
the sum of 2 odd numbers is an even number
The sum of an even and odd number is an odd number
30 is an even number
therefore, you cannot reach 30 with the sum of 3 odd numbers

that's why I'm asking can I use the commas?

[(1+9)] + [(1+9)] + [(1+9)]

commas don't denote decimals, they denote sets. Sets of numbers don't add together one dimensionally

It literally tells you exactly what to do. Nowhere does it state that the answer outside of the box needs to be correct.

how about these?

>commas don't denote decimals
Not every country has the same system dipshit

it's litterally impossible unless you can put more in the boxes than just one number or leave one blank.

3 odd numbers will always equal an odd number no matter what.

Literally every country except maybe China uses the arabic system

He meant some countries use decimal comma instead of dot, which is true, but even then it would be understood as a list of numbers since otherwise it wouldn't make sense.

>what is France

a country
>whats your point?

13 + 11 + 6 = 30

The 6 is upside down.

this sort of "le outside the box thingging :DDDD" continues to be incredibly popular amongst dumb VC startups, aka a bunch of autistic nerds who are too cheap to hire actual HR

>Put 13 in the first box
>Put 3 in the second box
>Put 9 in the third box
>Place another 3 rotated 180 degrees over your original 3 to turn it into an 8

>Putting trick questions on a professional exam


15,7 + 11.3 + 3

Use the . from the end of solve it.
use 3 and then put a dot by 3 and repeat 3 after it for a (3.333333).
Then use the parenthesis around the numbers and create (3.33) repeating and then put a 3 infront of it for 3(3.33).

now add them up and thats 30.

Just use plus and minus inside the boxes until it results in a suitable answer inside the box. Repeat until total sum is 30.

Comma wins again, take that merrifats

>its another fucking sokoban puzzle

nice vector points europoor.
actually I wonder if you could use a vector and get the magnitude and have that equal 30.

this, except 11.9 and 5.1
you have to use decimals

Can you solve this?

>playing Myst
>doing gear puzzle in lighthouse
>Hmm interesting, so I need 2(mod3)...
>Wait that's impossible
>Oh wait, you can just hold the levers down, making the puzzle completely trivial
Top notch, Cyan. Really gives my noggin a floggin.

This. The people who come up with this kind of shit are fucking cunts.

>Gaurav Agarwal has joined the server


>inb4 a bunch of people misinterpret an intentionally vaguely worded scenario

The odds are different depending on where you decide to start calculating; before the prompt or after the prompt.

Youd think it's 1/2 but it would be higher than that because you're less likely to pull the gold from the half and half box. You're more likely to have gotten the box on the far left.

it'd be like what 3/4?

>layton puzzle
>instantly think of an obvious answer
>take some time and eventually think of a second more complicated one

>not sure which one is the correct one

66%. Out of the three golden balls, two of them have another gold ball as their partner.

I don't understand your backwater redneck mumbo-jumbo, ask your cousin next time you pork her Cletus.


but it says fill the boxes

actually wait its 2/3 my bad.

gold bal gold ball
gold ball gold ball
gold ball silver ball


66.6% repeating of course

still dumb

Place a 9 in the first box, but angle it so that the tail goes outside the box, so all that's left inside the box is an 0.

Being an American, you can't tell me what do, commie scum. I look inside the fucking box since I'M RIGHT FUCKING THERE. Fuck your stupid test.

Anyone else find the idea of "trick questions" atleast in pre-university education, disgusting?

Here we have a teacher with kids' futures partially in his/her hands, some of these kids may be in risk of failing, maybe some even have a bad situation at home and are working hard for a better future, and some asshole needlessly decides to make le ebin trick question xD.

>Problem literally tells you to fill the boxes
>"But you're only supposed to use two of them haha im so smart for coming up with this problem"
People who make trick questions should be hanged.

>Game has PhysX puzzles that are literally 100% impossible because they relied on an old version of PhysX

If any job asked me to carry out some vague, indirect task whichever way I interpret, I'd say "Here's my two weeks notice, I'm going to find a job where they clearly outline the work they wish to pay me for"

You're all fucking retarded. There's only one box out of the three that a second gold ball can be pulled from. The answer is 1/3.

looked it up and it's 2/3.'s_box_paradox

>smug anime.jpg

ok smart guy whats the answer?


you have two chances to pull a gold ball from the left one user.

and only one chance to pull a gold from the gold and silver.

Know how I can tell you're not American?
Because you make every fucking thing about Americans.

posting off-topic images in the OP should be a banable offense

100 %


I like you

No user, you are the retards.

None of you though of this?


Bayes' Theorem


It's not even correct.
>15 + 15 + = 30
>15 + + 15 = 30
>+ 15 + 15 = 30
None of these are valid equations.

The only correct answer I can think of is to stack two 3s on top of each other to make an 8. But in that case you could just write any number and say it's a bunch of tiny 1s.

1. someone did
2. you don't have a + in your repertoire.

im a jew
i can smell the other gold coin

Two 15s is literally the only combination of those numbers that produces 30. Being able to repeat numbers is the important part.


What a great way to spend a Saturday night huh BROS?????????

Fuck, it's 50%. I am actually retarded.

50%, anything else is wrong.

You've picked gold. So the silver only box can be excluded, which leaves two boxes. One that had gold + silver (now only silver left) and one that had gold + gold (now only gold left). Seeing as both are equally likely, it's 50%.

Also I've taken stats, so you fuckers better respect my authoritah


I wish I could spend every night with you

My fucking sides

>Also I've taken stats
how does one take stats?
like do you steal a leaderboard or something?

I'm actually having a lot of fun with this.
it's fun thinking of convoluted bullshit to solve a problem.

First gold doesn't count, since it's guaranteed according to the rules of the game. I.e. 100% * 50%

Fuck off, I'm about to beat off, YEAH

odd + odd = even
even + odd = odd

all the choices are odd. sum of the first odd and second odd will be even. then even + odd will be odd. therefore, there is no solution.

>i count the first box twice to compensate for the other gold ball

Then explain how Gaurav did it

Ain't the brightest are ya?

>The Talos Principle
>many optional star puzzles are brainwreckers that require you to abuse the system by using tools and effects from separate puzzle rooms in order to create a solution that goes through the level hub itself
>while few star "puzzles" are basically just one hidden switch behind a bush or some other visual obstacle that you can simply walk up to, and flipping it opens up a convenient secret door beside it that leads to the collectible star and you just spent hours trying to figure out how to use the different tools around the level for nothing

Obviously 2/3, because out of the 3 gold balls that you randomly picked, 2 of them have another gold ball as their neighbour.

There's also seven commas and a set of brackets there m8.

user there are 3 options
it doesn't matter the chances.
you have 3 options to occur no matter what.

just let it happen.

who cares if you pulled out the left or right ball of the gold/gold

its 50/50
fuck bertrand

>game changes time scale to frame rate
>if you go fast enough you can phase through walls
>this is a puzzle mechanic


Every time I learn about a new mathematical paradox, I'm increasingly suspicious that mathematicians have their heads constantly up their asses.

user lets say you pull 6 balls

3 of them are gold balls
you have 3 options not 2.