Why do you hate the Wii, Sup Forums?

Why do you hate the Wii, Sup Forums?

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I don't.

The Wii's great, it's not 2008 anymore.


Best console for emulation and plays Wii and Gamecube library from hard drive.

I got it when I was a kid. I'm 18 now. But as a kid I liked it. When I was l was little Mario RPG games where my absolute favorite. So galaxy 1 n 2 were a blast for me.

Wii U does this too, but through HDMI

This is b8.

Can you play Gamecube games with a Gamecube controller on Wii U?

Might be a way of using the USB adaptor but I've only tried wiimote + classic controller.

Which works fine

Not this thread again. It's because most of the so-called "classics" for the Wii are actually shit games that Nintendo fanboys excuse because they need to justify their existence somehow. Also, waggle controls are just awful.

And? Wii U isn't worth owning.

You're right, until it drops in price by around 75%

Lol that will never happen

>he never became a master swordfighter on Wii Sports Resort


Compare the original price of the Wii to the current pre-owned value.

Only a matter of time

It's a ps2 dressed up like a mac

If you don't get this joke your underage and need to leave.

>wiimote and classic controller for Gamecube games

Kill yourself m8.

There are a billion Wiis in the 2nd hand market, you retarded fuck. That's why they're so cheap.

Not the case for Wii U.

Classic controller pro is a better controller m88

Wait a minute... why don't YOU hate the wii?

I never did. It has a good library.

>no analog triggers

Apologize to your father.

Because I can't hate the best console for emulation that has hardware support for Gamecube out of the box.

i fucking love the wii its on par with the ps2 when it comes to games

I thought the motion gimmicks hurt more games than it helped and a lot of the nintendo core franchise releases on the system weren't as good as some of the older ones.

It's okay, but it's not great.

It honestly had a fantastic lineup of games, I have no regrets owning this thing

the fucking wii u on the other hand

It's better for games that don't use analog triggers though.

It was basically GameCube 2.0 with motion controls, Wi-Fi, and a channel-based menu.

Loved it


I don't, it just doesn't have that many good games in it. I got one for my birthday years and years ago and the count of good games I've played on it is less than 10. I would never, ever buy one myself. It's just no worth it.

GameCube had good games tho

so did the wii, infact the wii had more.

No just no

im sorry man but facts are facts

>Wii has no good games
Love this meme

He's technically correct given Wii plays cube games by default.

>the best console for emulation
That would be a modded original xbox. It can even play quake holy fuck.

Shit taste is not facts


It really didn't, overall. It had SOME good games, as every console has, eventually. Hell, even the xbox one has some good games (none I can tell you myself, but I'm sure somebody likes Halo #430), yet most of its games are either shovelware or games designed for kids or adults that never held a controller in their lives.

I'm not being derogatory, that was their plan from the start and it worked, it was the most sold console that gen after all. But for the normal Sup Forums user, it had scraps.

Can Xbox hueg be softmodded?

Then it can't compete with Wii.

you can buy used Wii U's for literally 100$

Do you even read what you quote?

I don't believe you

I didn't really like any of the games on it, but it's more that I just didn't like Nintendo's direction at the time.

Gamecube had great games. Wii didn't.

Wiis go for $/€20

stay ignorant i guess

It absolutely can. archive.org/details/SoftmodInstallerDeluxeV5.11Final.7z

>it just doesn't have that many good games in it
>GameCube had good games tho (In response to:)
>It was basically GameCube 2.0 with motion controls (implying it has no good games at all, while Gamecube did)
Did you?

That's my Sunday evening sorted.

Wii still wins though with homebrew and large scene.

What did I ever do to you, user?

Gibs me some examples beyond those I know of (2 Zelda games of which 1 are better on gamecube,Super Mario Galaxy, Xenoblade Chronicles, Last Story, Pandora's Tower)

Ghost Squad
No More Heroes 1&2
Deadly Creatures
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor

It's kiddie shit. Just buy a PS4 already

No More Heroes 1 & 2
Wario Land: Shake It
Metroid Prime 3
Sin & Punishment
FE: Radiant Dawn
Super Paper Mario
Mad World
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Kirby's Return to Dreamland
Sonic Colors
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition (arguably the best version of the game)

>$0.01 has been deposited into your account

From where?

Forgot about MadWorld. Beyond that at least some of the games might appeal to me, but still it's not an impressive quality library for a console which sold so much. The ps2 also sold shit tons but at least ended up with a library that reflected that.

It was only good after you hacked it so you can play any Wii and Gamecube on it for free.

Again, do you even read what you quote?

who the fuck are you to say this when you havent even played any of these games either of us have mentioned?

Should I hack mine for shits and giggles? I can already emulate them better on PC I think though.

Nothing to lose, really. I use my Wii U for the physical Wii games now anyway.

If you're being pedantic because I said "no" instead of "only some" I was generalizing because of the fact that I quoted two posts, autist.

I did play MadWorld and Metroid Prime 3 but forgot about it when listing the games I thought was good. I can also have a feeling about what a Kirby game will be like, and I'm not a big fan of the series. And some of them I checked out youtube videos of just now. No More Heroes and Sin and Punishment definitely look worth getting. Still, your lists will pale compared to the ps2 for example. Just SMT3 and the Persona games blow it out of the water.

And for the record I've owned a Wii since 2009, but it sure has seen a lot less use than either the ps3, ps4 or PC.

wii-u/OGxbox can't into 240p so it's pretty much useless for emulation since any craptop can output HDMI too.

the wii can output 240p via RGB and component, making it one the only consoles worth emulating on.

there's only really a handful of games that utilize the analog triggers, and the ones that are broken without it i could count on one hand.

nintendon't isn't native though, the only thing that could be considered native is dios mios which has audio problems in some games.

there's absolutely no downside to it, i view non-softmodded wiis as a waste of space.

The only concern is installing dios mios (which you don't have to do anymore to play gamecube games, you can use nintendon't) will take away the ability to play gamecube discs.

first off, this was whether or not the wii was better than the gamecube so i dont know why the fuck you are bringing up the ps2 into this. and second of all, watching a fucking youtube video and actually playing the game or two completely different things

How do you go from this to absolutely no backwards compatibility on any system any more? Meme shit like streaming games you have to rebuy doesn't count.

>backwards compatibility
>homebrew is the shit
>fan mods
>sold well
>had a couple pretty good games

>weakass library
>no third party support
>motion sensor controls
>is an all around gimmick
>set the precedent for the shittier even more gimmicky wii u to come
>only sold well because of casual fans drawn in by its gimmicks

in my opinion the wii was among the weaker consoles nintendo have released over the years i still fuck with the wii though

ctrl + s

Retarded control scheme and appealing to normies sometimes at the expense of long-time Nintendo fans.

in the wii's case it would have been a waste not to, the wii and gamecube use pretty identical hardware so the idea of backwards compatibility was not a obstacle.

Compare it to the ps2, where the the actual hardware between the ps1 and ps2 was very different. The phat models were big because sony insisted on backwards compatibility with ps1 games, it wasn't until the slim that they figured out how to save space by using software to play ps1 games instead of using hardware. Same story for the ps3 really.

The ps2 was a console that also did exceptionally well, but it also had a genuinely good library. The Gamecube sold much much less in comparison, but like the Dreamcast it had great exclusives.

Anyway, the Gamecube library is still more impressive. It was the definitive console for all Resident Evils, it had Eternal Darkness, Baten Kaitos, Viewtiful Joe and Tales of Symphonia, and two excellent Zelda games. Skyward Sword was shit compared to both. Gamecube graphics were comptetive for the time, while the Wii was extremely outdated by the time it came out.

Still, owning a Wii is a no-brainer for the price and the fact that it runs Gamecube games. But the Wii library is still lackluster in quality games, especially considering its massive sales.

>But the Wii library is still lackluster in quality games

this right here is completely irrelevant since you never actually played its best games

how did you get the hard drive working on the wii?

>Haven't played the best games

As a jrpg fan I thought that would be Xenoblade Chronicles. Or do you mean it's FE: Radiant Dawn?

Well I thank you for the tip and will probably pick up some of the games you mentioned. The Wii is just a console I've been neglecting for really long, so anything new worth playing will be a welcome addition .

You stilll haven't really argued why these Wii titles in sum are better than the Gamecube lineup.

most of those gamecube games can be found on other consoles