>steam is killing greenlight to implement a turbojew system instead
You will still have mspaint furry porn games but they will be more expensive
>steam is killing greenlight to implement a turbojew system instead
You will still have mspaint furry porn games but they will be more expensive
Other urls found in this thread:
Greenlight didn't even work, so nothing of value was lost.
I don't really see the downside to this.
If it costs $5000 to get something on, that already prices out most retards who were shitting up Greenlight. There will still be some dumbass furry faggots with enough money to try, but they will at least become less prevalent.
>previous way
>you have 10 cheap games you might like some of them and no one is forcing you to buy anything anyways
>you have 1 expensive game if you don't like it fuck you
The fat juden don't want to host games they can't jew up, this is nothing about quality or players
Greenlight let through too much shit, and if the games are more expensive, then maybe people will wisen up and not buy every piece of shit.
I don't see how that's a bad thing.
>somehow a store with 100 games is better than a store with 1000 games when that 100 games will be in the 1000 games store anyways
About time someone said it in 3 of these threads.
It's about steering the market, and about visibility. If the store is flooded with low quality, others with low quality will be more likely to imitate and push, but the higher quality product get lost in the massive pile of shit, losing visibility.
it means no more indies.
Dont act like 5k is little
>what is popularity
>what is sort by user reviews
Motherfucking witcher 1 had 0 publicity and the budget of a hobo dinner and look at fucking it
Well, it's actually enough that serious indie can get in.
People that aren't serious can't though
This. If you actually believe in your project, $5000 is not too much to put up front. This measure is purely to weed out the flow of bullshit that's been clogging the system.
Witcher also came before the store flood.
But I'm not worried about professionally released games, rather about smaller indies.
Also: Popularity only gets you the big budget items that get store front space anyways, and user reviews are usually a pile of crap until you reach a critical mass.
indiedevs are completly shitting on valve for doing that.
Dev of pic related
So, are we getting porn games already or what
Mangagamer is making hard dosh with rance games now
>Breaking news: Gabe Newell makes sucking his fat cock a new requirement to have your games up on steam. Also, he demands you let him impregnate your mother so he can eat the newborn, sources confirm.
uhhhh that's fair? let's face it, deep inside we ALL want to suck cock, and older women deserve a healthy sex life without the worries of spawning yet another autist like us. newborns don't even feel pain or fear of death and Gabe MUST satiate his hunger somehow. win/win imo??
This isn't an example of valve being unfair.
I personally think valve has done some annoying shit but this isn't one of those things.
I don't think this is the best way to handle it necessarily, but it will work and you can't deny that greenlight works too much off "social manipulation" tactics, which is bullshit and usually the most awful shit is spawned from it instead of cool stuff.
I don't mind a fee, but don't act like five grand is a little. That is a ludicrous amount, and the majority of games on steam don't recoup that in profits. Especially since none of you bitching about the crap let through greenlight buy games anyways.
It should be capped at 1000.
>gabe doing this
>gabe trying to re-implement paid mods
what the fuck is going on over there? is he finally cashing in on goodwill hoping to score lots of cash? or is he just trying to score a bit of cash while ruining the modding community for good?
>all these people pretending this is good
why are you sucking Gabe's cock? If he brings back paid mods will you suck his cock deeper?
I hope Blanco is still making it through
>ok here's my proposal, guys: suck my fucking dick. if you are serious, you'll go through with it
such genius how does gabe keep coming up with these brilliant tactics????????????????????
return of desura when?
Gog supprting indies?
Gabe knows he's fat and old and he's gonna die soon. He's cashing out. If selling such a huge platform like steam was viable he'd have done so already.
>and the majority of games on steam don't recoup that in profits.
Those are the majority that we want off Steam in the first place, because they're fucking shit.
It most likely won't cost $5000
>We talked to several developers and studios about an appropriate fee, and they gave us a range of responses from as low as $100 to as high as $5,000. There are pros and cons at either end of the spectrum, so we’d like to gather more feedback before settling on a number.
Good, anything on greenlight was absolute shit
I thought this was good, but then I realized
>Valve still won't curate shit
>They've just made it more expensive to get your game on there
This means we're going to be seeing kickstarters for people trying to get into greenlight.
Or I could just not buy them in the first place, like I already do
tl; dr
> we don't want devs that can't afford denuvo
Why doesn't valve do a financial check or something?
You have to install a credit card, and Valve charges 5000 dollars to it, after a month they give it back to you if your game isn't ass
denuvo is 75k a license
Yea, the real issue is they need to curate things.
How it really should work is games are submitted to greenlight the same way they are now. There's a back section that has all the games on the list that passed greenlight and a curated section that only has games on it that valve approved.
Developers pay a small $500 fee to investigate their game. If valve determines it's good enough, they curate it and put it on the official list that most people see when they click greenlight.
>be indie dev in shithole country
>Pajeed if you want to sell your game you need to own 5k $
They should do a simple fee like a lot of forums do to prevent spam
25 dollars to host your game, thats it, so many people were just uploading for free, putting even a mild fee will turn off so many spammers and shit
They accept a % of sales plus a base of 2k for small devs 8r shitty ports, the merchant is clever
A credit card would front you 5k
even then a lack of pajeet games wouldn't be bad
There's really no downside for you as a customer.
im not suprised to see Sup Forumstards don't have a ounce of creativity
>steam is killing greenlight
>We're not curating games anymore because quality control is hard :(
you should read more.
They replace it with a system where if bribe valve enough money they put it instantly in the store
dude they never were
If your game isn't going to make back that much money on Steam it probably doesn't belong there. Steam isn't supposed to be Newgrounds 2.0.
I agree, but the point is that five grand won't help quality control and instead will stetilize the market, leaving only "proven" games, which is stupid and reckless of Valve.
Lower the cost and the intended effect will work.
How much is the minimum?
> dev fun/interesting games because you like video games
Hahaha fuck you pleb
> dev fallout 4 to rape a name for dox
Should I shave my beard to suck you dick, todd?
said by two people who have no idea what they are talking about. Small time developers in the greater gaming industry: card and board, mobile, pc, etc might not even spend $5,000 on an entire project.
>Me, the consumer, ends up winning since the paywall blocks all the mobile tier shitpile I'm flooded with on the daily.
Thanks, Gaben.
Now get your actual game developers to develop some fucking games.
I guarantee the proven games will be better than anyhting on steam now
does Sup Forums actually think greenlight was working as quality control?
it may have already worked like steam direct because the system was so shit it took no effort to get through
>Steam isn't supposed to be Newgrounds 2.0.
not according to gabe and the rest of the people at valve.
it worked up until the review and greenlight system just stopped working due to flooding of fake votes and reviews and shit
>That is a ludicrous amount, and the majority of games on steam don't recoup that in profits.
That's the fucking point. We don't want these fucking high school project pieces of shit on the store anymore. I gladly welcome a $5000 requirement over $100, if we didn't have these types of paywalls in society we'd already be living in Blade Runner with blinking chink ads as far as the eye can see.
desu any paywall is better than no paywall
even if its 10 dollars thats so many retards who won't front 10 dollars
steam isnt PC hidden gems. Steam is the store for pc games. When a game was temporarly removed from steam they said they made like no sales.
People will go to publishers or wont create games
>People will go to publishers or wont create games
the publishers aren't going to fund shit highschool project games and shit
>200 is enough to see steam flooded with copyright infringement
like it is now?
where are these supposed mobile shit games ?
I am looking at steam storefront right now:
Dead Island
Darkest Dungeon
Unreal Tournament
Call of Duty
Serious Sam
Sniper Elite
Age of Empires
Need for Speed
are these the shit games you are talking about ?
The higher the better though. If all they're doing is essentially increasing the paywall then I welcome that.
No, we're talking about the steaming pile of RPGmaker shit and VN's that make up ~70% of Steam's library.
Steam hosts more than just the ~20 games on the front page.
the deal is valve will simply ignore to look at your game if you pay the fee in the new sytem. That means you could publish loli hentai games/mario fangames/unofficial movie tiein
Okay, so here's how it really should go down:
Steam charges $500 to get your game into greenlight. However, steam isn't just doing nothing. They actually hire 20 people to play it for 2 hours. These people then vote to see if the game gets through. If 66% say yes, then it gets on steam greenlight. Otherwise, it doesn't.
yeah but how are you finding them ? I literally cannot find them. Sounds like a personal problem to me.
except they explicitly said they're not letting in illegal stuff, which presumably includes copyright infringment
Some sort of fee is good. Cuts leg off from weird scams like robots submitting 3000 new games per second whose only purpose is to display single "free sex near your area" ad to someone unfortunate who accidentally clicks some intentionally deceptive title.
5k should be just backpocket money if you actually believe that your game is good. You'd probably make that much in a month just with trading cards and whatever.
>Darkest Dungeon
steam greenlight made it so people needed to have a pity interest in your game to be sold
>5k should be just backpocket money if you actually believe that your game is good.
Thank god. This will hopefully mean less shitty RPG maker and flash games cropping up.
>. They actually hire 20 people
That's personell, management and overhead cost of $1000 per game. No way.
Steam should just make a Steam Jr. where unproven games get to go. If they get a good response they can move up to normal steam. They could purge unused content or even charge a dev fee for extra storage/bandwidth usage so it wouldn't even be an expense to them.
Valve get a % of every sale
Nd no one want to dev a game for a profit of 5 bucks
Also the document says that fee is recoupable, I'd assume on the basis if the game's actually successful to earn Steam at least that much money from sales. So for a successful game there would be a $0 net fee. Less successful games would just have to get what they can from sales and chalk the rest up as a loss, which is how selling a product in a marketplace is supposed to work.
that data assume a game cost only 10 000 dollar? That's not even the cost of one year of dev for one person in a garage.
you could just not buy them. They dont get advertised in the summer/winter sale, never get the midweek/weekend deal highlight, they dont trash up your recommendations feed
I probably didn't explain myself properly.
I don't mean hire persay, they don't actually hire these people.
They're just neutral internet people they've vetted to be a part of the approval process. They pay them like 10 bucks per a game to do this.
The only overhead is the actual hiring. You could automate most of it.
I agree that $5000 is a lot, but comparing that to something bought FIFTEEN years ago doesn't make much sense. Everything was cheaper 15 years ago.
Risk of Rain had a $7000 kickstarter goal, Revolution 60 cost $100,000 to make.
Stop thinking the ability to put money upfront is the be all and end all indicator of a game's quality.
Right. I forgot.
>actually hiring
>steam spy
it doesn't count sales or market place or another sites that sell or give away free keys.
>They're just neutral internet people
These don't exist and you know it.
It's not. It's just supposed to filter out the bottom of the barrell. VN and RPGmaker.
I don't, but they still fill up searches. If I want to look for an RPG on steam, I have to sort through hundreds of shitty RPG Maker ones.
This is good. $5,000 is 64 $60 games, 250 $20 games or 500 $10 games. This will effectively wipe away 90% of the shit and nearly all of the actual frauds and scams being run. No more asset flips.
Carpe Fulgur is the publisher of Recettear, not the dev.
But that's what Greenlight should do.
The problem is Valve's trading card racket makes it profitable for people to submit bad games, and for Valve to accept them.
why the fuck would they do that
they could just pay more attention to it and greenlight actual games not some shit made in flash in 2 hours
Have you ever used steam before besides just buying whatever is on the front page? Try browsing by genre or tags, its a fucking mess of subpar shit
>But that's what Greenlight should do.
And it failed, so they're looking for alternatives.
>Steam allows any romine to submit unlimited shovelware for a $100 one-time fee via Greenlight
>Also allows giving out unlimited keys so naturally romines try to trade those for Greenlight votes
>Also allows farming trading cards so people buy shovelware just for cards
>Also there's no moderation whatsoever
>Instead of fixing these problems let's shut down Greenlight
By neutral I mean "they don't have any connections with the dev and say they like this category of game that they are reviewing".
This is true, valve could be lazy and not fix their system. It'll technically make them more money in the short term but will poison their long term goals if they keep this shit up.
They could hardly change a thing and fix it, but Valve's attitude of using a sledgehammer on a nail has long been cemented.
God forbid they have to employ people to do a job.
yeah but i have high standards when it comes to games. So maybe my disapproval rating goes from 95% to 90% big deal from the few times i ever search the store.