Zelda trailer 11 million views in 7 months

>zelda trailer 11 million views in 7 months
>horizon zero dawn 5 million in 2 years

Is there any doubt that Zelda will absolutely demolish horizon zero dawn?

what kind of shitty language is that?

more like horizon zero yawn

>Comparing a new IP to a well established franchise

Gee, I wonder who has a bigger following. Water is Wet

>18th installment
>vs New IP
Has Zelda really fallen this far?

>thumb down

Woa... so this... is the power.... of the nintoddler

one belongs to a 30 year old brand
the other is a new IP releasing on only one console

zero yawns would imply that its good. I bet ur amerifat.

This, but also Horizon looks like dogshit. Visually stunning though, probably best looking game ever made.

I'm glad that sonys marketing department gave you premade answers for everything so you don't contradict each other while shilling.

Horizon zero is a meme game. I'm not even bashing sony, but c'mon the game looks like garbage. At least we've got Nioh, Nier and some others.

New IP is less popular than extremely popular 30yo IP

>valid argument

nintoddlers everybody

>le future past farcry vs a zelda game
jesus christ, what did you expect? sony doesn't make games, they simply fund projects. They have no real IPs.

Legit. I don't remember seeing marketing this bad since DmC was on the horizon . The board has been atrocious lately with comparing these two completely different games in nearly every thread I've been in. If anything, I want Horizon WAY less than I did beforehand.

> It's a Horizon vs Breath of the Wild thread

How you comparing a franchise thats been out for ages to a new IP?

I don't know man, people don't seem to like games with terrible AI like this. Specially when they also look terrible.

>p... please buy a PS4 Pro and Horizon!

The Bokoblins are supposed to be stupid, this is completely fine. Ugh.



I'm not even a sony fan
I think both games look like shit
I'm just pointing out why there'd obviously be a difference in views if all other things were equal


>estabished franchise gets more views than new IP
It really makes u thinx

Does this include views for same trailer but on different Nintendo region channels?

>thumbs down isn't actually pressed because otherwise the thumbs down icon would be blue

Woa.. so this... is the power... of the idiot



Well known IP vs New IP

Why is Sup Forums so fuckin retarded?

thumbs down button doesn't turn blue when pressed, it turns black you fucking mongoloid.

Got em.

Horizon looks like shit guys



>A tripple A game about fighting giant robot dinosaurs

How the fuck do you even take a concept like that and turn it into something so boring and generic?

Kek. Cry harder.

Same thing that happened to Sup Forums. You castrate yourself and start sucking SJW dicks, desperately hoping to please everyone.

>Triple A

There's your problem. You can't make something fun and unique for 100+ million dollars.

I don't get why people are pitting these two games against each other.

fucking Developing World and there Mobile Phones Sup Forums needs to be a pc only board

this is what most of Sup Forums doesn't understand
these companies have responobilities to shareholders - it can't be anything else than tried out formula

>Comparing a game on a console with an install base of 50m vs the install base of 10m

Kek, Sonyggers and their mental gymnastics.

because muh console war, brand loyalty.

Comparing the games is stupid; they're not the same genre. Comparing Sony and Nintendo is stupid; they appeal to different markets.

These threads are nothing but a means to get easy (You)s by insecure fanboys.

Nineteenth actually.

I'm somebody who has only owned Sony consoles since the PS2 and I have zero belief Horizon will outsell Zelda over their respective lifetimes. Anybody who claims otherwise is a troll.

Bullshit. It's nintendo pushing hype for their shitty new console.

you retards tried this with final fantasy 7 to go fuck yourself you stupid fuck

you forgot L:TFoE Z:TWoG and ZA

This is just a shit flinging fanboy thread. Logic and reason is left at the door as you enter.

No, I didn't.