Sup Forums tells you a game is good

>Sup Forums tells you a game is good
>Its actually shit
Whats her name?

Funny, I don't see too many people around here actually call this a good game.
I enjoyed it, though.

>This guy enjoyed the game
>It really isn't an enjoyable game

what did he mean by this?

really sparks those neurons

I meant I liked it, but most people here don't.

People can like things that aren't necessarily good you autist.

This game rocked my cock. It's my 2nd favorite Musou behind PW3

it's dumb repetitive trash but it's fun

I've seen lots of Sup Forums users claim its the ONLY good musou.
You must not have been around for the forced HW hype threads.

Sonic Adventure is the definition of a fun bad game.

>liking garbage


Most of Sup Forums seems to hate Hyrule Warriors though

really makes you think

you'd hope everyone with an ounce of sense would hate warriors shit
barely on par with walking simulators

what makes you think that

v has never told me that any game was good.

You're so wrong I don't even know where to begin


I think it's a really great game even though I haven't played any musou before.

D1 was fun because the whole setting was fucked up but D3 was so dull and even worse gameplay wise outside of controls that I have no motivation to finish Branch B. I wonder if Nier is any good.

>I haven't played any musou before.
I think we've figured it out, guys

>implying it's not supposed to be shit.

>deus ex
>fallout 1/2
>planescape torment
>dwarf fortress
>god hand
>half life 1/2
basically any of the games in the "a-am i cool yet Sup Forums" starter pack

>he went into the dungeons

Are you done sucking Egoraptor's tiny cock, autist?

Cave Story.

>what makes you think that
>It's a musou!
>It's bad because it's a musou!
>L I T E R A L L Y a Zelda reskin

>>L I T E R A L L Y a Zelda reskin
I mean... isn't that what it is?

Why would they make it shit on purpose.

Your enjoyment of spin-off musous will directly relate to how much you like or hate a grind and like the source material.
Like no shit, if you don't like zelda characters, you're probably not going to like a spinoff dedicated to wanking them.

MGR and Anarchy Reigns.
Don't trust Platshit at all now.

not liking fallout 1 and 2 OR deus ex? jesus christ you have shit taste

I've only played the 3DS version but I loved it. By the time the DLC started dropping I was burned out, though.

I don't think I've ever followed a suggestion from this place.

The porn tho

I got this game last week for £5 and it's pretty okay so far. There's a LOT to do in it. Most of it is kinda button mashing, but I do like the strategic parts too (i.e. do I run and protect this shit or do I keep fighting this boss).

I'd never played a Warriors game before and I doubt it'd appeal to me if it wasn't for the fact it was muh Zelduh. All in all it is worth playing if you're a bored Wii U owner and fan of Zelda.

>Sup Forums suddenly hates Hyrule Warriors

Sup Forums had daily Hyrule Warriors threads before and after it came out. When Linkle was revealed that trend continued. Tons of people loved Hyrule Warriors, but with the Wii U's death people don't talk about it anymore. The 3DS port also fucked over people who bought the Wii U version so I imagine some hatred might derive from that.

Its musoushit.


The Witcher II

I got both and loved them, as well as the DLCs.
They also got me into the Musou genre as a whole.

>spouting the same predictable responses seen in countless other HW threads
Like pottery

I bought all of the DLC for HW, made it through like 70% of the first adventure map, and basically hit a wall because I can't progress without getting A rank and some of those are just ridiculous.
Whoever made the mission where you gotta escort the baby cuckoo or face the mother's wrath deserves to have their dick cut off.
Can't play any of the new maps either, they require the new characters and they're too underleveled to be effective at all.

This game was pretty chill, me and my autistic friend could throw ourselves on the couch and play through the adventure map while talking for hours

>CEMU still can't play it

If you think musoushit is good you need to get some taste.
Literally the jap equivalent of yearly ubishit games.

I'm still so pissed about that. Like the 3DS really needed extra content for people to buy it, much less 5 exclusive maps that will never see play on the Wii U.
And just to throw salt on the wound you can pay an extra 12 United States Dollars to play as characters that the 3DS gets for free.

Sup Forums hates video games so no surprise. They also hate my favorite Zelda, go figure.

You favorite Zelda is Hyrule Warriors?

Okay but not everyone wants to spend another $40 + $20 for a second version of a game they already spent $60 + $20 on.

Fuck you, Sup Forums.
I'd recommend any other JRPG before this.
Maybe even something from fucking Compile Heart.


I understand that much, I'm mostly happy cause now I can play it on the go.

Welcome to Warriors games.

who is egor raptor?

should've played the DS one

If you think Hyrule Warriors is bad, you have shit taste.

Musous are nothing like Ubisoft games.

Contrary to popular belief on here, having mindless disdain for something doesn't make you holier-than-thou or superior.


>If you think Hyrule Warriors is bad, you have shit taste.
If you think grindy games where you do the same combos over and over chopping down fodder enemies is fun then you have shit taste.

Liking cod-tier rehash trash like musou makes you objectively inferior and harmful to the medium.