About to play this. Anything I should know about that isn't a spoiler?

About to play this. Anything I should know about that isn't a spoiler?

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your time would be better spent elsewhere

despite what others may argue, the game has aged like a sour sack of shit.

Good luck user.
Keep brave during the sewer part.
And don't forget that disc 2's gameplay died for Final Fantasy VIII.

Harsh. I'm going to at least give it a chance though. Let's try to keep this alive with a question: Why use different attacks? The strong seems the same as three weak ones.

Because the gameplay is incomplete, like everything else in the game.
The platformer parts are awful.
The Gears level up only by buying parts.
And the list goes on.
I really like this game tho, but it's only for what it could have been with full budget.
I'd recommand you to do a quick search about Xenogears : Perfect Works, it could give you an idea about Takahashi's global vision of the series that never was.
Just look at my pic related, it shows that Xenogears was meant to be the 5th game.

Sorry for my english

It was Final Fantasy VII not VIII. If funding went to VIII it might've actually been good.

gameplay is meh but the best story in gaming and one of the best soundtracks

>The platformer parts are awful.
Why do JRPGs insist on having platforming in them?

Gears only leveling up with parts makes sense tho

Because strong attacks have a much lower hit ratio than weak attacks.
But that doesn't matter too much one you get deathblows.

it's fun in xenoblade x

The real way to do damage is by learning combos, which will be stuff like light attack, light attack, mid attack, or something like that. And if I remember right the only way to unlock them is to do them.

In towns you can run around and jump which is pretty cool.

Battle system isn't great but good story.

It's a must-play. One of the best games ever. Finish it then read Perfect Works to grasp the full setting.

This game is great, don't listen to the haters. Fantastic graphics for it's time, great music, really REALLY long, it's a JRPG from a time when JRPGs were king.

Use different attacks to unlock combos. Combos can be incredibly helpful for tough battles. When you get into a boss fight make a habit of having one character use his most powerful attacks over and over, while one character (usually the slowest of the 3 party members) just uses a single light attack to build up the combo meter. Once it gets filled up, let it rip.

Immerse yourself in the game and pay as much attention as you can to the story and dialogue. It's incredibly ambitious and while it fails in certain areas there's a reason it's such a cult classic.

you use different attacks in different orders to learn new deathblows. for example using 4 weak attacks instead of 2 mids will gain experience on different deathblows.

>Anything I should know about that isn't a spoiler?
if you want to make the game really easy, buy the ether doubler when it first becomes available to you. it will require a lot of farming, but it will make the game trivial. otherwise, just play the game normally.

This. Do yourself a favor and insist till the end.

Check a guide on learning finishers. The key is understanding that you need to use every single attack a particular number of times and that "every single attack" doesn't mean "every single button" but "every single attack animation". Which means you may need to hit with the first attack of a 4 hit fast/weak combo 20 times and the second attack of the same combo 12 times, for example.
Seriously, read a guide. When you get it, it's really easy to learn all your finishers.

Jump in the well at the start of the game. A few times.

Check behind the bush when you visit the doctors house.

I still have my hard copy of this game from like fifteen years ago. It's probably the oldest thing I own. No manual, no case, though. Anyways, it's so fucking good. There's just so much to it. The story explores a million different themes but it never feels shallow about any of them. Be prepared for disk two to be obviously rushed. People are exaggerating about that. At one point it literally has the main characters sitting in a chair, telling you a bunch of shit they did that was important to the story but the obviously didn't have the time or money to design and program. The ending is still solid, though. And I really hope no one spoils anything for you because there some pretty big twists and secrets they could ruin.

*aren't exaggerating


Not OP, but what makes the ether doubler good? I gave one to Elly when I played and her ether attacks still dealt shit for damage, is it meant to be used on a certain character or what? I later just dropped her from my party completely since she was just overall weaker than my other two party members.

Do everything you can in the starting village, you won't be able to go back. Don't pick up the egg in the forest on your first trip, you'll lose it.

Elly+Doubler+Aerods = DEATH

if you want to see broken give it to billy

>Elly+Doubler+Aerods = DEATH
yep. give elly the ether doubler and elly's gear every gear item that increases ether attack you have, and gear battles are a joke. especially since there is no downside in a gear because the ether moves cost fuel which doesn't get doubled.

ether doubler should be given to billy/emeralda

>mfw remembering Chu-Chu

Why did they feel the need to include it at all?

all mascot characters in xeno suck ass (rikifags fuck off) hope there isn't one in XC2

XS is the best because no mascot in the party despite shion being a huge cunt

XS is the best of you like hours of pseudo-philosophical babble, I guess.

And loli androids. Only reason to play it.

Watch your fucking mouth!

>Anything I should know about that isn't a spoiler?

Hope you haven't already seen G Gundam, then.

wtf you guys got an amazing cover again

>military governements
>ryoal pirates

It's my favorite game of all time. I played it back on release but I hope you enjoy it as much as I did back in the day.

Isn't that the entire theme of the whole series?

Yeah but Xenogears is way better about it. Xenosaga is in your face, 2deep4u, /r/philosophy bullshit, whereas Xenogears weaves it seemlessly into the story.