*walls you off*

*walls you off*
*removes fun*

can't remove something that wasn't there to begin with.

If you push into a choke without teammates and die, you get what you deserve.

In quick play and Arcade if you instalock Widowmaker and have less than 2hrs total on her I will play Mei and wall you off non stop.

I only go to arcade for the boxes each week. I want to win. Not have you miss all your shots and not help the team.

*hack her*

*unzip dick*
*removes non-sexual activities*

>hooks he-

Oh yeah.

Repeat after me
Broken and deserved the nerf

Say it in front the mirror every morning until you understand it

*hides inside ice cube* :3

>awkward to place
>lasts for four seconds
>not that useful
whats a good alternative for the wall? how would you fix it?

maybe replace a physical barrier with a small ice storm that freezes anyone who enters? or slows and damages people? im not sure. mei is fun because of her reverse flamethrower and thicc waist but her wall and her heal-freeze thing are pretty mediocre

It's not a cube you fucking dunce

Havent played since december, is this bitch still overpowered

sure if you suck

At your rank? Yeah.

*is best girl*
*adds pleasant feelings to my life*

>*is worst girl*

>Assuming rank has anything to do with this broken game


>lying on the internet

>teammate mei walls off my escape path

There's a good reason that low-skill thumbsuckers like you cry about Mei being overpowered while she's rare in top-tier games.

Pharah is best girl and that's a scientific fact

there aint any solution to the placement that i can think of also its really good those 4 seconds can be critical

>white legs

Why do gamers try to white wash everything?

wtf pharah that's a culture, not a costume.

Not everyone is a faggot and reads into the lore of a fucking first person shooter

>be me
>soldier ult active
>just killed four people in a row
>about to take out mei for that sweet quint and team kill
>fucking freezes herself right on the point
Mei is literally the anti-fun character. That is her role. She's not a defensive hero, she's an annoying cunt hero. Even Pharah and Junkrat are less annoying.

I want to give Mei lots of hugs and kisses!

He has a skin that shows who he was before he was Reaper, you fucking shitlord. There's no fucking excuse for white washing, period.

mother fucker has a mariachi skin
and an unmasked skin

how do you fuck up so hard

>paying 20 more dollars for fucking skins

You're trying way too hard that it has looped around to be entirely unfunny.

But I'll take the bait: those legs and hands look brown. It's not whitewashed. Shut the fuck up.

Anyone else annoyed at how this fat tub of shit tumblerina is supposed to be portrayed as cute? Disgusting.

>you can view the skin without buying it in the gallery
>other people use the skin

*bullies you*


He isn't "brown" he's Hispanic.

>nigger faggot runs out of arguments
gg senpai

>getting angry over possibly the most generically written FPS ever where the characters are just broad easily recognisable cultural archetypes that often borderline on stereotyping

Hispanic isn't a race, he's a brown skinned Latino man who may or may not speak Spanish. Latinos come in many different shades from lily white like in Argentina to black like in the Caribbean. If he were Hispanic he'd most certainly be speaking Spanish but he doesn't have any lines so nobody can confirm that he does. Latinos from Guyana speak English and not Spanish.

Now who's the fucking racist?

Only problem I have with Mei is how 90% of players take to line up headshots after they freeze someone.
Its like a hero for drooling retards, but no not overpowered in the slightest

I want Pharah to bully me

Overwatch needs to add a short tutorial for every hero.

Players need to know the basics of the heroes they select.

Like how walling off an entire team just gives them time to heal and group up (especially deadly in lower SR where they won't otherwise group up without a wall to force them) compared to splitting a team in two, which can win you a fight.

Back the fuck off!?!?

*unzips dick*

He's of Mexican descent, born in Los Angeles. Reyes is a Hispanic last name. Has a Marachi skin, retard.
Not all Mexicans can speak Spanish, either. I'm of Norwegian descent, and I'm just now learning Norwegian at the age of 21. Does he have to have an accent and Spanish voicelines like Sombra before you'll believe it? Why do they all have to be racist caricatures? Why can't there be characters not completely defined by their race?

>implying 99% of the morons who play Overwatch would bother

This game has far worse problems than Mei.

Literally Tanks. Tanks are so fucking god damn overpowered in this pile of trash game. No one single group of characters has such a fucking giant impact on the game. Even """for fun""" and """random""" modes are completely and utterly dominated by whoever can get lucky enough to roll enough Tanks.

That is why this game is fucking dogshit.

So we all agree hes going to be a top tier threat right?
>Recon Modes gun is now just as good as 76, the most powerful dps hero right now
>makes up for 76s Sprint and Helix Rockets with 100 extra armor and more reliable healing
>sentry mode is still good as a tank buster and is harder to deal with due to his new 35% damage reduction and healing, making him much harder to poke in sentry form
>Tank was already one of the best ults in the game attatched to a shit hero, extremely versatile and good at all ranges, can kill any 200 hp hero in a single shot, rocket jump to reach high areas or go over the rein shield, and is a fantastic nano boost target now due to the fact that the damage refuction from nanoboost stacks with his natural damage reduction, making him recieve 85% LESS DAMAGE and making him virtually invincible

Forgot image

He's also a zombie, isn't he actually a greyish white in game?

Don't know how anyone can argue, Pharah is indeed best girl.


Hold on there Jamal.

There was a recent forum update where they said they capped the damage reduction but have yet to push it to the ptr. It still stacks, but just to 60%, so a D.va nuke can now kill him, and if he's focused it shouldn't be too hard.

-Lower health of each wall piece to around 300 per pillar so somebody besides fucking Bastion can break through it in a timely manner and not making it useless.

~Cryo-Freeze now only heals 100HP over a 4 second duration, but make her targetable by healers while inside.

-Decrease speed reduction at startup of Endothermic Blaster so that Lucios/Soldiers from the farthest range are able to get away from her and it's not an instant death sentence.

-Blizzard drone is now highlighted much like McCree is so you're able to see where the center of the Blizzard is.

Alternatively they could entirely rework her so she isn't the most annoying character to fight.

>hero is trash
>everyone laughs or rages when they see them picked
>they buff hero
>everyone loses their fucking mind and says thet were fine as they were

why not just take all of her abilities away

Differnce is that sym is still a hero that takes literally no skill to play, and still has a very low skill cap

well on PTR she can be target while inside it by friendlies

All they need to do is give it a high HP so that she can still use it to dodge stuff but cant freeze stall a point with an entire team on it for 6+seconds

The problem with Sym is that she's designed from the ground up be an obnoxious cunt and ruin Overwatch for everyone else.
Even when she was underpowered she was annoying, and now that she's half decent she's a malignant tumor on the very concept of fun.

Good, Mei and Symmetra need to be fucking removed from this game. Fucking brainless god damn characters who are rewarded for just holding M1 in someone's general direction.

They quite literally cancer and whoever designed them should have their hands cut off.

>I'm shit so characters should be removed
it always amuses me to see you post

Were literally on the same side of this argument you brain dead fuck

The problem with Mei is that she's designed from the ground up be an obnoxious cunt and ruin Overwatch for everyone else.
Mei is a malignant tumor on the very concept of fun.
Mei is a hero that takes literally no skill to play, and has a very low skill cap

>not we're
>calling others brain dead

you could always try not to get frozen
I mean I know thats a hard concept for you to understand but honestly mei isnt anywhere near as obnoxious as you say
your biggest problem with her seems to be that you pick a character wtih next to low health, and then stand in front of her by yourself and die

Yeah Mei is bad too, nobody is disputing that.
Personally I think Symmetra is worse, though.

I recently got up to high Diamond after floundering in upper Platinum for months after the Symmetra change by just running onto points behind my shield and M1ing. There is absolutely no reason for a character who does not have to actually aim to do that much damage, especially to large groups of characters. I have gotten so many fucking POTGs by switching off a DPS or healer on attack and just playing straight Symmetra.

*get frozen*
*get face-blasted by icicle*

t.mei player

I main Reinhardt, Zenyatta and Roadhog.
It isn't her freeze, it's her abilities that are completely broken, especially her ult and heal.
>inb4 hurdur hook OP

Your dick comes off?

Maybe you should have killed her first so she couldn't have done that. :)

its really not though
if you cant kill mei with any of those characters before her cooldowns wear off then you really do suck at this game
her sheild has a fairly long cool down
and how fucking hard is it to just walk off the fucking ult
like holy shit are you people retarded
its really not
all you have to do is get out of the fucking radius

If you are in the radius for a split second, you slow to a crawl. If you don't notice her throw the ult until the drone starts to fly, you're fucked.

>If you don't notice her throw the ult
Unless you are def this isnt a reason
but I guess what you really want is for blizzard to pander to you
might as well just make the opposing team stand still while we are at it

>"le I won't address what you're saying because you're right but rather attack a grammatical or spelling error out of desperation meme"

Truly the Age of Reddit is upon us

>>whats a good alternative for the wall? how would you fix it?
Allow you to push it over on top of enemies. It damages them and bounces them away. Think of that thing falling on you, pushing you off edges.

It's not just that you fuckin retard. The ult can completely defend a point with nothing anyone can do about it for the duration.
If I'm Zen or Roadhog, I can't just walk out if I'm not right at the edge unless I got a Lucio boost.
Why are most Overwatch players so fuckin adamant that their precious game is perfectly balanced.
It's not. There ARE OP characters. There ARE mostly useless heroes. Let's see you play as Bastion above bronze, see what happens. But he doesn't need a buff, right?

Just recently:
>Playing on Hanamura
>Steamrole the enemy past the first point
>Everyone's on the second point
>4 minutes left on the clock
>Ice cancer queen on the enemy team is able to spawn, wall herself off, heal when necessary, and repeat until death for a long enough time for her team to respawn and keep defending
>Nobody on our team dies except for like 1 person every 45 seconds
>Most of us are on fire
>3 of us have 15+ killstreaks
>This goes on for 240 FUCKING SECONDS
>Able to run down the clock into OT
>We were clearly superior team
>Could have easily lost due to 1 well placed DVa, Rein, Reaper, Mei, Pharah ult
>Still win match when they switch to offense and the 1 faggots stops playing Mei
>Didn't even come close to capping first point
>All of that bullshitery on offense because of Mei's broken abilities

A garbage character for garbage players that I cannot wait to get nerfed. Health, healing, no longer making player immobile. IDC what, just so that shitters stop carrying their entire team with cheese tactics

*Designs chinese woman with Caucasian features and large breasts/ass/thighs*
We at Blizzard are very diverse!

Those nails though.

>no one should ever be able to defend the point so I can win 100% of the time

mei isnt that overpowered
everything you complain about is just shit you have to deal with
but no you are right mei should be completely removed because you dont like her right?
I mean people complain roadhog is OP as well
he should also be removed

>Let's see you play as Bastion above bronze, see what happens. But he doesn't need a buff, right?
How come people don't use Mei in high ranks then? If she is OP then she'd be a guaranteed pick right?

Nigga If you ran around looking like a hot topic model all day, you'd be fucking pasty too. Skin that doesn't see sun is bright, skin that does is dark.

They fucked her up by making the rightclick shoot icicles, now even if you rebind it you will mess up wall confirmation and cant get used to it. thats about it

>Roadhog getting nerfed
>Zarya continue to goes untouched and literally faces rolls 90% of the cast with one bubble

Simply ebin Blizzard, simply ebin.

mfw didn't get that skin, and its the only good one she has...

Have you considered letting the light of NOT SHOOTING HER BUBBLE into your life and heart?

Name one ult strong enough to defend a point that long with zero counters other than hoping you can get away in time.
Because people are retarded. You don't see much Mercy either, even though she's one of the best healers out there.
There's not picking a bad hero because they're bad, and then there's not picking a hero because other people tell you they're bad. Bastion is the former, Mei is the latter.

>zero counters

jesus christ are you serious right now?
all you have to do
is not be in the middle of the blizzard
genji can reflect the blizzard when its thrown as well but I going to assume you will say something like BUT IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO DO IT. Dva also can destroy it with her defense matrix

>this argument

Yeah bro, guess I better go tell those pro players in tournaments they just need to git gud and stop shooting Zarya's bubble even in tournament Zarya reaches 70 charge like nothing.

This is literally saying "well stop getting into hook range" for Roadhog.

>I play as characters who can't defend against it so its impossible to defend against it.
That's about the argument I expected

the answer is yes, she is the only good defense hero and pretty much solo carry tier when played in higher ranks

>throws a hook at u

>If I keep spreading lies then maybe they'll catch on

What's her pick rate in higher ranks?

Too bad Dva isn't considered good enough for high level play :3c
As for Genji, just walk his ass off and there you go.

>Walls me off

>Watch killfeed as confused Mei runs around in circles while my teammates roll over her

People keep telling me that I'm a noob shit for picking Sombra,
I think they're just retards.

I want to make passionate love with Mei in the missionary position, her legs locked around my back, holding hands and trading loving kisses, until I flood her fertile womb.

Afterword we'll cuddle, rubbing her soft tummy, and talk about our feelings.


thats some great hypocrisy there