This was Sony's answer to people moving from console to PC

>This was Sony's answer to people moving from console to PC
>When they could've just made keyboard & mouse a permanent alternative for games on the PS4

Meanwhile the people that use a mouse with 3rd party peripherals on consoles rises steadily. At some point in the near future you'll have mouse players in every single MP match on consoles. And I fucking love it.

Meanwhile, the scorpio will release and pull 2 Teraflops more than the pro and will fuck Sony in the ass again.

End result, we got at least one shitty 3rd party platform less.

you know scorpio is doing the same shit?
OC jaguar, crossfire and memory improvement.
MS already said they're aiming for higher res and graphical increase instead of fps.

Whats the point of that? You're still playing boring games on a console, multiplayer isn't going to fix that.

PS4 already has mouse and keyboard support retard.

>own a gayman PC with a gtx 1080 and a 4k monitor
>buy a ps4 pro anyway just to play ff15, odin sphere, and bloodborne
I regret nothing

It does but developers don't ever make use of it because they're total lazy shitters. Where Sony can step in without developer involvement is they can add a function similar to the controller button remapping feature that lets you map controller buttons to keyboard keys & mouse buttons so any and every game can be played with mouse & keyboard. You wouldn't even have to re-invest in a $500 meme machine, it could be done through a software update.

Nonsense. The 2-3 games the PS4 has worth playing are best played on a controller anyway.

Literally no one cares about using KB/M on console except a special breed of self-hating dumb idiot masochists.

They already tried. Unreal and Counter Strike on PS3 support MS+KB and still bombed.

Why should you? Consoles are best for Japanese games that don't come to PC or come out to PC years later. But yeah you did fuck up with FF15 that shit is booty

MS has never fucked Sony in the ass. They even lost last gen in the end

>implying KB+M is the main reason people move from console to PC

>playing shooters at all

Console users don't want KB&M. The reason they play on the consoles in the first place is because they are crippled by controller in FPS games and have crutches like auto aim.

And I'm not saying all users on consoles are about that since a handful are there for Japanese niche games and whatever, but the FPS players aren't playing FPS on consoles because they have to - they are doing so because they want to. If you gave them KB&M, they'd abandon ship and go for whatever console doesn't have it.

But user, I'm really liking it

>PCuck mad because he's too unskilled to handle a controller effectively

>arguing about consoles having auto aim
>sucking at playing shooters on console


K&M has nothing to do with it you colossal faggot

Its the fucking paid online, it ALWAYS was


>There's twice as many PS4s sold (not shipped) than there are XBoners sold
>Somehow Microsoft is going to move 28 million $599 minimum Scorpios

once you get used to m/k you 'ill never go back

I use either whenever I feel like it.

I play most of my games with a controller. I am only telling you that if you gave console users kb&m they'd abandon ship. At least a significant portion would because it would no longer be a level playing field. KB&M users would shit on controller users from orbit.

And there is another aspect to it. Skill cap and physical requirements are lower on consoles with a controller. TVs have really bad input lag, that also helps. You can gave shit reaction time and dexterity and still do really good playing FPS on console, but if you're faced with a dude who is more accurate and faster to react than you in FPS with KB&M you'll just get fucking dominated. Literally no chance to win.

I used to be pretty good at FPS and I know that average less competitive people hated playing with me. I was kicked for aimbot and wallhack all the time. And no I didn't use aimbot. Or wallhack for that matter. And if they didn't kick me, they just left the server because it's not fun having a 0 kills to like 20 deaths ratio.

Playing games at 30fps is a lot worse on mouse than controller. If every game started using m+kb consolefags would start complaining more about framerate and frame timing issues.

Like how Overwatch top player on console right now are all using KB+M and console community of that game now see that as a cheat ?