Atelier sophie launches a year ago as PS4 exclusive

>atelier sophie launches a year ago as PS4 exclusive
>everyone loses their shit and loves it
>they announce the game for PC and suddenly everyone says it's shit

Especially since people now say that the older games are better. I borrowed a friends PS4 to play Atelier Rorona and it was worse in every aspect. Why are sony fans so hypocritical?

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almost every Atelier fan i talked called it one of the worst since release.
it wasn't even a PS4 exclusive in the first place anyways

>>everyone loses their shit and loves it

This didn't happen.

Check the archives faggot.

>This didn't happen.

Except it's the #1 sold Atelier game of all time.

I will Monika's game when it's on sale

Yeah Sophie was shit. I bought the PC version anyways just to encourage releases on PC, especially with Vita on the way out.

This, why the fuck are pcboys acting like everyone has been praising Atelier Sophie? game has been trashed, same with Firis in Japan and even Shallie was disliked.

A lot of people thought this would be a fresh start for the atelier series, but all it did was continue the mediocrity train that started with Dusk.

Now that they realize their faithful fans won't eat shit again, they're selling it on PCucks, who haven't gotten burned yet and think this is what an atelier game is supposed to be like.

>more copies for ps4 version unlike others ateliers in ps3, not to mention some plus versions were only digital in a portable

>it´s the start of a new saga so it´s more friendly for newcomers

Funny how suddenly the pc community seems to love weeb games now.

Because they're shitposters and/or retards.

>suddenly everyone says it's shit
Vocal Sonyggers who hate losing exclusives. Same shit happened with Dark Souls, it's why they continue to parrot the idea that Bloodborne is the best Souls game.

Also they stopped toting games like Ni No Kuni 2 since it was announced coming to PC, and now it and the first are 'shit games no body played'.

The sales of Firis say otherwise.

Are your games shit?
Sell them on Steam!
They'll eat literal shit and and enjoy it.

Actually it's the opposite. Why do you think it's weebshit until it gets ported to PC, then suddenly everyone loves it? This happens every time.

First Rorna is not that great.

Most atelier fans disliked this game, you didn´t even check that fact.

>suddenly everyone says it's shit

Suddenly Atelier games are good.

There hasn't been an atelier game worth playing since Arland.

This is indisputable fact.

it's the same thing that happened with Tales Of Zestria.
game was considered bad by people who were actual fans of the series, but once it got a PC port people started praising it cause it was their only Tales.

>Shows Victory for PS3
>Re;Birth1 elsewhere


Neptunia 1 PS3 compared to Rebirth 1 on steam. It's not even the same game.

Those GameFaqs and IGN reviews are for the PS3 original, a completely different game. Steam's reviews are for Re;Birth 1, the remake.

>>everyone loses their shit and loves it
Full of shit. The games stopped being good after the vita ports of the ps3 games.

What is even wrong with this game?

There's something for everyone to hate.
Some people don't like that the time limits are gone.
The story scope is nowhere near Dusk and focuses on one town.
There's no exploration feeling where you have to make a bomb with alchemy to get to a new area
The maximum level for battling is 20 so leveling feels anemic.
The english VA is the same as Nepgear

>being a dubcuck

It's still weebshit. It didn't magically not become weebshit.

I think I might buy it though, it has nice aesthetic.

Not to mention a lot of the maps are just a small square.
Or that maps on the edge of the screen have the same mats as the ones next to town.
Or that it doesn't have multiple endings.
Or a bunch of other shit.

I guess the alchemy minigame was fun.

Pretty much the whole story is "I'm getting better at alchemy and maybe my amnesiac teacher can tell me where the ultimate alchemy cauldron is. Oh wait it was sealed away for a reason boss time"

I haven't looked at atelier in a while, the costume designs are getting stupider every sequel

this literally screams "WE WANT THE NEP AUDIENCE"

Yeah I hear you. I haven't looked at or played an atelier game in a while but I can say they're literally getting worse every game.

>>everyone loses their shit and loves it

I'll take "shit that never happened" for $500

Hey chef, can I order a family serving of bullshit?

Look at me, I spout bullshit and you can't do anything about it!

wtf I'm gay now

It was never PS4 exclusive.
In Japan it was PS4/PS3/Vita
In the west it was PS4/Vita

>im-fucking-plying anyone lost their shit over Sophie and Nights of Azure

Both games are hot trash. Their only worth is the art being literally 8 times as slutty as any Atelier previously.

I am enjoying it.
Though my first Atelier was technically pic.

Is Firis the THICCIEST atelier yet?

My biggest problem is the combat. I could've lived with everything else but this style of turn based with no control over support just doesn't do it for me.

I love the fuck out of the Ateliers, I even bought the vanilla and the "plus" titles. But Ive got to admit it kinda losses it charm in Shallie, and Sophie is my least favorite(its shit).

the point isnt the combat though. your supposed to just make shit tons of bombs and high quality gear over one play through then play new game plus and just make it better and get the endings.

Probably, but that's not saying much since most Ateliers have the body type of a plank. She's still slightly skinny, bordering on normal.

What endings?

Name one game that didn't become magically shit as soon as they ported it to PC.

God Eater

Valkyria Chronicles. Actually made it better.

it would have to have been good in the first place, which Sophie clearly wasn't

Atelier games were literally never good. It's just fanservice kusoge with crafting and time limits


>nice character model
>everything else looks like hot garbage
yeah this is a gust game

you just described the entirety of the Vita library

>I borrowed a friends PS4 to play Atelier Rorona
Rorona isn't on PS4.

he borrowed a friend's computer to shitpost, too

I'm pretty sure everyone who played Tales of Zestira on PC wishes they had their time and money back

Not that guy, but it actually has decent reviews, so I doubt anyone wants their money back that badly. I don't even know why it is supposed to suck anyway.

Arlandfags claims it's a shit because story and characters are objectively bad in comparison. But unlike Arland and Ayesha Sophie is fun to play because gameplay aren't fucking chore and the game is quite challenging on Hard and Despair which makes alchemy actually important.
The music is the worst of all translated ateliers though.

Did they fix the shitty control of the game yet?

>the game is quite challenging on Hard and Despair which makes alchemy actually important.
Alchemy is important in every game though. Good luck cruising through an Arland game with base equipment and Unis, especially in Totori with the Flaushtraut blocking your path to the final village.

How's the CPU usage after the new patch?


Its nowhere near 100% anymore

Nioh is the new best souls games


No and they probably won't. Make an AHK script to rebind your keys to your usual keyboard setup, that's what I did.

Just making an item and actually look into alchemy mechanics traits and effects are two different things. I never bothered to look into them in any of the PS3 ateliers and apparently it was enough to clear the games on hard.

>tfw you are apparently the only one that really enjoyed Sophie
No time limit makes the postgame stuff much less stressful.

But I hear Firis has a time limit for the main quest, but no limit after. That sounds like the best of both worlds.

My i3 fan hasn't taken off this time.

>No time limit makes the postgame stuff much less stressful.

Sounds like you are just a bitch to be honest, go play something "comfy".

When will we get another Gust game that isn't just yuribait?

He's playing Atelier.

When they lose the last thing that makes them unique.

Shiet I missed time limits but getting back to them after Sophie will be hard for me.

Speaking off, is there any Atelier game that doesn't have like a time based thing?

I know it's in the background and you generally don't need to think about it. But I just can't get into games with them. It makes me too nervous to the point where I just can't enjoy the games. Happened to me with Totori at least.

Sophie and Shallie have no time limit.

>. It makes me too nervous to the point where I just can't enjoy the games.

How do you live your life?

Oh dang. Guess I should have read the thread.

>everyone loses their shit and loves it
Vita general was already calling it a piece of shit day one of release, and they open their ass wide for any game.

>But I hear Firis has a time limit for the main quest, but no limit after. That sounds like the best of both worlds.

It's actually the worst of both. The whole reason people that like the time limits enjoy them game is for the replayability and multiple ends. People that hate time limits still are not happy.

With a huge amount of anxiety.

So you can understand I don't really want more of it when I'm trying to entertain myself. I turtle like a motherfucker and I prefer focusing on one thing at a time while leaving everything else on the side which means I generally have some awful time management.

I made it through Persona 3 once and that was exhausting as fuck.

Shallie was dislike due to being literally unfinished. The plus version fixes almost all of the problems.

However, Atelier Sophie strayed way too damn far from the Atelier formula. Usually this would refresh the series, but all it did was make the game significantly easier and shallower than ever before, which is an accomplishment when you compare it to the others in the series.

Atelier Firis was initially received positively, but then the art direction kept getting more and more awkward. When the game was released, it was literally unplayable due to gamebreaking bugs in the beginning and middle. They're patched out now, but it's still riddled with bugs and typos. It also kept the same problems Sophie had.

Anybody who says PS4/Vita owners loved Sophie / Firis are shitposting without even looking up anything about the games.

Also Iris and MK. Eschatology time limits are so wide it's imposible to stuck into them.

This, I bought it day 1 on the vita.

Honestly, more than ANYTHING, ANYTHING, was the lack of multiple ends and that the world felt empty and the game felt incomplete.

Before even talking about the time limits or shallow combat. It was the first Atelier game where you can control the camera and it shows, the world was sooo empty. At least with the set camera angles even though there was not much in the world, they could cram everything to tight that the world feels very lively. Sophie's world felt more barren than Shallie, and shallie's whole thing was a barren world.

The bright color pallet only served to show how empty the world was and the two artist shit isn't working, some of the characters feel like they don't even belong in the game.

>Implying Nights of Azure isn't entertaining as fuck

Iris and Mana Khemia have no traditional timers; they do have SOME time management elements but its not anything like how its done in the other games. Iris 3 boots you out of dungeons if you take too long (no big deal you can just enter them again), and both MK games have school sim elements that you need to deal with, but you can grind/craft as much as you like during free time (which there's lots of assuming you don't piss away time during the school sim segments). .

Shallie and Sophie have no time limits at all. The upcoming Firis has a time limit that is removed once you pass the alchemy exam.

>Shallie was dislike due to being literally unfinished.

Shallie was finished, it just did not conclude any of the issues that were introduced in Ayesha and they finished the game without returning to the original heroin. But the game is much more complete than Sophie.

The reason people hated shallie was because it was not Ayesha 2.0, and because E&L also ignored Ayesha, and people knew there was never going to be a proper conclusion to the world of dusk and the the fate of the inhabitants of the world was left rather vague.

Shallie was actually the first Atelier with a controllable 3D camera instead of a fixed point camera angle like the previous games.

>>everyone loses their shit and loves it
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if everyone loved it, wouldn't it be consideres as "another PS4 game" such as bloodborn?
This has to be the second or third time I see that game on this board.

>Shallie was finished,

It was confirmed to have endings and scenes cut out because they couldn't implement them in time though.

Aren't they flopping hard?

Shit your right I almost forgot! That's weird because I felt like shallie's environment were packed with set pieces like huge bones and ruins.

Maybe because Sophie's areas all look natural they are boring looking.

Only on PC, ps4/vita sold like hot cakes, Firis sold poorly because of bugs.

Yeah, I meant on PC.
I know Sophie sold record amounts for an atelier game on Sony though.
Mainly due to it being a new Atelier game instead of a remake, as Firis sold a record low afterwards.

Didn't flop on PC either. Even though it's full of bugs.

Atelier series is much more niche than Souls, so even if series' fans liked it it still wouldn't appeal to normalfags.

Hopefully they drop Mystery for the next game, Yuugen and Noco are just not talented artist.

When you compare them to Hidari it's honestly a real big drop in quality. Bring Hidari back! Make Atelier Great Again!

No they didn't
>2. Atelier Sophie PS4 30,750
>3. Atelier Sophie Vita (Koei) 25,800

Mysterious art is better though

Not even a good joke dude.

I don't see the problem with the art. Then again I want the art to return to the PS2 styles so what the fuck do I know I'm clearly not who these games are made for anymore.

Sophie has a lot of grass, trees, and when you're inside a ton of brick walls and brick roads so it looks a bit plain due to lack of variety.
>Atelier Sophie: Alchemist of the Mysterious Book (PS4, PS3, PS Vita) – 170,000 sales (Japan, Asia)
That was before Sophie was brought westward too.

It isn't so much as the art itself, but what they created.
If you know nothing about Ayesha, it could just look like a random cover. However, everything on the cover means something and relates to the game in a meaningful way. The ruins in the background are a key point to the story and can be explored while in-game.

Sophie's cover is a mash-up of nothing. It's colorful and meaningless like the game itself.

It's not that Yuugen and Noco are bad or untalented artists. It's just Hidari too damn good.