Who is the Yamcha of Vidya

>Never gets stronger
>First one to die
>Dies all the time
>Loses best girl, to the guy that kill him
>Seen as a joke, by everyone, even his friends

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Brock, from Pokemon, I suppose?


He gets stronger, Toriyama just shits on him every chance he got.

I dunno.. Waluigi?

>>Loses best girl, to the guy that kill him

Oh god, when you put it that way...


If you ignore the loses best girl part

If you ignore the "loses best girl" part, I'd say this guy.


Anthony Birch

I think each of the Dragonball OGs had one hype moment but Yamcha, can anyone think of one for him?

He is a bitch but the Wolf Fang Fist is a cool attack

he's still a star baseball player and one of the strongest people on the planet

you, though you probably never had best girl to begin with.

But Sigma won in all ways, he got to be with best girl, start a family, saved the word with said family, he almost objectively got the best ending.


His wife was hardly best girl material.

This is VLR Sigma who didn't know he was in an old man's body and kept getting fucked in the ass by everyone and everything

Her theme immediately started playing in my head when I saw this post

I mean spoilers young people don't know shit. That's why they were training young Sigma to not be a retard in the first place. By the end of VLR he becomes ZTD Sigma.

>yamcha's only saving grace is being good at playing with balls
rip yamcho

powerlevels were a mistake

Yamcha has defeated more gods of destruction than Goku has.

Who is the Vegeta of vidya.

>video games

>best girl

>has to make a pact to get stronger, still gets manhandled
>doesn't die, but gets the shit kicked out of him
>loses best girl to player or death, depending on ending
>seen as a joke by everyone


>I think each of the Dragonball OGs had one hype moment but Yamcha


He TRIED to blow up Nappa, I guess? I mean, it didn't WORK, but he didn't die like a bitch like Yamcha did.

Solid Snake.

>tfw Tien is fucking cool but gets relegated to doing nothing for the majority of the series

I'm guessing this is Super stuff? It resetted the power levels of everyone right?

It failed but him trying to take out Nappa, what is up with Crane School and trying to kill themselves with their foes?

metroid series

damn it's true :'(

>starts out as an innocent dude with lots of power
>cares deeply about his friends
>is willing to put himself in danger for a good fight, but not willing to endanger anyone else
fast forward
>is willing to disobey a literal god when he warns him that his actions could end the entire universe, does it anyway for a good fight
>literally doesn't understand why Vegeta gives a shit about Bulma being on the verge of childbirth
>is basically the real villain of the show now

Any vidya characters who follow this path?

yes, bulma is perfect and thus the best girl. i dont want some crazy bitch who changes personality everytime she sneezes.

Goku isn't evil, he's just fucking retarded. He isn't in the wrong for getting into a fight when the other guy would just destroy the universe for shits.

>cares deeply about his friends
>is willing to put himself in danger for a good fight, but not willing to endanger anyone else

this isn't true

when he spares vegeta he acknowledges that letting him live is insane

Shadow The Hedgehog

Closest example I can think of, but Dan was a joke from the beginning. Yamcha kind of turned into one.

Yamcha beat them at baseball.

mah nigga

>It resetted the power levels of everyone right?
I fucking wish. They even have the perfect excuse with this arc - Zeno (the god of everything) is hosting the multi-universe tournament and they could easily just say "hey Zeno made this arena so that whoever is fighting in it will have their power levels equalized" and make it about pure skill in fights instead of just "who has the most OP racial stats"

Yamcha beat Universe 6's god of destruction because they had a baseball match and Yamcha scored literally the only run

Also the Crane School decided to follow Tao's example after he got blown up by his own grenade

Any games where I can be a Redditor?

He's always just fought for the sake of fighting. Most examples of him beating bad guys could just be boiled down to "he's strong I wanted to fight him."

Or you could also say that his "niceness" from hitting his head as a baby is wearing off. He's becoming a true Saiyan again.

>tien does nothing the entire series
>Single handedly holds back stage 2 Cel by himself with a single attack.


I was talking about Dragon Ball.

He's off the rails by Z happens, but at least with Vegeta you can kind of let it slide because maybe Goku deep down feels some sort of loyalty to Vegeta or the Saiyan race


Tien was only cool during DB and Cell Saga.

This guy.

>the next tournament, that he suggested to a god that has forgotten it by now, is a free for all.
>if your universe team lose, your universe is destroy
He fucking bloodlust for a fight, at the cost of 9 universe

Bulma was a huge slut, what the fuck

>born in the same place as mc
>contently get one-uped by mc
>constanly tries to one-uped mc
>still strong on his on merits
>ends ups teaming up with the mc

>is willing to put himself in danger for a good fight, but not willing to endanger anyone else

*gives cell senzu bean*

*gives piccolo senzu bean*

Best girl is Android 18.

Beerus outright says "if you go talk with Zeno it could lead to the destruction of our entire universe, don't fucking do it" and is willing to DESTROY (not kill, outright fucking destroy) Goku over it, and Goku does it anyway. You can't just say "lol he's dumb" because he's not THAT dumb when it's explicitly stated to his face.

The final battle of Super will be Vegeta vs Goku, but Vegeta will be the hero.

That's actually a good theory

*gives vegeta senzu bean*

To make this thread a bit more DB vidya. Which teacher did you main in XV2?

>Went turtle school focused human
>There was only one choice
>The world's strongest human



Seigmeyer of Caterina

rip fat bro

Zarbon, for maximum fabulousness

Not really, Vegeta has a much larger superiority complex.

I think hit the nail on the head.

don't worry, I'm only dead inside

>Reversed time to help Goku

It could be argued that Beerus has final say over whether or not a planet is to be destroyed, and thus Whis is within his rights to restore Earth

My nigger.


Forgive me for using toaster settings

I want to bury my face into those pantyhose-clad legs

This, even in Sonic Boom they rewrote Shadow to be Vegeta constantly trying to prove he's the strongest.

>i dont want some crazy bitch who changes personality everytime she sneezes

wow it's almost like as if she was a real woman

Detective Dick Gumshoe. He barely gets any salary due to constant cuts, he never progressed his career an inch since he started a detective job, he is constantly chastised by everyone around (with some heartwarming exceptions), the prosecutor who he thinks of as a best friend keeps cutting his salary and basically
>You are a nigger, Edgeworth!
>Hey! Don't say that about Mr. Edgeworth!
>Shut up, detective.
At one point he was fired and his so called best friend didn't lift a finger.
Other time he had an accident while trying to deliver a decisive evidence as soon as possible. Nobody believed he would make it, yet he fucking did.
He never gets the cutest girl in the series, Maggey.
He is the biggest bro in the entire series yet everyone is treating him like trash.

LOL! mind if I screencap this and post it to r/Sup Forums?

Maybe Gumshoe shouldn't be so incompetent. He's just one step above Larry Butz, really.


Sup Forums once again showing how much more they know about women than anyone else

He is not incompetent, he is just airheaded.

go ahead, but also feel free to donate to my patreon

Thanks mate, my mom always says the opposite


>always third to Nintendo and Sony
>a mediocre character like Nintendo always BTFO them
>not a really strong following except for meme retards
>nothing special
>can't come up with new shit
>weakest overall to their competition
>only shit games
>ignored by real companies


>mfw this scene
>"Its enough because your losing! You came here to destroy us!"

pretty based, I hated that fat little robofuck, Vegeta always had the best scenes

>Strive hard to achieve power levels
>think its enough
>found out the hard way that someone's better
He is everyone user.

pokemon is a videogame you fucking idiot

And he's talking about the anime you fucking inbred

you all want to be goku but you will never be more than yamcha

nobody said anything about anime but you, weeb. go back to Sup Forums

You're right, Brock exists outside of the gym battle in the games, how stupid of me.

assholes who rush ahead of their team in co-op fps games

mr satan > yamcha

no shit sherlock, you can talk to him
fucking retards

Oh god. Wait a moment.

If we are going by d-od2 timeline didn't he then proceed to take himself and the carcass of Furiae into some ressurection pod where they fused to become the mc of 2? Suddenly Nowe's bitch tendencies make a lot more sense...

Closest I can think is Leena

>Has Serge as her boyfriend
>Known each other as kids
>Default options of talking to her are negative
>Game pushed Kid, a sexy blonde bimbo out of nowhere, as the love interest
>Not that strong or important as a party member
>Uses fucking pans to fight with
>If anything, her father is more remembered than her.
>Serge ends up marrying Kid no matter what options you take

Big Boss?

Except Yamcha always sucked. He wasn't near the disappointment this motherfucker was.

>killed perfect cell twice after goku fed him a senzu bean
yeah pretty disappointing

You can blame Japanese fans for Gohan becoming a bitch.

Gohan could go full mystic and kick some serious ass if he wants tho.