The people complaining about the Switch's Launch are either:

The people complaining about the Switch's Launch are either:
>babies who have never even been around for a console launch
Or any combination. I'm serious.
>muh $300
Get a job you fucking poorfags.
>muh launch lineup
Fucking just wait for the already confirmed with release dates games to come out.

This might be an incredibly dumb question but...
If pre-orders are sold out can you still get there early on launch day and buy console?

how was the PS3 launch on Sup Forums ?

Yes. The online preorders aren't charged until shipping so scalpers used robots to buy them up. Actually walking into a store and paying a deposit lasted for a couple days.

>babies who have never even been around for a console launch
Repeating the mistakes of gens prior for nostalgia purposes is not a smart idea. We're supposed to be improving.

When you earn your money, you don't like throwing it away for no reason

The irony is that the same reasons I hate the Switch can be attested to the fact that Sony is also pulling this greedy BS. To hate one but not the other would be laughable. Thankfully I hate both.

>muh 300 dollars
Let's not also factor in the paid online, the DLC, the microtransactions, and content locked behind amiibos (which were supposed to replace traditional DLC, remember?)

You're selling me half-finished games and I'm supposed to lap that up?

>Fucking just wait for the already confirmed with release dates games to come out.
I'm not waiting for jack squat. You give me a reason to buy this in addition to my PC, or I won't buy at all. And no, casualized, watered down nintendo exclusives are not a good enough reason.


you forgot one group
>people who are smart enough not to buy switch at launch after WiiU catastrophe

You are just dumb. Really, really dumb.
>Paying 300$ for a garbage gadget just to play some kiddie games and then let it collect dust because you are not a "poorfag"

>let it collect dust

>indieshit and ports

>not liking indies
Enjoy your more of the same triple Ass bullshit, retard.

>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade 2
>No More Heroes
>Shin Megami Tensei
>Fire Emblem
>inb4 that's just kiddie shit, weeb shit, etcetera

more like this:

>babies who have never even been around for a console launch
Or any combination. I'm serious.
>implying "people are pay for underpowered hardware with 3 hours (at best) on Handheld mode"

>muh $300
Get a job you fucking poorfags.
>check reason above

>muh launch lineup
Fucking just wait for the already confirmed with release dates games to come out.
>a port of MK deluxe, and Squidgirl fps shit 2 isn't going to help sell a system

Nintoddlers, keep trying, you'll get 1 eventually

>Get a job
i'll enjoy free games on a superior platform instead

Guess I'll try to get to gamestop early.

>buying a console on launch

ill wait 3 years before buying a switch

The Switch is too big. I'll wait for black friday 2019 when the platform has a library and the Switch LE comes out with a 5 inch display.

>switch's launch is marginally better than this other utterly terrible launch
>that means it's good

>>muh $300
>Get a job you fucking poorfags.
I'm not complaining about the price on a personal basis. If it was a console I really wanted I'd pay $500 for it maybe even more.

But when I think about it in terms of, "will this be successful", I realize it's too expensive for your average person especially when Nintendo has only achieved success with budget-priced hardware. And I think, "I don't want to buy another failed Nintendo machine".

That's why it's too expensive. The 3DS nearly flopped at $250 and they're charging $50 more than that for something that doesn't even have a brand new gimmicky people have never seen before

>Zelda is on Wii U
>Mario Kart is on Wii U
Everything else except Spla2n is fucking garbage not worth the asking price.
Spla2n is not worth buying the console for either. Nobody is buying a Switch as their primary gaming console either, so that writes off the majority of the multiplats.

>Spla2n is not worth buying the console for either.
Japan disagrees.

>Nobody is buying a Switch as their primary gaming console either
Except for most of Japan. Which means JAPANESE third parties. Which means better games.

Apart from Nintendo and From, there's nothing from Japan worth more than $10.

>Fucking just wait for the already confirmed with release dates games to come out.
So you're saying not to complain about the launch because you should wait until well after the launch to buy into it?

That's the fucking problem with the launch asshat.

PS3 has nogaems

>nintendo's latest online marketing strategy is to call everyone poor because they dont want to give nintendo $300 for a $100 tablet + $40 to use your own phone + tax + game + tip

is this the new COMFY?