So this is gonna get a Second Remake if Fire Emblem Echoes does well, right?

So this is gonna get a Second Remake if Fire Emblem Echoes does well, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Hopefully, and ideally combined with Shadow Dragon for the definite Marth experience on the Switch.

>Good portraits
>Both FE1 and FE3 without skipping chapters
>Remove Kris.

second remake? why not a third as well!

If it does well 4 will be the next one.

>everybody from Shadow Dragon got buried in the polls except for Marth, Caeda and Tiki

Made me laugh.

There's no point of doing so, 11 and 12 are fine.
>muh Kris stole Marth's spotlight
Who cares, FE3 already has a remake. Let IS focus their efforts on something that hasn't gotten one yet.

Nah 776 is next.
They want a series pandering to oldfags

No Nigger thread tonight?

It'll go
>Echoes 1+3 remake in one game with support conversations
>Echoes 4+5 remake in one game with 776 treated like a Hector Hard Mode
>Echoes 7+6 remake in one game with added eugenics system for the second generation so having Lyn as either Roy, Lilina or Sue's mother changes things.

Nah 4 is next


So make sure to break the 3DSs of everyone you know who modded their 3DS so they can't steal the game.

You really can't tell 776 without holy war as a framework.

Truthfully Blinding Blade is next with all the attention Heroes is giving it

>has marriage
>has children
>has multiple difficulties
>has magic blood power
Is this the best FE for Awakeningbabies?

That's adorable.

It's the best FE period.

Yeah it blinds me with how bad it is too

In terms of scale and plot, easily. It's one of the few games in the franchise which isn't an absolute joke.

I think the original specifically FE3's version of it still has the best level design.

Guys, I got fucked in Radiant dawn, at the begining of part 4, I just skipped the part where you make up a team, so at the prologue, most of my army are either laguz or just shit characters.

what do

4 would definitely be first considering 776 is a midquel. I don't really have high hopes for a FE4 remake, would be very surprised if NoA would release it without censoring the incest and child sacrifice plot elements.

Why was it never released in the west?

Except even oldfags don't like 776. The 776 cast did worse than the Gaiden cast did in the mobile poll, and 776 is the worst selling FE game (though that is within good reason given its release date).

setting and characters are great

but the gameplay is unbalanced af tbqh

Fire Emblem as a series was never released in the west because it was considered too challenging for western gamers at the time. They gave it a chance with FE7 after how popular Marth and Roy were in Melee.

Shadow Dragon received mediocre reviews and poor sales RD and PoR also sold pretty poorly. The series was on its death bed and would have died at Awakening if it hadn't sold well. Was probably not really worth it for them to localize 12 with continual low sales in the west.

The released Sacred Stones.

I find it weird they would release Awakening in the west with the intention that it was the swansong for FE but not New Mystery of the Emblem.

Who's on your silver team?

thread theme

>was considered too challenging
It was more than Nintendo's opinion on western gamers tastes was such that they thought no one would be interested in it. Advance Wars showed them they were wrong about that.

Did you save already? If yes, you're probably fucked my man.

No, FE6 and FE9 and 10 first, then they'll remake it.

Awakening was the swansong in Japan as well. It probably only got released in the West because it sold so well in Japan.

What's crazy is that FE went from being an off hand announcement at the end of E3 with Awakening to now being considered one of Nintendo's A list series.

Yeah but SS mostly has incest overtones between Eirika/Ephraim, its not blatant the way it was in FE4.

Edward, Devdan, Mordecai, Lethe, Marcia, Nealuchi and Laura, among others. Most are under leveled like hell


god I hope not

Even though I think Awakening was painfully average I am grateful it saved the series since IS proved they can still do great gameplay with Conquest.

Now hopefully for the Switch FE they can combine that with a plot that isn't absolutely retarded.

Yeah you're pretty fucked. Let Skrimir and Naesala solo the stage while everyone else just hides in the starting area.
Should've raised best Trueblade Edward.

Fire Emblem 3 vs Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem. Which is the best way to experience the tale of Marth, in your opinions?

the remakes if you can get over how awful they look

FE 11 somehow looks better than Shafow Fragon

Shadow Dragon > Book 1 because gameplay speed + all the chapters from the NES game

New Mystery >= Book 2, story gets butchered in the remake and the OC is awful but the gameplay is utterly superior

Shafrow Fragon


Probably the remakes, Book 1 of FE3 is missing some chapters and units from FE1.

No matter how you play them they will still feel pretty primitive compared to modern FE's.

Pretty much what said and if you can get over the retarded ass Gaiden requirements of FE11 requiring units to be dead. They aren't worth it anyway and are just the developers showing some mercy if you suck enough to lose a lot of units.

The DS games. I don't know why you'd play FE3 over it.

Nice d key there user.

FE3 is the better game.

Yes, and Chris will be a dragon in the re-remake.

>Ninian as Roy's mom makes him a Manakete
>Saveable Hector
>Possibly a redeemable Nergal?

>Possibly a redeemable Nergal?

You mean female Nergal

Sure, it'll be like FE4 with the two generations all your pairings will effect your children in the second half, and maybe they'll even let your recruit some of your first gen characters like Hector if you can save him in time.

It bothers me that they keep phoning it in for map sprites


Holy shit I would pay so much for that game

If Roy can be a Manakete, we can reclass him when he reaches lvl 20 as a lord so he'll be viable through the game until he has access to Great Lord.

Aside from Roy, Binding Blade is actually pretty great and arguably better than Blazing Blade.

>GBA sprites shit all over the 3DS sprites even though the latter has more budget

I would like that but I have a feeling they will skip 1 and 3 because they got ds remakes and the point of this is to continue remaking the older games, if they intended to remake 1 they would have already done so

All of these things would be amazing especially if they put it on a console

>give Lilina a special axe/tome class to promote to

Shadow Dragon, simply because it's loyal to the original game and there aren't unlimited fucking reinforcements.