This new guy? I'm not feeling it.
This new guy? I'm not feeling it
I don't do ADR
Amarillo DLC when?
Clancy did nothing wrong other than being a LOSER instead of a hero like Pete, rest his soul.
I don't like how they treated Andre and Pete. They needed more adventures!
They could've at least turned them into moldbois.
They probably knew a hardened news anchor like Pete wouldn't change.
You seen the dlc? You seen all the shit that Clancy managed to pull off? He's a super hero
Haven't actually, I'm waiting for more DLC to come out before I buy the season pass.
Weekend sub.
>hardened news anchor
Pete, you were a weekend sub and we all know it. Stop fooling yourself.
Clancy is locked in a room by Margeurite and has to solve a series of puzzle and avoid her to survive.
Clancy is caught by Jack and locked in the basement where he must fight off hordes of molded until dawn.
ITT: REVII shills and actual retards having a circlejerk
Over here we have user trying to shitpost in a thread he doesn't like.
God forbid anyone has fun talking about a video game.
Back to your RE6 safe zone thread.
Do you need a safe space?
hello there RE6 shill
What's that?
>for a game that came out in 2012
>and already has a direct sequel that itself is being shilled relentlessly
You really got me there, Einstein.
Is it worth it to shitpost for nickels? Is it fulfilling?
it's alright shill, you outed yourself already
Like zombies dlc with cod, every resi 7 dlc should come with a new Sewer gators Scenario showing us their past exploits.
I already have an idea for one: an abandoned facility that turns out to be a dilapidated Umbrella lab. The boys have to avoid a single zombie forgotten about after the lab was closed after an accident.
Plenty of lore to read as well.
The boys might just refer to it as "that creepy lab or whatever with that crazy bum in there that tried to kill us, remember that?"
re5 and re6 were bad games
re7 is a mediocre game trying to treat what made re1-3 great like some "hey guys its the same thing but 2017 and VR and zero depth"
how come Sewer Gator-posting is so fun boys, it's just charming
>shills getting this defensive and making absolutely retarded statements like "n-no, you're the shill"
Better step it up if you want to be able to afford lunch.
did you guys notice that you play as Clancy in the Bedroom DLC?
Where did you find this guy?
Oh no, we're under attack by RE6 fans; whatever shall we do?
I would love to play Sewer Gator Adventures
Holy shit this is good idea
Sewer Gator Adventures
How do you even manage to position the camera like that?
I only work with professionals.
Clancy's a good cameraman
Can't be replaced
RE5 at least had its moments at times, far and few between, but it had its moments. RE6 had its one shining moment with the start of Leon and then you didn't get anymore until you slogged through the game to play Ada's stuff.
RE7 at least has the atmosphere and feels very RE in FPS with some dumbing down.
I mean fuck this show.
>some dumbing down
Why are bayou accents for girls weirdly attractive?
Does this user not realize that you can still purchase games from 2012?
Because they are filled with STDs and you crave danger.
Shills only market the most recent release/upcoming games. You're a moron.