What games do they play?
What games do they play?
They don't play any. Check their tiny hands.
Really makes me think...
Left plays CoD
Right is to intelligent to play games
Smart people are smart enough to understand the upsides of having a fit body.
dude on the right is too smart for vidya
dude on the left is chad and he doesn't play vidya
They must play PS3 and Switch then
As a wise mentor once told me on the rules of attraction, "You can't fuck a personality."
Don't get me wrong. All gains matter.
>start working out
>start to feel dumber
It's happening bros, i'll be able to play fifa soon
>works at the library
>implying information = intelligence
A parrot can repeat human speech, but that doesn't mean it understands what its speaking
But what does HE play?
all money on sisysis, his name may sound weak but he can dual wield and explode cars with his mind
>at the library
The guy who made this is either broke working at a service counter or broke working IT. People who call themselves "intellectuals" are rare intellectuals.
Meanwhile pic related is both fit as fuck and smarter than everyone in this thread. And more successful than everyone in this thread combined.
Hey, Sup Forums are you smarter than this guy?
What videogames do you think he plays?
Left plays only latest cod/fifa on console
Right doesn't play video games
Sisysis has an IQ of over 9000 and can dualwield guns. Cryrc looks menacing but his gun his useless.
>tfw to smart for physical fitness
>Bullet from his gun becomes ammo for his other gun
Don't a lot of "smart" people work out, because a healthy body leads to a healthy mind or some shit?
>metro wine Marxo-socialists start using the term "uneducated" as a thinly-veiled code for "stupid"
>literally anyone can get a degree for one lecture shit like liberal arts or African basket weaving
>What not having a degree actually means is you're too poor to get one
>these same wine-guzzling metro commies claim to represent the poor while chanting uneducated without a hint of self-awareness
Hey, Sup Forums you are surely smarter than all of the guys in this picture right?
And I am sure you'll totally end up their boss, not the other way around. Right?
Wonder what videogames they play.
>dumb people lift because vanity
>average people don't work out
>smart people work out because of health
>really smart people don't work out
>beyond those people there's no physical body to work out with
Every smart person I know is also /fit/ as fuck.
>or some shit
And that's how Sup Forums figured out your name was Jamal.
Is there a reason to go to the library anymore? What do they have that I can't get on my computer?
Really smart people are too busy trying to cure cancer or comprehend dark matter to bother with working out or getting fat.
Not trying to be a pretentious faggot but ever since I went straight edge and started exercising regularly (and only drinking water) I've felt 100x better in almost every conceivable way, physically and mentally. I don't know if I'm "smarter" but I definitely have more energy which can lead to more learning. Being healthy can never hurt.
That's my point.
Guitar Hero?
Kingdom Hearts
I dunno about Harvard, but the football players at my university were almost all as dumb as the stereotype. Example conversation I had:
>Hey, cool shoes! Those are the ones the football players get specially made, right? You on the team?
>Cool. So what do you study?
>Oh, I play football.
>No, like, what's your major?
>*confused look* I play football.
Probably, I never needed to have my name written on my t-shirt for me to remember it, and he's clearly getting praised for something, also
OwO what's this
Well, you can't distract yourself by shitposting at Sup Forums at the library.
My boss was a high school graduate. Hard work and dedication doesn't do anything for you.
Daily reminder this is a meme.
Masturbate in a library? Checkmate.
Left plays COD shit right plays souls games
You idiot. If it was there for him, he would've written it upside down.
>implying I don't shitpost harder at the library
>t. bitter NEET
Hard work and dedication does everything for you. You've just never tried it.
No, really smart people are the ones funding the research of the medical teams developing these cures and the real smart people are constantly measuring whether or not those development teams are heading towards dead ends or not.
And those guys, venture capitalists and the like, are fit as fuck.
Did I step on your moment? Sorry about that.
Nice try kid
Bill Gates here btw
>trying to cure cancer
cancer was cured fucking decades ago
too bad the pharmaceutical giants will never let it cut into their profits
It's so he can read it in the mirror. You know - to link the name with the face.
>at my university
No one cares about your no name university in Kansas that has no functional research departments or worthwhile alumni currently leading the world's industries or NGOs.
I've worked hard on my premature ejaculation and I can still ejaculate in seconds. I can basically fap myself through the pocket while I'm yawning.
So what's the cure? VIDEO GAMES?
Nah, I work. I just realize that higher education doesn't necessarily land you the best jobs. My boss literally said "college was too hard, so I couldn't finish it". I graduated college, it didn't matter.
t. /sci/
you are stupid.
Yeah but you seem to be implying that your boss doesn't/didn't work hard to get where he is. You think someone handed him his job as soon as he dropped out of college?
no, you are
but I don't blame you
I completely forgot about my annual dose, thanks dude. I don't browse fit enough to understand half of these though
I don't know about American universities but I played with the Rugby team in my UK uni and most were doing science or engineering degrees
It didn't stop them acting like utter retards on nights out though.
>muh alumni
when you're currently culturally inept and produce no knowledge, look to the past
it works for europe
O-okay Todd, I'll buy you game! Just don't hurt me!
>Steroids and Eyes have a conversation
>i graduated college
What college
What degree
I like how you think both of those aspects should be glossed over.
Posting a former football player who is now one of the most powerful men in Silicon Valley. Pretty sure he's as smart or smarter than most of the scientists clamoring for his funding.
Why can't Sup Forums compete? Why does Sup Forums find solace in a fantasy land where everyone successful looks like the lard/skinnyfat losers of Sup Forums?
Really gets those neurons fired up.
Is your school producing any current industry disruptors? No? Uh oh.
>Posts picture of balding man
even Elon Musk looks healthy for his age
where do I find the person who started this all athletes and people with good looks are stupid meme so I can punch him
he is 51 brah
If there's a cure for cancer why do rich people still die from cancer?
why does he keep going back to that gym
I would like to play games with him
Weak insult. Be more original.
No I definitely know what you mean I had the same thing when I started working out.
My mind felt kinda refreshed if I had to explain it.
I can see his penis.
Steroids is a scientist who pumped himself full of steroids to survive in the apocalypse, he's a dual class.
Guy at the left plays Madden and the guy to the right plays spacestation 13
>If there's a cure for cancer why do rich people still die from cancer?
They had Steve Jobs take the fall for all other rich people. When someone rich dies now of "cancer" it is something else that killed them but they hide the fact.