>Game has no singleplayer
Game has no singleplayer
>Game has no multiplayer
>game has singleplayer
>it's shit and makes you wish you were playing the multiplayer instead
>game has multiplayer tacked on
Glad this fad died out
At least I think it did
>game has neither
>game has glearing bug/glitch that would have been impossible to miss in testing phase
Sad. Many such cases!
>game is multiplayer focused
>has a pretty good single player segment anyway
>game has local multiplayer but not online
>game has online mutliplayer but not local
>buying singleplayer games in 2017
>You have to be online to play singleplayer
>game is a game
>some weapons available only in the single player
>game has multiplayer tacked on
>It's actually really fun
>Its netcode is complete garbage because it was tacked on with little effort and never gets fixed
>It just dies as a result
I'll miss you Bioshock 2 MP
>Game has local multiplayer but no online
>You don't have any friends to play it with IRL
>Busted ass multiplayer weapon is an 11th hour powerup at the end of the game
>Game's focus is the multiplayer
>Trophies/Achievements are 100% from the single player that nobody cares about
>game has online mutliplayer but not local
Every modern successful mp game does this. What's the problem?
The problem is you paying attention to a stupid frog shit.
>disparaging frog posters
Sorry your Abuela lost
Sorry your destruction is incoming.
Hurry up and fool these people so they can be destroyed with you.
you bark
lowly shade
you forget your place
You... i like you