ITT: Food equivalents of popular vidya

>Dark Souls

Other urls found in this thread:

>Super Mario bros 3

That food looks delicious and easy to eat, though.

The Dark Souls of food would be like burnt toast or something.

Kid Icarus Uprising


oh god that looks good

>Metroid Prime

>food analogy
>dark souls

here (you) are



you faggots and your shitty tiny hands can kys

Etrian Odyssey II

>monster hunter


>not Kirby

>that shitty false advertisement

Fucking makes me so angry

What's "false advertising" about this? People these days are so fucking whiny about their idea of what infringes on their little consumer rights.

>Metal Gear Solid III

Stop defending corporations you fucking shill



>reee """"corporations""""

Underage confirmed.

>Sonic the Hedgehog as a franchise

>nothing on that burger actually nutritious except those shitty pickles

>not nutritious

Man I hate modern people.

I'd post a pic of a pussy and say Bloodborne but it's a blue board.

Depends on the restaurant, faggot. Looks like a fast food burger, so 9 out of ten, it's a shitty soy variant


you're not that ugly, go ahead and post your picture

If they fill it all the way up it won't be able to expand in the cup. Do you really feel that ripped off? You want your 60 cents back, poorfag?

Binding of isaac

>not a snake


>expand in the cup
What the fuck am I reading


>western games

a consumer who listens to everything companies tell him to believe. next, he'll say that companies want you to buy DLC so you can support the company and compensate for all the work and money they put into it.

you mean games about the Wild West, or games from places white people live?

>Rainbow Six: Siege

>More peppers
>Cool whip
>Grated cheese
>Bake for four hours


>Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

>triple A western games


>The shirt is a metaphor for modding
>I'm not good at this


Why is it that Sup Forums's favorite things are baiting, shitposting, and not talking about vidya?

>Minecraft, Roblox, whatever the flavor of the year autism game is

im fucking tired of this dark memes posters and their unnecessary so hardcore game xDDD

>sonic rush

Can you explain that one? Why all that chocolate?

Is this what americans eat?

That's Jell-O mix, not sugar.
That's cream cheese, not butter.

I do have to wonder what the fuck they are thinking, though. I could understand mixing fruit and vegetables if it made a decent dish, but something like an entire tub of Cool Whip (not to mention Jell-O) is just bizarre.

No "Sonic Heroes"?

>american """""""cuisine"""""""

I knew an autistic girl who was exactly like this kid.


>Sonic 4
The only game to ever make me physically nauseous from how bad it is

how bad did you wreck her pussy

She was 13 bro. So no.
But she was hot as fuck.

>undercooked meat
>unfinished game

really makes u think!

(that onion sort of looks like a metroid too)

this entire comment is bait

i don't get it, how come autistic girls can look great, but autistic guys invariably look like half-melted army men.


Unh fuck
Every time I watch this webm I immediately start salivating

>how come autistic girls can look great, but autistic guys invariably look like half-melted army men
Poor sample size. There are plenty of autistic boys and men who look perfectly normal. You just don't notice because they don't walk up to you and say "Hey, I'm autistic!" You see more autistic women because (if dating) you will get close enough to some of them for them to open up to you about it, or (if not dating) will find occasional stories or the occasional woman posting about it publicly.

>There are plenty of autistic boys and men who look perfectly normal.

when your mother said that, she wasnt trying to comfort you, she was trying to reassure herself you weren't a terrible mistake.


I was going to say "when are they planning on cooking it?" when I realized that they had to rub the chicken in a broth just to add some juice to it. They're adding sauces to nearly everything. And I realized, all of this meat is absolute shit. How terrible does your food have to be, when it can be that bloody raw and still so dry you need to add a sauce to it?

I thoroughly enjoyed this one

not equating mgs3 subsistence to filet mignon and then a surprise dessert to follow it

He's right though. I remember a news article a while back about a NFL star who couldn't get a girlfriend because he was too autistic to not sperg out on a date.

>NFL star

they're not hired for their looks though

Pit barbecue is shit. And I'm saying this as a fucking Texan. Everything is dry and tastes like smoke, so they slather 'specialty' barbecue sauces over everything to mask how ass it is. Brisket is seriously like the lowest tier of beef, I don't understand why people have such a hard on for it.

Pulled pork on the other hand is actually pretty great.


jesus, i could literally live on that single tray of food for a week.


>No Man's Sky

But all football players are attractive.


hard truth. What grade did you drop out to not know pasta absorb water?

i guess they are attractive if you've been getting concussions on a weekly basis for 10 years or so

You don't need concussions to realize big burly men are attractive.


>High Tail Hall

Fuck off cuck

Never Alone.

took you long enough to type out a response fat ass.

i can't imagine being so overweight even typing on a keyboard is a chore.

What is that? It looks tasty.

>she never shows off her belly after at the end of any of her videos

I wish I was that clueless sometimes

oh yeah, I'm sure the "meat" is totally nutritious on that one


Looks like some traditional Inuit food.
Nice reference by user, then.

I'd say that is Battleborn.

This is among the tamest of food nightmares from this particular individual. It gets bad.

Post more of Jack's culinary masterpieces please.

no more heroes



why would other birds poop on this bird?

Any fucking indie piece of shit released last 10 years. Probably more.
I'm sorry but the immense amount of shovelware shit has put 'Indie' permanently on my steam "not interested" list.

whale fat