Its that kind of thread again

its that kind of thread again.


Here's one I made ages ago.


>spend over 9000 hours in ms paint
>get a few seconds of anonymous recognition

>Didn't like 2

What the fuck user, the upgrade from 2 over C47 was amazing, how did you end up regarding them as the same thing.

Unless you are some secondary that came to the series with Blood Money. Fuck Blood Money newfags.

Look at the expression used under SA. I never said I didn't like it, I just value C47 and SA the same and yeah the upgrade was good but it was nothing monumental.

same pretty much
what the actual fuck were they thinking with absolution

>upgrade nothing monumental
>considered 2 to be the same quality as C47

Confirmed secondary.







>liking musou shit


Devil survivor's really fun though.

Deadlocked is a garbage R+C game

We will never get another Wario platformer since he is now the disgusting guy from Wario Ware. Did I mention he is disgusting?

not if you play it co-op

I didn't realize there were so many spyro games.

>Even the latest warioware game for the wii u was lame
What does nintendo have against wario?

How are the Raidou games, anyway? They strike me as being so out-there that it's unreal.

>liked Legend of Spyro so much it's his 4th favorite in the series

Jesus christ user what is wrong with you, even Enter the Dragonfly was better than that shitty DMC clone. At least EtD tried to be a platformer.


>Disliking Master of Disguise
It's a bit rough around the edges, but it's got a lot of personality and a neat gameplay concept to save it. I had a lot of fun with it.

Pretty much.
Good work.



not for me

Fun. Very different vibes from other SMT games since they're set in a sort of old japanese crime drama with catchy jazzy soundtracks.
Combat's pretty stiff in the first game, much more polished in the sequel.

enter the dragonfly was the one with the 3 minutes of loading every 2 minutes of gameplay?

simple hack and slash with demons you can summon that fights alongside.

your a detective so its alot of running around looking for clues, information and such.

I thought the PS3 was meant to have all these great exclusives
The only ones I have played so far and enjoyed are:
Decent TPS
>Quantic Dream games
Guilty pleasure, love how stupid they are
>Yakuza games
Love Yakuza
>Heavenly Sword
Brilliantly written and voiced characters got me through it

And actually the GoW games on there aren't too bad, just not as good as 1 and 2

Fuck i want to play t3 again now

Yes. And glitches that literally broke the game everytime I played it.


I will never understand why people like the Uncharted games
The platforming and shooting are janky as fuck and the writing is stupid shit


Absolute patrician taste, user.


>no berseria


Xilla 2 was retarded as shit, worse than Zestiria


it's literally shovelware, like harvest moon


I rated them as such because they're just mediocre, bland TPS games yet they're hyped up as pinnacles of the PS3. But I agree I cannot see the appeal

I liked the first two Infamous games a lot. Don't know about second son.

>Adventure 2 better than Adventure 1

Play Hitman C47 then Hitman 2 and tell me the quality different isn't night and day. It's a new engine and C47 is almost unplayable compared to how good 2 is.

Only newfags to the series who came with Blood Money, and then went back to play the older ones later wouldn't get this and recognize just how fucking revolutionary 2 was.

I refuse to believe that there's people who didn't think devil summoner was complete trash

Typical symphoniababy retard with utter shit taste.

Enlighten me to what I missed because I thought they were bland pieces of shit. I picked up Prototype over the summer last and released it plays exactly the same as Infamous and put it down after an hour.



Infamous 1 and 2 aren't particularly special, but they're certainly the best done out of their particular brand of game

I agree with this other than being disgusted with RBY now. They are still just as good.



I don't know. I thought they were competent enough action games. And I liked using the different electric powers around the city. Haven't played Prototype, but I've seen them compared a lot.
I won't say they're great games, but I just enjoyed my time with them.

>Anything other than trash
Opinion discarded

Going Commando is so much better than Up your Arsenal. And both of those are better than Deadlocked. Also all the future games were shit.

Dynasty warriors 6 was the worst mistake, it's the only warriors game that I regret buying. So many characters but yet a lot of them share the same moveset and they take away Zhou Tai's katana WTH!!

It is.

Aside from being technically more stable, the alternate playstyles are actually fleshed out and there's no fucking fishing.

I disagree.

Switch 2 and 3 and we're all set

A Crack in Time was actually really good but the rest of your post is spot on.

You... are you the holy master b8er talked about in the Dead Sea Scrolls?


Nice wrong opinion y'got there

Halo 3 is the second best Halo game ever made. Fix your face user

>Boring as fuck campaign
>Boring as fuck survival mode
>Boring as fuck- Oh wait that's the whole game



Didn't play Origins?


I want you to not live anymore

Get mad just because you can't handle this truth

>Didn't play the first 2 Personas

Switch X1 with X4 and that's me.

>likes X4 more than X1
>likes X3 more than X2
Boy you're all backwards.



what the fuck

Tbqh I dont like X2 at all, I think its bland boring and forgetable

P1 and P2's gameplay is garbage.


I don't even know what to think of this

My God, you're a faggot.


Much better



If you haven't played Deadlocked co-op you haven't lived yet.

Someone make a Paper Mario one. It's so easy

I'd rate the first game higher, but that's spot-on for 2.
The other games aren't worth ranking.

Devil Survivor is better than any Shitsona.

fallout 4 was midcore

Switch Wind Waker with Twilight Princess and you're golden.