For Honor seems fun

>For Honor seems fun
>Made by Ubisoft
Should I buy it? Ubisoft's track record is telling me otherwise, and it seems like it could get repetitive really quick.

Don't do it

There was a closed beta you could have applied for to get in easily or downloaded the free open beta going on right now to try it yourself.

Of course you didn't do either because you're retarded so no you shouldn't buy this game because retards get mad at multiplayer games because they suck.

One word: Uplay. Don't even fucking bother.

dont get ubisoft games

>Ubisoft's track record is telling me otherwise

You mean the track record that made glorious Rainbow Six Siege, a game that had problems at launch, but now has more players than it did at launch and continues to grow? A game with a model that allows you to unlock all of the DLC content in the game for free?

Not for the price tag. $140+ AUD for the 'Gold edition' is the most I've ever seen a game go for. Not worth it.

I did play it you retarded shithead.

>A game with a model that allows you to unlock all of the DLC content in the game for free?

i actually can't believe that people still parrot this shit

ubisoft isn't a charity

it is designed to piss you off with grind so you spend money

A game that had all it's servers shit themselves recently, coinciding with the For Honor beta?


Map design is shit and the biggest downside to siege, beating even a few absurd operator magic spells shitting on tactic based gameplay.

Ubisoft is literally paying popular twitch streamers to stream the game and not talk shit about it.

Don't buy it.

>A game with a model
That is multiplayer only, priced right for multiplayer but layered in tons of grind to make you SPEND MONEY ON MICROTRANSACTIONS FOR GAMEPLAY MECHANICS.

Oh but it's okay because it also has skins and you can grind all of them except uniforms.
For buying boosters or playing for months to play all of the gameplay features.

buy it if you're retarded, the game sucks

Okay, I made the post and I honestly agree with you guys. Something that is so core to the gameplay like characters in a game shouldn't need to be unlocked or locked behind a paywall, but fighting games already do this shit and the game itself is pretty fun. This doesn't really excuse it though.

>competitive game
>p2p connections

But the game is good user, it's fum, and it looks good and runs great.

However if they don't add more maps it will suffer a lot.

NO. Download the beta and try it.

I think it's okay and enjoyable, but it's not a $60 game.


You're right. It is a fucked up mess.

Not that I dont believe it since I can see pretty much every company doing that, do you have proof?

it's a broken game, balance is terrible, none of the systems actually work as they should, the netcode is balls, input lag will stop you from ever actually becoming good at blocking attacks, you just wait till it's released: expect to see the next wave of GITGUD posting.

When you see this logo do the smart thing turn 360 degrees and walk away.


The streamers being paid literally say they're being sponsored by Ubisoft. They're legally required to do so.

R6S is a fluke and nothing more, they only even began supporting it once they realized the division was dead, even now they continuously fumble around and just barely cling to good game status


Do what every the fuck you want. It's your life, I don't give a shit about it.

It looks like a toilet being flushed. Coincidence?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

if it gets 25 bugs then do it,i would

Just wait until it's out and look at reviews. Seriously, there are tons of games out there. Unless you're on xbox, you'll find something in the mean time

Again, I can see that happening but you have yet to provide proof. If you don't feel like it cool.

Well... about that...

I don't record streamers. I've literally watched 2 of the few streamers I actually follow have sponsored streams of For Honor. Ezekial_III and ManVsGame.

It's not some sort of conspiracy. They're legally required to tell their viewers. The problem is that most idiots watching don't understand the meaning of the word "sponsored".

>what's this girl's ability anyway?
>oh it's quad drones, that seems pretty neat, surveillance and stuff
>wait what's that annoying as fuck air puff? Is that just to make noise and freak out a player/indicate where you see an enemy?
>tfw getting hit by it for the first time

Okay Ubisoft, I see you dislike fun.

And the maps are so fucking cramped god damn, it's like how Overwatch really gets killed by shit map design more than anything else.

I can agree to this. I'd say $40 dollars at most, but that's just me.

>It's not some sort of conspiracy.
I'm not trying to say there is. I'm just saying that without evidence people won't believe you on just your word alone.

>I don't record streamers.
It might be on their VOD if they have one, I don't watch them myself.

>People who pay full price for games when you can get a $35-$40 key
Consoles I can understand but it gets on my nerves hearing PC anons complain about expensive games.

It's shit.

>attack/block arrows
>tiny, poorly designed maps

This. Wait a bit after it comes out to see how it goes. I'm hesitant too since it's ubishit.

I have some gripes but so far the open beta has been surprisingly fun with friends. Switching between nobushi and conquerer, really loving the latter but I like bleed and the range of nobushi.

Personally I'd only pay for it if it were 20-30 dollars, considering it's multiplayer only AND what appears to be P2P.
I've had far too many disconnects even for an open beta and being forced to join matches in the last 2 rounds is not enjoyable.
The gameplay is pretty fun but ultimately if I have to play someone from my region only if I want to be able to parry/guard break on reaction it's not worth it and I could just as easily play a fighting game I already own where there's no 2 minute loading screens before matches and I don't need to wait for 7 people to queue at the same time as I do.
I'm probably being pretty lenient on the game anyway since combat is basically rock paper scissors but skewed heavily towards defense.

>playing alt-right games
What a bunch of neo-nazis. You should be ashamed of yourselves.



I can't tell if they're going this in an attempt to avoid Godwin's Law or if they're just that retarded.

jesus christ

I'm not trying to convince people. I'm just stating facts.

You need to stop acting like shit people says always needs to be proven. Unless you have a legitimate reason to think they're full of shit, keep quiet.

I had links in this post but the spam filter is popping it. Just google "for honor" "twitch" "sponsored" and you'll get a ton of examples.

Ayy, I play Nobushi too! That and Peacekeeper.

so is alt right basically just a big poorly defined catch all boogeyman for the left like SJW is for the right?

how do you get your friends list to work? I've tried both Steam and Ubisoft lists but neither are showing up in game.

That's sort of the point. The maps are supposed to feel claustrophobic and a lot of them are medium to large sized. If you want muh big maps go play Shitfield

Rainbow six siege was literally a one trick pony that resurrected itself after 1 steam sale.

Every other ubisoft game is pure trash

>I'm not trying to convince people.
>Don't buy it.

Haven't tried peacekeeper yet. Still torn on Conquerer or Nobushi. Conquerer really made me step up my guard game and I love feeling like a brick shithouse.

I'm on console so I can't help you there user. Sorry.

I suppose I should be clearer for people like you who need everything spelled out for them.

Don't buy it if you're basing your opinions on the fact that it's popular on twitch. That popularity was paid for.

>Made by Ubisoft
>Should I buy it?

More to the point, take a look at some reviews of people who have played the game to see if you are interested, and look at some gameplay footage. Apparently the problem is that the game lacked content and wasn't what people expected it would be, so be sure that it is what you are thinking it might be before buying.

I'm of the mind to just ignore everything Ubisoft because nothing they do or have done recently has turned out well, but if you are still interested in their games, at least hold off on buying them and look at what information there is available after launch.

>I don't understand how Rainbow Six works

Even CS maps feel bigger than Siege maps, maybe it has something to do with how one team has to sit in a box to get shat on unless they pick ADSes, instead of spreading out a bit and covering a decent amount of area.

Yes, except that when people get called SJWs, it's probably more right then wrong. The entire american left has gone of the deep end. There are people within the alt-right who disavow "race realism". I've never seen a bunch of leftists disavow identity politics.

Played it a good bit. It's fun to learn how to fight using the characters but after a while you start to realize you're all doing the same thing with just a different skin among them. Pretty boring desu.


Ready for the next video game blunder. In 2 weeks ubisoft will be on suicide watch.

why does ubisoft still exist in this timeline

>you can play as a girl

I wouldn't pay more than 20 bucks and it looks like it would die out fast because the casual modes are hot garbage.

just play the open beta you fucking goon.
pic related if you play peacemaker

>suicide watch

As if they give a shit anymore, they aren't gearbox, they will just make the next shitty game and maybe fire a few workers to replace them with cheap fresh blood fresh from uni.

You didnt say you played the beta in your post you cuck lord. Real smooth OP.


The matchmaking is peer to peer you tard. Hows the extra chromo faggot?

>Seems fun

It will be for the first few days when they are all kinds of characters running around. Then everyone will discover the broken easy mode characters and that will be the meta until Ubisoft nerfs them

>mfw watching a good streamer player getting rekt by a 12 year old trash talker
>has a metldown
>gets donated 50 bucks by his dick sucking viewers
Doesn't matter what I think of the game at least it brought me NINJA DAGGERS and this

i bought it

t. anthony

I dont often call out marketers but this reads like ubisoft wrote it.

>playing deathmatch
>kill the enemy team except one minmaxing autismo
>everyone just runs away from him until the time ends
>meanwhile he spergs out in chat about muh honor and 1v1s
>this goes on for the whole match

why does this game attract the worst kinds of people?

Leftie detected.

butthurt Sup Forums faggot detected.

The why are you asking if you should buy it here. If you've played it, decide for yourself.

You're the butthurt one, fellow. Also, Sup Forums is a board of peace. We are more ethnically diverse than a gender studies department.

The grind in Rainbow is almost nothing though. Winning gives you 250-300 renown or more in PVP, ontop of daily challenges of 150 renown.

The only people who say it has a grind are people who don't want to unlock characters and just want everything. There is a huge gap between operators for people, who will actually play the game consistently, to rack up renown.

>tfw sitting on 100k renown and 600 rainbow points
I don't even know where the fuck those 600 came from, I don't buy shit.



Seriously, I have only played for about 20 hours and I almost have every basic operator. One session of play gets me like 3k renown without even trying challenges.


If you're still around OP, I've played both Betas about 30 hours.

It's not worth the price tag by a long shot. The game is fun, especially with friends and the combat is really quite satisfying but it's let down mechanically in a big way. The server setup is far too poor for a game that requires spot on reactions/movement, it's also quite short on content all things considered, which they'll likely charge for in the future.

Wait for a sale my man


Please go back to 9gag. Really, though. We're "the right side of history". Hint: Sup Forums is not what it's reputation leads on.

>mfw playing the Nobushi


Plus doing the situations, which are fucking ridiculously easy, and the challenges in them give you a ton of renown. Like 8000. You can buy most of the basic operators with that alone

>no u
Are you fucking 14? Go back the the 2000s.

>using 9gag images to debate politics
Holy shit, why are you even on Sup Forums?

Then get going sir fagalot.
Enjoying your first few days here?

I've been here since 2010. Aka before you had pubes, you bluepilled redditfag.

Welcome to modern day politics where everything devolves into shit flinging an name calling!

>been here since 2010

Sooo you migrated from Reddit to here?

Hey, I made an argument and all he replied with was "lul ur Sup Forums and Sup Forums is bad thr4 ur a fag", so I just shat back. I'm still waiting for him to actually debate my position.

I've tried reddit back in 2011 or 2012. Didn't like it much.


Do I really have to have said that I played it user?

(you're taking bait, Sup Forumstard)

Advice on what? If you like it or not?
Fuck off and learn to make your own decisions, faggot.

>not taking the bait
Do you hate fun?

You say that yet you sound like a underage retard that came here just this week.
Also your mom is fat
You got the reply your stupid post deserve.
Or maybe Sup Forums is retarded.

>autistic sperglord

the game is garbage, it's a weak fighter version of every other game and stole fatalities from age of conan

The first Open Beta day, i prebought For Honor.
Today, I refunded it. I actually love it, but it has many horriible mechanics and the only mode i enjoy 100% is 1v1 or 2v2.

Its not worth 60€ imo. What do you think of my choice

>You say that yet you sound like a underage retard that came here just this week.
I'm 22, and you sound like a tumblr crossposter from Sup Forums.