>instant pull / kill combo
>retarded amounts of hp
>heals more than anybody can dps
>if pulled its over, may as well set down the controller
How do we make him less of a broken hero, Sup Forums? Literally the definition of Anti-fun.
>instant pull / kill combo
>retarded amounts of hp
>heals more than anybody can dps
>if pulled its over, may as well set down the controller
How do we make him less of a broken hero, Sup Forums? Literally the definition of Anti-fun.
Other urls found in this thread:
Change the hook into something else.
Wait till the server browser comes out, Blizzard doesn't know how to balance the game. This is their answer.
>switch costume
>hook is something else
checkmate athiests
This is the only thing he's got going for him, offensive-wise. Without his hook he's useless.
Learn from Makoa
Roadhog now has a 25 m long left arm.
he can use it to quick attack
If you really had to change the hook, and Blizzard wanted to do so:
>Fart ability that boosts him up and lets him fall down with a blast in the middle of enemies and can face shot them.
>Can have it give some sort of buff/debuff to make it not instant suicide without a healer all the time
>Puts him in harms way but places him in front of people to gun shot them.
Balance him accordingly with this.
You fucking faggots this is not a console vs pc thread. it's a roadhog thread. shut the fuck up about the controller.
>FPS game
He just got a huge nerf. Stop being a pussy.
Now the real shitter is the designated shitting street character.
>Nobody wants to play as a fucking poo skin
>She's also shit
>Buff her so hard that her hold down unlimited ammo weapon can kill an entire team in seconds
They are reducing his hook pull to 3.5m, which AFAIK is not a one shot area; it'll be like ana on hook 1.0 I believe.
It's balanced though because both teams have one.
Tanks in general shouldn't be as good as they are. Roadhog is the most blaring and in your face culprit of this that people are really growing to hate, but the fact the other tanks have as much killing power as they do is a huge mistake.
The way that the community wants D.Va to be is a tremendous fucking joke. Prior to her recent nerfs that made tons of people come out the woodwork and claim that "D.Va is useless now," D.Va was convincingly being able to face-tank solo a fucking Reaper, Reaper who should be her hardcounter.
D.Va had everything and no weaknesses and now the D.Va mains are all mad that basically the tankiest thing in the game who has insane mobility can't just facetank people anymore.
I believe that if you want to be solo-killing people at close range that you should be playing Tracer, Reaper, or Genji. They should be the ones doing that and they have to risk dying because of their much lower healthpools.
I believe that D.Va's role is to be a bully, she jets in and is a huge fucking annoyance who slowly chips away at you and chases to finish off low health enemies. The fact that she was ever a safe alternative to the aforementioned Tracer, Reaper, and Genji is a slap in the face.
I could rant about all the tanks and how their proper roles should be. I think Winston should always be weak until they rework him completely. Giving any buffs to Winston, who has a fucking auto-aim gun and that long jump with all the health he has, is detrimental to the game. Winston is a mistake, but I will say he's "balanced" even if it means he's underpowered.
Whoopdi fucking do op. In the PTR they are giving him a big nerf. Hook cooldown is 8 secs and opponets are not dropped 3.5 meters away from hog vs. 2 meters currently. He got the dva treatment
>mfw after buying a XIM4 for the PS4 after using a controller for so long
The only thing Roadhog has going for him is that he can punish people who aren't aware of their positioning, so basically, get good. He also punishes teams who can't figure out how to focus fire; he literally can't do anything about having more than one person on him without panic ulting. He has the largest hitbox and headbox in the game, no shields, no armor, no barriers, he's a walking ult charge pinata for you and your team.
If you're really having trouble, his best counters are Zarya (bait hooks), Soldier (ranged dps), Pharah (don't fly low enough to get hooked), and Mei.
Is that outside of his melee range?
>game with a ton of factors to balance because muh unique characters
>normalfags screaming on forums constantly
There was absolutely zero chance the game would ever be in a state of balanced.
Melee range is 3 meters, so yes.
>Not giving them the old left click right in the face
His hook is certainly his main attraction, but he just brings so much to the team.
>Big juicy body to soak up damage, making life easier for your main tank
>Short quick heal, making your supports life easier as now there is one less body to worry about
The list just goes on
>Not giving tank killing power
I want to play a fps not a moba.
So do you agree that Genji and McCree should get their nerfs reverted?
>it's a casuals talking about a party fps game designed for consoles like it's fucking Quake/Counter-Strike episode
>Big juicy body to soak up damage, making life easier for your main tank
This also feeds ult charge like crazy to the enemy team. Soldier, Genji, and Reaper (implying those exist) can get ults super fast by firing in Roadhog's general direction.
>play rein
>stop fucking caring about hooks ever
how about instead of going 2-17 as sombra you pick up the shield and stand there since youre too stupid to do anything else successfully.
This user is right:
No melee + Ana's e+Lshift= a pretty add counter to the hog.
(His gun is getting a bit of a damage boost too, I'd link if I wasn't a lazy ass. These changes are currently on PTR)
The game is in the state it is because tanks are so good. Tanks are powerful, they kill people, and they're the easiest heroes to play (which amounts to consistency). It's no surprise that you're going to want to stack tanks on a team when you want to be a tryhard.
Tanks are boring to play.
>as a genji
Thank god, that might actually mean a chance to escape through him by dashing.
Hopefully not. I'm not sure why Winston still has his nerfs. The cooldown on his barrier is shit for how much of a complete joke it is.
They are moving back the pull landing spot, but they are lowering the spread on the scrapgun. Overall, if you can aim you can still oneshot shit.
There are far more complex games that are far more balanced.
McCree nerfs removed his ability to counter Tracer and Genji properly. The latter of which can zip away before the last few bullets of a flashbang+fan combo kill her, assuming they even hit with how retardedly inaccurate they are. With McCree nerfed, Genji became stronger due to less of a counter, and then he got nerfed. I don't know if I'd revert the changes exactly as they were but, if nothing else, McCree needs to be buffed back into this counter-flanker role.
Ah, they aren't behind reinhardts shield. Gotcha
Yeah but
>set down the controller
Remove shotgun, replace with weaker version of ult, replace ult with something
Basically Blizzard needs to stop playing coy and admit he's a straight copy of Pudge
How is it okay for a punishment to be instant death? The reward is way too big for how little risk roadhog takes. Every other game with a hook mechanic you can't just kill your victim if the hook lands, you gotta use the hook to get them into your team or into a bad spot and then fight it out with some advantage. Roadhog doesn't need to care about position and surroundings, he just hooks and then instakills you.
If we are gonna blame the player for getting hook we
may as well make Pharah's rockets one shot you and if she gets you it's really your fault for not looking up and seeing her coming. You're just getting punished for a poor play, mate.
>heals more than anyone can DPP
Tracer main here, his heal is equal to me unloading my pulse pistols an more
Road hog is fine just gotta play smart or not be anything lower than platinum. The only ones who complain about road hog being op are sub plat shitters who should not be allowed to have an opinions tbch phampai
Zero risk high reward. His hook is a sniper rifle with medium range that will instant kill so long as it touches any part of someone's body. It is on an extremely low cooldown given how powerful it is.
He has the highest health pool in the game and despite his self heal being so strong, it doesn't get cancelled when taking damage so he essentially is unkillable in any 1v1 situation. A tank should be tanky and outsustain damage. Roadhog outdamages you and outlives you for no reason.
Nothing about him is Tank except his health pool. He's just a covert DPS that gets the best of both worlds.
and it increases his effective range in non hook situations.
They're buffing him in the guise of a nerf AGAIN
>Tracer main
How's it feel to be utterly useless?
People will defend all that about Roadhog
But god forbid Genji is able to double jump again after wall climbing, god forbid he can churn out a measely ~150 damage with a "shuriken, melee, dash" combo, and god forbid he has any sort of duration on an ult that he has to scream out preemptive before he can even start slashing and then when he can slash it's only 120damage per slash.
>may as well set down the controller
That's your issue
agreed. tracer needs 250 hp.
Every character should get a second chance in terms of buffs/nerfs.
But not McCree, fuck that guy.
Wasn't roadhog for the longest time considered kind of bad in higher level competitive?
roadhog is no problem when you have a good mercy in your pocket. i can only imagine the salt produced when i get hooked and shot multiple times and dont die, especially when im playing pharah, the glass cannon extraordinaire
But that's Winston's ability.
Here is how to fix the hook in one easy step!
1. Remove the hook stun
Done. Thats it. It lets people attempt to protect themselves. A well timed escape ability gets them out of dodge or it Hog is low health as he often is you can just shoot him in his fucking fat face and kill him.
He's getting nerfed again you shitter.
As much as there's balance problems, I really just don't enjoy the mechanics that aren't fun to deal with.
The hook isn't fun to deal with, mei's ice isn't fun to deal with, ana's everything but ult isn't fun to deal with, zarya's shields etc.
There's so many things in this game that just feel out of place in a shooter. It's like you're always breaking up the pace with some of these more defensive abilities.
i just played competitive for the first time ever and i get so stressed out i play like shit.
in quick play i'm relaxed though.
i'm so mentally fucked i cant even enjoymyself
Me and my friend finally got around to doing placements for season 3, it can be a bit more stressful, but the matches feel a lot more intense and fast paced, the good ones at least.
His hook is finally getting hit to 8 seconds but his shotgun's spread isn't going to be completely asshole so there's a tradeoff.
Fucking this. It's just spacebar followed by alternating A and D.
yea they feel so fast... idk what else to say. I've been playing soldier and close range soldier is shit but I feel like I have to help my team
>be healer
>doesn't matter because every team runs roadhog and he instant kills the person
>half the ults in the game instant kill people
>only good healers are the utility ones or dps
>someone like mercy will always be shit
After immediately snapping off of an enemy the beam should start back at 0 instead of stayed ribbed to fuck you in the ass.
Stop being so CONTROLling
Let me guess.
>Day 1 purchase
>I'm silver on Counter strike so il pwn these nubs
>Get shat on
This post
They need to decide if he's gonna be a Tank or a DPS hero. Not have him be one of the best DPS's while being one of the most Tanky characters.
Like is there any reason to play Dva with you can play Roadhog?
>neither have decent range and a lot of spread
>Dva's DPS is kinda meh
>Roadhogs is ridiculus
>Diva gets killed easy as fuck due to no self healing and most of the time it would almost be faster to just re-spawn than run around non-mech mode
>her shield is kinda mediocre
>everyone can easily just shield themselves from her ult
Really, the only thing she has going for her is the boosters. Which is a shame because I generally really like how she plays but I never pick her over the hog.
> Reaper who should be her hardcounter
Wait, I thought reaper was kinda shit against her since she has armor and he shotguns?
Reaper would be amazing if you could cancel his wraith form or whatever it's called.
>Roadhog about to throw his hook
>Wraith form
>Dodge hook
>Cancel wraith form
>Run over Roadhog
But today, you have to wait forever for your wraith form to expire when you could be attacking.
Tesla cannon buff when
Agreed, the fan combo is pathetic at this point and his flashbang is buggy as hell.
I just did this, the stun lets you walk up and give them a face full of scrap. The only straight nerf is the cooldown increase.
It doesn't need a direct damage buff
>no symmetra beam nerf
>roadhog takes no skill because of his one shot ability!
>so Mccree should get one too!
Protip: shoot them in the fucking head, you'll outdamage any heal, 295 damage minimum in 0.5 seconds.
>set down the controller
I want underaged mobile shitposters to leave
removing his heal would balance him imo...
give him another ability like belly bounce or something
When it requires you to actually aim.
They already fucked up with symmetra's beam, don't want another skilless cunt running wild.
i am literally none of those things.
Aren't the shotguns counted as one instance of damage though?
Or! Have the stun depend on the length of the hook. Longer hook distance = longer stun (Max reach is current stun, point blank is no stun).
100% this
>anti fun
Overwatch is going to die, soon Blizzard is going to start talking about "toxic" gameplay and nerfing based on how antifun a character is.
Nope. Reaper has considerably worse damage initially because of armor. It's why he rapes Winston, low armor pool in comparison to health, Reinhardt has an advantage because he knocks him around and has extra armor.
Oh alright, good to know
Another slightly related question
Do Helix Rockets count as 3 instances of damage or just one?
Really need to get back into the game, haven't really played since before Ana was released
>Main Mei
>Roadhog sees he
>Instantly Iceblock
>He hooks nothing
It was at this moment he realized he fucked up and he is now my bitch
Just one
>lets make the same shitty thread for a same shitty game every fucking day
D.va has the ability to nope the fuck out of any situation in a pinch. Many times I can just 180 in the heat of a fight and fly upward to a higher safe area. Where roadhog can heal himself but if there's too many people he's finished.
I can 1v1 a roadhog as zennyatta, pre and post fix, I couldn't keep up with genji and his stupid combo because it wasn't about positioning: it just came from nowhere and I couldn't stop it
>do this
>freeze hog
>shoot two icypops into his brain
>he shrugs it off and heals
>hooks me
That is why you dance around him
They will get frustrated fast as fuck and start doing stupid shit
>play mei
>purposefully walk within hook range to bait him
>falls for it
>ice block the second I hear it coming
Works every time
>ice block 100ms too late
>hook hits anyway
>ice block gets on cooldown because fuck you
Fuck this game.
>Positioning is the the reason people complain about the hook
>When every map forces you to be in his range if you want to capture the point or stop/push the payload effectively
I really like this idea, it gives chars like mei and reaper to escape but not the supports or tanks
Enjoying your first week on Sup Forums, lad?