Objectively, is this game worth playing? I have already played PoE, Grim Dawn, Torchlight 2 and D2 extensively so I was wondering if this would satisfy the craving.
I'm a bit scared of the level scalling stuff though.
Objectively, is this game worth playing? I have already played PoE, Grim Dawn, Torchlight 2 and D2 extensively so I was wondering if this would satisfy the craving.
I'm a bit scared of the level scalling stuff though.
Sure it's fun if you have Ros.
Yeah, pretty good.
It got a lot of shit thanks to the disastrous release but it got fixed years ago.
It is okay.
It has no depth to it due to focus on Console versions
POE is much better
>its the redditor episode where they say stupid words like objectively to try to give their dumb fucking questions more legitimacy
It uses the WOW formula of infinite grinding for the sake of grinding, the story, character builds, and the gameplay in general is made to please the WOW fanbase more the anything
Diablo 3 was essentially a tool to get WOW players to stay subbed to cataclysm and buy MOP.
Legitimately one of the most repetitive games I've ever played. And stupid easy, even on Torment X or whatever the highest one is, it's been a long time.
if you love zimbabwe numbers play this game. otherwise it has zero depth. everything is handed to you on a silver platter which makes it fun for about week.
Torment X is far from the endgame you fucktard.
>or whatever the highest one is
Into reading comprehension, fucktard.
How the fuck do you say it's too easy if you never actually did any of the endgame stuff?
I did everything. I just don't remember it because it was boring as fuck.
If you think Torment X is everything then you did nothing.
Diablo 3 is fun for a certain amount of time. Once you do all the stages, try out all the characters, get some gear and grind a bunch, the game becomes a chore and there's no incentive to keep playing.
Like most coop online games, its best to play with friends as the public will just rush forward and kill everything.
I sold a 350$ pig sword at rmah. Don't try me.
If you are into this genre big time and spend hundreds of hours in grinding, then no, this game is completely not worth it and PoE is better in every way.
If you just want to level one character and play 50 hours. It's pretty fun.
BRO. I'm saying that I don't even remember what the endgame was, even though I did it. Not that I think Torment X was the endgame. I did all of the bullshit, I just don't even remember what that entails because it was all the same repetitive gameplay no matter what you're doing.
you'll have fun, but it just runs out really quickly.
>Objectively, is this game worth playing?
Yes, is this game worth its release price? Absolutely not. But as it is now you can grab it for 20 bucks with the DLC so there isn't really a reason to not play it.
Meh, PoE and Grim Dawn sates the thirst better imo.
I like Rise of Souls, but the replayability is lacking. Grim Dawn has like 16 different class combos and 9 builds for each, and you can get to endgame with most of them. PoE is ridiculous with the customization, but if you wanna do endgame it's comparatively narrow on which skills you can main.
D3, however, has max 2 viable builds for each class, it seemed to me, so I found it kind of lacking.
It's fun, but it turns into an endless grind that wears on you after awhile. Endgame is basically grinding GRs and climbing up the ladder rankings. You'll have fun, quit, then come back months later.
1. Grind to 70
2. Grind rifts to get your initial gear set.
*reminder: every GR needs a GR key that drops from rifts*
3. Grind GRs to level your gems
4. Grind GRs and bounties to farm out your ancient gear.
5. Once you have ancient gear, farm GRs to level gems used for augments.
6. Once you have a full augmented ancient set, grind highest level GRs possible and slowly lose interest if you haven't already because you'll never be as good as these no-life fucks at the top ranks.
Oh and Blizz's new idea is to add Primal gear which literally just adds a new cycle of grinding to the routine mentions above.
It's bretty good.
Don't expect character building, just enjoy the itemization.