I hurt myself today

I hurt myself today...

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fuck off with your dad rock emo music shit

>dad rock


You'd think they'd throw in the towel for BB. I feel glad though that Titanfall 2 is doing better than it despite being on Origin, if only barely by an extra 2 or 3000 players.

I'm singing th the johnny cash version...

It's about 5 years away from being dad rock. Pretty Hate Machine was 28 years ago.


fuck off with your dad rock emo music shit

What the hell is his problem



Johnny Cash is shit


>there are people who play Battleborn every day

Who the fuck are the madmen still playing this?



the playtesters over at gearbox

randy might jump in for a match every once in a while

Gearbox employees

Gearbox employees at this point.

ebin meme, simbly ebin
You bit in bere, banna be briends?

Gearbox employees. They shit on new players and laugh at them.


There's a point when it's not even funny anymore and you actually start to feel sad. People actually put work into making that game, their time, lives, wasted on it. Some of them even probably knew it was going to be shit, but had to suffer through because they need the money and job.

Except Randy, that dude is just all around pathetic and I give zero shits what happens to him.

Jesus Christ, is he autistic?

NIN is such garbage. Why are bands allowed to take a good song from a good artist and ruin them?

This is bait, right?
I can't tell anymore.


Still one of the best

i like this version.

Can this thread get more unique posters than Battleborn current players?

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

LoP was shit btw

Is Randy Pitchford the biggest joke in the video game industry?

there are far FAR more sadder stories in the history of game development sorry but gearbox are not the good guys here and they deserve to burn for this

The thing is, they didn't even have an absymmal launch. People just immediately got bored with it. I have no idea why they were trying to label themselves as the Overwatch killer on twitter and shit. Blizzard never even responded to their memes lmao

It's unreal how a simple "come at me bro" post at the wrong time can obliterate years of work and millions of dollars in an instant.

Being a dick online is a privilege only we nobodies can enjoy.

>"I'm not dead 'yet'"

"come at me bro"
i am not familiar with this as english is my second language

is this a jojo reference?

Did the character say "Feminism is awesome" wtf, why?

I'm not defending or calling gearbox the good guys, don't get so upset over it.

I've found it more hilarious that even after taunting the Overwatch launch, that Randy (and maybe others at Gearbox) started to claim they weren't trying to be the OW killers, or even that OW copied them.

Even if battleborn is a good game I hope it fails due to the rampant SJW'ism coming out of gearbox.

Fuck gearbox

someone post the twitter screenshot


Some people are saying Gearbox employees as a meme.

But seriously yeah, no joke it's likely Gearbox employees. They can't even get more than a 100 people to play this on a Friday, shit is fucked up. I don't think I've ever seen a game tank this spectacularly.

>A game with very little marketing (Paladins) has more players than Battleborn, a Gearbox game

yeah but also calling it sad that their game died for obvious reasons kinda pictured you in that way. I mean yeah it is sad that most people here are still talking about it and just circlejerking the same 3 old twitter pics.

at least you're not anthony burch.


One has an in-built fanbase (Blizzard) the other one is from the creators of Borderlands™ and...uh... that's it really?

Sad for the little people who were involved, don't give a shit the game failed.


its free and basicly just overwatch the free edition so go figures battleborn has neither of this its just the "kinda like overwatch"

By all accounts Battleborn is just an ugly, boring game based around grinding.

The PR isn't the problem. The core design just wasn't any good.

Cases where games are made only to be completly unplayable after a year or so are even more hardcore to me just think about games like darkspore or games that you cannot buy legitametly anymore just thinking about all the time the developer spent making all those worlds for nothing?

No Man's Sky dropped in playerbase pretty quickly

Yeah but at least some people actually bought that game. It's also not multiplayer based so it's user base declining is nowhere near as embarrassing.

watching the no mans sky E3 reveal makes me tremble how could these con-artists get away with something on this level?

True, but it still dropped players pretty damn fast

I wonder why thats the case with so many 2K multiplayer games. It happened with Evolve, especially when that went Free 2 Play because there was so little to that game. Evolve feels like it should be a game mode in a larger game.

There was 10k on ps4 today

They can't throw in the towel, they sold season passes.

Hopefully BB is a lesson to developers about offering those things without thinking. Had those season passes not been sold, they would've abandoned this game long ago.

I should have clarified, on the PC version of Titanfall 2. I like TF2 but I eventually got a copy on PC because I just didn't feel like it played that great with a controller, just a shame the playerbase there never caught on since TF2 is a great game

In Evolve's case a lot of people were put off by the ridiculous amount of DLC the game had

CoD and the multiplayer FPS like it never does well on PC

Which is funny because Titanfall 2 should be played on a keyboard and mouse.

Good thing that song isn't on PHM, faggot.

I'm not the biggest fan of Overwatch, but their character models are leaps and bounds better than Battleborn. What the fuck was Gearbox thinking?


Why would you try to upsell your game with sex when you never put anything attractive in it?


It doesnt really play like either Battlefield or even the Future CoDs in terms of framerate though, it has Quake-tier movement which just doesnt suit consoles personally like brought up.

There's that but I think with Evolve people just expected Left 4 Dead with fancier graphics, not what they got

I'm not trying to say it's a CoD clone I'm saying that it's grouped and compared with CoD which hasn't done well on PC since 4. The military multiplyer fps genre as a whole is way more niche on PC than on consoles.

Battleborn just made me miss Monday night combat.

Would going F2P even save Battleborn? It barely helped Evolve beyond the obligatory first-week surge

Stop posting, Kurisu

They clearly tried to pull a David vs. Goliath thing with that tweet, probaby believing that people like to root with the underdog.

But boy did Goliath stomp their fucking brains right into the earth's core.

>But boy did Goliath stomp their fucking brains right into the earth's core.
more like Goliath said "come join the fun", then David proceeded to accidentally himself so hard he died

>There's a point when it's not even funny anymore and you actually start to feel sad.
Nah, after all the undeserved success of everything after Borderlands 1 and fucking up Aliens and Duke Nukem they really, really deserve a lot worse.

Thats the thing though, they wanted to look like the underdog but because they were so obnoxious people rooted against them.


Is the entire Battleborn community in this one image?

comedy gold
I almost want to buy the game just to experience this myself


Do they only do this on PC?

imagine spawn camping the devs though, wouldn't that be something.
shame you have to play to be able to do that

reminds me of the times you could play bungie for recon on matchmaking

good times

well what do they even have to lose at this point, the game failed already

>Failing game
>Form a company premade and stomp new players
Taunt them whilst doing so
>Why is our game failing again?
Gearbox deserves everything that comes their way.

Isn't that quote from a character who dies immediately after saying that?

What else were they supposed to do? Feel sorry for the special needs kids and give them a few free kills? Fuck off.

Even then though they already made their money.


Jesus, it's the least they could have done.

Fucking why?
Jesus fuck! Am I on Reddit? Why is this hole such a hug box these days?

t. Nick

>Feel sorry for the special needs kids and give them a few free kills?
But that's literally what the other team did

There is a big difference between Reddit and basic respect to your customers. Especially since the game failed that hard they could at least don't tount them

Fucking idiot, they should have done it because it's a PR fucking nightmare. They literally have no players, and nobody new is coming in, meaning that every bit of PR could be a nail in the coffin for them. When you have a goddamn employee of the company purposefully shitting on what few customers you have, you're not only making bad PR, you're disenfranchising your current userbase and any potential new customers.

Fucking idiot, go back to Sup Forums

There's no better gamer fuel than hatred, bitterness, and revenge.

Quit hurting yourself, you clumsy oaf, you.

The players are already taking pity on GB by playing it.
Making fun of them isn't the way to go.

It's OK to be a spawn camping taunter if
You're a player
If you're the dev of a popular game

When you're a spawn camping taunter and you're the dev of a struggling game, it's probably best to try and be as nice to the few players you actually have so they don't fucking leave.
