>this whole conversation
What the fuck am I playing?
>this whole conversation
What the fuck am I playing?
>tfw jack sits down to talk with you near the end
Felt more for him than the woman you were supposed to care for.
People have a tendency to act skittish as fuck when agitated. The Cop on the other hand is investigating missing people and now comes across an out of towner acting shifty in house he doesn't own.
So he gives him a fucking knife.
>cop doesn't report in that he found a man with a stapled on arm covered in fucking blood
>cop doesn't have bolt cutters/crowbar in the boot
what a shit fucking scene
That's deputy to you asshole
He called him a cop, which he is, you're thinking of Officer you retard.
As a racist Louisiana resident, dont start with "forced black cop", as literally 60% of people down here are niggers, others are white trash wiggers.
Poor deputy...
worst thing about the knife was sure I can buy him giving you one put any fucking cop would be waiting for you pistol drawn and would be telling you to drop the knife before comng closer to him
That's deputy to you asshole
Mia is the real villain of the game anyway, everything is her fault. You can't blame the Bakers because they were being controled (outside Lucas anyway) and Eveline is just a BOW, it just did what monsters are supposed to do, it couldn't possibly know wrong from right.
>please help me I am literally in the process of being murdered by crazy people
>how do I know YOU'RE not the murderer
Nigga are you a cop or an ace detective?
Fuck off
>all RE e enemies are a bunch of dindu noffings
Can't be accountable for your actions if you aren't sentient. I mean Eveline absolutely needed to be destroyed, but it didn't do anything it wasn't supposed to.
>Cop: what are you doing alone in the middle of the night?
>Ethan: what about you?
Ethan is the absolute madman.
You're playing RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard / BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil
I think it's Resident Evil 7. You're welcome
>not answering he's being chased around
>people trying to murder him
ethan was an absolute retard
you're playing a very bland game from the RE series
>What the fuck am I playing?
>Not knowing that RE is know for its bad or cheesy dialogue
Cheesy dialogue is one thing, a dialogue that doesn't make any fucking sense is another thing entirely.
Again, you havent played RE if you are triggered by this dialogue.
>getting the cops involved when you work for umbrella
>this tape is too strong for me to remove by hand
I can deal with that. What I cant deal with is the fact the kitchen is literally right up the stairs.
The Kitchen
With knives.
>Kitchen is up the stairs
What the fuck? Do Japanese people live in houses?
>this box looks fragile. Maybe I can break it with something
Ever heard of a basement?
Uhh, what's wrong with a kitchen in the second floor?
literally the deadliest of weapons