What're some immersive RPGS with good writing that I can play while I'm sick?
What're some immersive RPGS with good writing that I can play while I'm sick?
Planescape Torment and Final Fantasy Tactics, but you probably already played these.
NWN 2 Mask of the Betrayer? KOTOR 2? VTMB?
I dunno
If you're implying that LoGH has good writing then it's obvious that you've never read a book in your life.
Make sure to get the restored content mod if you play
Pathologic. Double points because you're sick
I know right? Anyone who does anything other than reading classical literature for story is a subhuman. Similarly I only listen to classical composers when I want music as anything produced past the 17th century is literal trash and not worth listening to.
I've already played KOTOR II to death. Is Pillars of Eternity any good? I also need to still play Planescape.
Pleb please
It wove many different subjects into one seamless, historic journey. Go be pretentious somewhere else.
Fallout New Vegas is pretty good, Deus Ex I suppose, dragons dogma except for the writing part
I would go as far as to say that literature has stagnated since the introduction of written/displayed language. Traditional oral story telling is the purest form of "literature" possible.
oh please! I'm a purist who listens to my elders convey emotions and ideas through grunting and hand waving.
Oberstein did nothing wrong
>muh westerland
OP Here,
Thinking of picking up Age of Decadence, Tyranny and Pillars of Eternity right now. I'll probably play planescape sometime, but I want something a little more modern for now.
t. fedora
Don't fall for the modern meme OP.
Go play the classics first then maybe play the modern ones later.
This. One planet in the galacy gets glassed and everyone cries foul murder.
>not warband
uhm, why?
he had the galaxy's best interests in mind
and steps in front of Reinhard prepared to take a bullet for him when the assassin brings Braunschweig's corpse in
I didn't make the image but Sup Forums's rpg lists are always full of bait and shit, it was one of the least bait filled ones I could find.
ME1 and DA1 aren't as bad as that list makes out for example, and yeah Warband is better than the base game, probably an oversight on the part of whoever made it.
I will try my other RPG image instead.
>There are people who think Oberstein did anything wrong
What? He was literally our guy.
How is Wasteland 2 by the way?
UnderRail. Its like stalker+metro+deus ex
What makes Planescape so good? That fact that Sup Forums puts it on a pedestal makes me skeptical.
Write a better one
You're at the club and this guy slaps your girlfriends ass. What do you do?
it's not just Sup Forums, everyone puts it on a pedestal. I have no idea though. From what I know it's just a classic steeped in nostalgia and it had likeable characters with a cohesive story so it's remembered as being a very good RPG.
Good writing, good story, interesting setting, interesting character. Interactivity in conversations is pretty jaw dropping once you realize how extensive it is compared to most other games.
It really is an anomaly for Sup Forums to praise this when Sup Forums always says "Gameplay > Story" but PST is the epitome of "Story > Gameplay" the game is almost a VN. The gameplay in PST is garbage.
I guess it's a testament to just how good the writing is. Also don't go in expecting a million plot twists or whatever. The story is good but not super Metal Gear tier complex with revelations every 5 minutes. It's just really good writing, mood, atmosphere etc.
Play as a Mage class to get best experience, also max out Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma ASAP, don't even bother putting points into anything else, reduce everything else as much as you can when you start to max out the above 3, they are the only ones that matter and make conversations much better.
I'm not normally someone to want remakes for games, but I'd love to see what a visual/UI/quality of life overhaul could do for PS:T
It has it's problems, but it's better than the majority of anime.
Same here, but if only to make the game fucking stable. PST is a fucking nightmare to get working on modern systems, even with all the patches put on top of the GoG release it's still the most unstable, glitchy crash prone "game" I've fucking "played" in my life.
PST is basically a book. But it was a book good enough to bother putting up with the extensive trouble shooting required to get it working on Windows 7.
I wish someone would just do a PST HD port. Doesn't even need a remake, just a HD port that fucking works, and maybe incorporate all the patches and quality of life fixes done by the fanbase into the HD port.