Useless team members
Useless team members
I've got a use for her
Say what? Her Degenerator was OP as fuck when you abuse the Limit Break system.
FFVIII would be the best PS1 FF if it didn't have level scaling and drawing magic.
And a shit story, and Rinoa
Rinoa is shit
>Final Fantasy
>ever having a good story
Not really. Its implementation of limits was total fucking shit and extremely easy to abuse the fuck out of. The balance between spellcasting and physical is utter shit in terms of the reward for investment on each; honestly, the best part of pumping your magic stat is getting more per draw, because holy fuck spellcasting still sucks even with Triple behind it.
>the healer is useless
weak bait, go fuck your fedora
Team members who have a special ability that makes them useful for a single boss fight, then they're put in the reserves for the remainder of your playthrough.
Kimarhi was the useless one in FFX.
I think she has a use for you
Only Rinoa can make spell casting work. Late game limit that turns her into a magic berserker that causes all magic to do five times extra damage - just give her Meteor as her sole attack spell with maxed out magic (ez to do by stacking Mag level up ability with the 80% and the right spell junctioned to her mag stat) and she will slaughter even Omega in quick time doing about 75,000 dmg per turn.
Granted Squall and Zell can do more but Rinoa is actually pretty efficient and ez to setup.
Frankly all the shotgun characters are shit but damn this bitch is useless on any difficulty over hard
>Better black mage than the black mage
Nigga, u seriuz?
>Leveling scaling
Yeah this was my biggest gripe probably my most hated mechanic you could add to an RPG and I generally avoid any RPG with it. It just makes character progression feel a lot less meaningful. I know it was done in FFVII to put more emphasis on the junction system but stat growths were so low and insignificant without the GF Bonus abilities it would have made little difference even if there was no level scaling.
>Aeon Overdrive machine
Yuna was useful for cheesing bosses by just unleashing overdrives