who's next?
Who's next?
Other urls found in this thread:
nintendo will merge with sony again for ultra nipon power
>MS is shooting themselves in the knees in their games division but doing fine otherwise
>Sony is doing great with PS4 but shit in everything else
>Nintendo is on life support
Probably Nintendo but I really hope the Switch can pull through
Microsoft and Nintendo have already left you dumb retard. Microsoft is finally turning Xbox into a pre-built PC like what they wanted to do in 2001 with the original Xbox along with the 360. Nintendo is going the IOS route and will release multiple Switch iterations with stronger iterations every 4-5 years. Microsoft is following the PC route and Nintendo is following the IOS route, Console gaming will be dead in a few years and Sony is the only company dying off. Maybe they should take Microsoft and Nintendo's advise before they go bankrupt and have to sell off the PlayStation brand.
they havent officially dumb dumb
Microsoft, then sony, then nintendo. Eventually it's just gonna be PC left.
it feels right if nintendo is the last one to go
Yeah Nintendo and Microsoft will continue to say it's a console experience even though it's not. Microsoft future is Windows 10 devices, Nintendo's future is Switch devices, Sony doesn't have a future.
Unless Xbox can pull something out for gen 9, I don't see them lasting too much longer.
Microsoft. Nintendo is next if the switch crashes and burns.
See and I guess we're going to keep forgetting that Nintendo and Microsoft are already done and are moving to having multiple devices that share the same OS because they are looking at the PC and IOS market and are no longer competing, huh?
None of them make game consoles anymore. Arguably Nintendo's gimmicks could be considered a "console" I guess.
I saw this episode Gamecube and Xbox lose
Microsoft clearly doesn't want to be here anymore, so them.
Nintendo is eventually screwed, but they will probably outlast Microsoft. Then we get to the inevitable Sony monopoly and the true cancer that makes even the present look redeemable begins.
Nintendo already dropped out of the home console market. So it's just MS and Sony now.
why did you allow the wrong kid to die Sup Forums?
Microsoft. Obviously
What they can do to save their asses from fire
>actually promote their fucking games (they only seem to know so with the mainline halo game, gears and forza)
>quit this play everywhere shit
>actually pay for third party exclusives
>resurect their many dormant first party ip's. mascot platformers are making a comeback this gen and they're letting banjo sleep
>stop focusing on halo, gears and forza
Halo, Gears and Forza sell well user.
This 3 games probably sold as much as all Sony's exclusives put together (aside maybe from Uncharted 4, but it was a bundle title)
Dreamcast is rosed tinted shit. Jet Set Radio is the only 1st party game on that system that isn't shit. Capcom and various arcade ports were the true stars of that library.
skies of arcadia says hello
The Dreamcast actually did okay it was everything before that with the exception of the MegaDrive/Genesis that failed.
Everything Microsoft is doing now is what they wanted to do since the original Xbox. Microsoft never wanted to create "a traditional console" they always wanted to create a pre-built PC for the living room that ran Windows OS.
>Nintendo... [is] moving to having multiple devices that share the same OS
source me up nig nog
Sony. They're too poor to continue.
>first party
Iwata on Switch
Iwata: "Apple has a common platform called iOS. Another example is Android. Though there are various models, Android does not face software shortages because there is one common way of programming on the Android platform that works with various models. The point is, Nintendo platforms should be like those two examples."
microsoft will just bow out and focus on PC sooner than later.
skies of arcadia is made by sega dumbass
They already have, Xbox will be a Windows 10 device meaning a pre-built PC.
Personally I consider "multiple devices sharing the same OS" and "not making platforms anymore at all" to be different things, but I guess that's just me. Maybe I was mistaken in thinking that OP was implying actually falling out of the console market since the Dreamcast was crossed out, and not just some generic "they're doing this that means they're dead" bullshit.
True but when it comes to gaming, no matter what they do Nintendo and Microsoft are no where dying or stopping anytime soon at making video games, they have the money to keep going. Sony on the other hand are not going inline with what industries are making the most money such as PCs and Smart Devices like Microsoft and Nintendo are, plus they're running out of money.
Master System sold 30 million. It's not a failure. Sega cd didn't failed too. Until the kinect it was the most succeful add on. Also their arcade boards.
Sega is also still making video games. Do you not know what a Dreamcast is? I think you're missing the point of this thread.
hell, the master system is the longest lived console ever and its still alive.
It's gonna be Microsoft next, then Nintendo, and then Sony somewhere down the line unless another competitor pops up
Yes as a third party but Microsoft is different from Sega who exclusively a video game console developer. The Xbox was made because Microsoft was afraid Sony would take games from Windows PC. The Xbox was supposed to run the Windows OS where you would have been able to play PC games on the Xbox and vice versa but it never happened, Microsoft tried to repeat the process for the 360 but again it didn't work out. When Steve Ballmer took over Microsoft and Don Mattrick became the head of Xbox, things changed, this is why MS were so fixated on getting rid of them. Now that MS has a new CEO and Xbox head they are finally going back to their original plans to release pre-built PCs that can play PC games making development easy and no longer competing with Sony. Nintendo sees a revenue in Smart devices and are going in that direction with Switch to stop droughts and make development easy and are also not competing against Sony. If anything, Sony will be the ones to die off, the signs are showing.
I would say you've missed the point entirely but I can't even tell if you were actually aiming for it at all.
So I guess you missed the part of me saying Sony is going the Atari/Sega route, in the grave, right?
>thinking atari and sega are even remotely the same
fucking lol, sega actually makes games, great games at that. atari solely exists as a brand name and nothing else.
To be perfectly honest, I didn't read past the first sentence. Clearly I was in the right to do so.
*aggressively coughs*
Does Microsoft actually make any money off Xbox?
>atari solely exists as a brand name and nothing else
That's Sony's future
Of course you didn't, Sony faggot
nope, they lost money on the original xbox because of their retarded deal with Nvidia and they lost money on the 360 with the RROD. not sure about the xbone though.
>Of course you didn't, Sony faggot
I hate Sony with a passion. You're really, really stupid if you think I'm defending them at all. But I already kind of figured out how stupid you are considering you really didn't understand OP's post.
He said who's going out next, I said Sony is because they have no future plans, console gaming is losing money, and Sony only has one division left. Sony is next.
>Master System sold 30 million.
It's had like a 30+ year life span. It failed to gain any ground in America or Japan and only had moderate success in Europe. It was the most successful in South America because they never stopped selling it so people kept buying them
>He said who's going out next,
You really have no idea what a Dreamcast is, do you?
PC is already dead though
Any other opinion is ill informed.
M$ is too much of a powerhouse to die. Nintendo has enough money to last
that's pretty much Sega at this point, there's nearly nothing being developed by them these days
Sega used to have all these amazing in-house studios. If you go look at what Sega themselves are doing now, nearly all of it is Yakuza and Project Diva.
and the occasional Sonic -- but the Sonic game people actually care about isn't even being made by Sega
maybe if you supported their consoles back then they wouldnt be in this situation, ever thought about that? YOU caused this.
PC is a zombie. It will exist as long as mobile phones dont make it completely obsolete.
they have made and/or published at least 50 great games in the past 20 years. if that isnt enough, i dont know what is.
I'm surprised Nintendo and Microsoft haven't partnered up to cover each other's bases.
Are you high? Why would theg do that? No Japanese company would ever pair with a western competitor.
Nintendo won't die since their Japanese market is not weak. If you were to look at everything as a whole, then Microsoft was currently the weakest but they bide their time long enough for the next iteration.
It depends on Scorpio, if no one gets it because they realise it's the same games anyways and at price point a PC is better. Microsoft will die from being too expensive, since they can't siphon surplus cash into their games division forever just to stay relevant.
Japan likes Nintendo even less than America or Europe
As funny as it is to say that Nintendo is doooomed, they're really the only company in plus.
Sony is only doing great in their gaming division. Everywhere else is in the red.
Don't know that much about how microsoft is doing, but it really looks like they're porting all their games to PC for some reason
Boy I probably been in gaming longer than you have, the Dreamcast died because of Sega's constant fuck ups and the fact that they were running out of money. Sony is on their way out now because they are doing the same thing, don't expect Sony to keep making games when they go out though.
>le only playstation is profitable maymay
playstation isn't even sony's most profitable division
>life support
and what makes you believe that?
If the switch fails, Nintendo will leave consoles pretty much. The Wii U sold like shit.
Not him, but Nintendo has a lot of money in the bank after the Wii, DS and 3DS. Even though the 3DS hasn't sold as much as the DS it's still a huge success
and what makes you believe that?
how do you know that nintendo is doing back as a whole?
They still have the 3ds successor to try. They wont go down without a fight. A nintendo 4ds or whatever they'll call it will be their last hope if switch fails. But yea nintendo is on life support as much as Reggie keeps denying it Nintendo will have to go third party soon.
mate, I've been a die-hard sega guy for decades
and all of Sega's issues have been self-inflicted
>let's release a home console that's pretty much just the ColecoVision with our name on it
>oh shit we're getting trounced by the famicom
>let's beef it up
>we're still getting trounced
and then they stop totally fucking up for a bit with the MD/Genesis, but it's not until like '92 that the machine actually does particularly well
>let's release a CD addon with expensive scaling chips and a sampler chip (this one really baffles me, the thing plays fucking redbook audio) even though the Genesis hardware is ridiculously unsuited for expansions
>and let's fucking promote FMV games instead of shit that actually uses the advanced hardware
couple years pass
>let's release an add-on right as we're about to release a new machine
>let's stop supporting the Genesis and Game Gear even though both are selling very well (GG sales were picking up later on despite the awful battery life)
>let's release our system long before anyone's actually made any games for it and piss off distributors
then they stop fucking up with the DC, but they run out of money and they literally cannot even attempt to keep surviving with whatever slump in sales the PS2 launch brings
>let's spread out our releases across the three remaining consoles, leaving Sega fans unsure of where to go
>let's focus on Sonic games, but we're gonna rush Sonic Team, a studio that hasn't ever actually shown itself to be particularly good at working with 3D development (Burning Rangers was kind of jank, NiGHTS is 90% 2D and if you ever end up playing as the kids you'll want to kill yourself, SA1/2's camera is awful, etc)
>let's fold all of our big dev teams together, that'll help things out (lol)
>let's release Sonic 2006, like at all
fuck 'em