Where did Tomb Raider go so Wrong?

Where did Tomb Raider go so Wrong?

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libshits took over

When the reboot changed the whole game into Assassins Creed Lite.

nulara is best lara

Luddington Lara improved Lara far more than the Zero Suit improved Samus

Tomb Raider was never good past the first 3 desu fampai.

I wish Eidos didn't cut Core out of the remake team, the footage from their version of the remake looks good

Very esoteric writers wanted to reinvent her but couldn't really find that many flaws, so they decided to completely change her entire character and made the tone do a 180. Possibly because of Uncharted's success, it's no longer an action series that drifts into creepy atmosphere but a brooding series that's serious and dark. The thing is, this doesn't work because it's still as videogamey and ridiculous as Uncharted. But oh, great job guys, instead of the gore being a consequence of playing the game wrong, it's scripted and required to progress. Now it's even more fetishistic!

When they shrunk her tits.

Both Laras are hot in their own way.

>Very esoteric writers wanted to reinvent her
*wanted to fix her

This one? I didn't even know it existed.

By making a character that was always supposed to by hyper idealized into a no less idealized but supposedly hyper realistic one.
By making new lara "authentic and a real person" she is as far from one as the old one was, only, much less fun.



Angel of Darkness.

They stopped making her barefoot



so stupid

I want to eat her ass if you know what i mean

They got rid of the braid


TR 1-2-3 were good the rest was shit until the 2013


>tfw no 10/10 rich heiress archeologist aventurer gf

The faaaaace. It ranges from bad to uncanny valley and it looks totally unlike Lara. DeTomasso is like the Shadman of Lara Croft.

What did he mean by this


It went to shit with Chronicles for Ol' Lara. It went to shit in Underworld for semi new Lara. Nu-Lara hasn't fucked up yet.

soo cute

Not that user, but she really looks like retarded bimbo whore in these.
Simply terrible.

I love bimbo whores!


>being this fucking wrong
>wanting le "oh no, broke a nail, gotta fix" pussy Lara





Love it.

Yea because she should look like a manjawed troll like the beautiful works of Bioware.

I don't get it. Is she trying to hold back a dump? Does she need to poop really bad? Or maybe shes let out a stinky fart.


What's this a shot of?

she's got a stinky butt


TR2 fan remake


>AC Lite

Its literally Uncharted with even less puzzles. Tomb Raider 2013 and Rise you literally kill hundreds of mook soldiers with little emphasis on platforming and especially in 2013 no puzzles.

When they thought it was a good idea to turn one of the biggest sex symbols in gaming into SJW bait.


The puzzles are small and simplistic as well, plus I finished the game in a shorter period of time than I finished any other classic Tomb Raider game, and that's both of the new games combined

Why were Anniversary sales so poor?

I honestly never played a Tomb Rider game, from where should I start?

It lost its way. They discarded the strengths of the series and just tried to copy whatever was popular at the time (Uncharted, open world Ubishit, Last of Us).

No franchise can flourish if it doesn't remember where it came from.

I can fap to this.


That C-section scar is pretty hot desu

The first one, but do the tutorial (her house) so you won't be another faggot complaining about the controls you don't understand

Nowhere, nuLara is the best Lara

when her titties got small

Those dying eye movements.

When they decided to make Lara have more character then just being a sexy bomb.

And you're a numale.

>you can see thru the wet shirt

Question is

Do you think they'll have another crack at LoK?

This. They turned her from a woman who could do anything, into a woman who can't do anything.

The reboot was worth it for the death scenes alone. Pity they listened to the SJW whining about how it was "torture porn" and toned them down so much in RotTR.


Horse Lover.

>Young girl goes rambo and slaughters her way through hundreds of cishetmale scum
More like a SJW power fantasy. But I doubt they actually played it.

Hope not, let LoK die in a peaceful and glorious death.

I've never been a big fan, but the old games are at least mildly fun

The reboot is only good for fapping

that's not fair i fapped already today

why does a tomb raider need to be so sexual?