Play Mario Kart 8 online

>play Mario Kart 8 online
>suddenly a lot of players are cheating

why would you do this?

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You're retarded if you seriously thought this wouldn't happen eventually

Nintendo systems have weak as fuck security. You won't stop the hackers. Might as well join the fun and hack yourself

>spamming items nonstop


>breaking the game
>seeing a children's game fall apart at the seams as nintendo rips their black japanese hair out in frustration


Nintendo's online infrastructure has always been shit. Mario Kart 8's online only worked well because you didn't need the exact position of every racer at every point in time. Totally falls apart when you play Smash Bros. on FG because the lag is fucking intolerable.

Unless they really step things up people are going to be pissed about the 20 bucks a year they have to spend on online if it's still shit.

faglord :^)

cheating in online games is just ultimate cancer


so you think it's a good idea to cheat in online games?

It was not uncommon to see green shells ricochet towards you or get second place after crossing the finish line first.
Online for Nintendo consoles is fucking shit and I don't understand how they have the balls to charge for it and justify it with some crappy monthly roms that you can only play for that month.

I was playing last two weeks and no cheaters. I did see it in mario kart 7 though.

>moving the goalpost

Post those mains


Generally no, but Mario Kart 8 is beyond saving. Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about the Wii U anymore, as they are focusing on the upcoming Switch and the 3DS.

Hacking the Wii U is becoming easier every day, and Nintendo is caring less every day. Mario Kart 8 is going to have tons of hackers like in Mario Kart Wii and there's nothing you can do about it.

Either get used to the hacking, hack your yourself or stop playing and wait for the superior Deluxe version coming to the Switch in April.

>everyone is doing it
>if you don't like it just look away

people like you made the holocaust happen

nice shitposting have a (You)

>i don't like it so it must be shitposting :(

>user who defends cheating cheating in online games is a Sup Forumsshitter

really makes you think

I'm out

Actually the moralfag was a Sup Forumstard

I simply jest. If you can't handle the bantz, stay out of the oven. Oh wait
