I am poor, yeah. But even if I wasn't, I wouldn't buy a Switch.

No, I'm Patrick.

fucking hell, isn't pokemon bank more expensive than that? wtf

I am whatever you say I am. But if I wasn't, then why would you say I am?

It's impossible to be anywhere near this poor without living out on the street, Sup Forums is just being melodramatic about it.

Sup Forums is full of Jews complaining about being Jewed while pretending "consumer rights" are even remotely relevant in an industry of luxury goods. What do you expect?

To me, it's more about the concept.

I don't wanna pay to play online.

Let's say hypothetically, I wanted to play Splatoon right now. I havent played a multiplayer WiiU game in nearly 6 months. My subscription would've ran out by now.
You're telling me I'd have to pay just to spend an hour playing something I'll probably not play for a long time

I'm still gonna buy the Switch cause most games I play on Nintendo consoles aren't even online, but I'm gonna try to resist paying for online and hope others do it too.

It's like $10 for an entire year. Just pay once and forget about it.

OP here, shame on you faggots who actually support this and think I wasn't sarcastic.

>It's okay when Nintendo does it

Being realistic: It's gonna be $30, maybe $25,
And honestly, that's nothing. Literally nothing. Less than 2 hours of work for a FULL YEAR of a subscription, I know it's nothing.
It's really just that concept I said earlier that bothers me.

Maybe theoretically, they can give us 5 hours free a month? That way I can impulsely enjoy an old game on a service i havent paid for in a long long time.

Ironically, this phrase literally started off as "It's okay when Sony does it" referring to PS+ costing money.
Really came full circle.

It's not okay, just cheapier

we should really be mad at microsoft for introducing this shit. pay to use what youre already paying for, and in exchange we'll give you the shittiest servers in the industry
how long until steam gets payed online?


I spend 10$ a month on a patreon for a smut artist that draws men with big muscles and gigantic dicks because that's what I fucking love. If you don't love games enough to pay a measly couple bucks a year on internet, how the fuck are you going to afford buying a brand new $60 game?

>2 dollars a month for a service they will not improve in the slightest

If anything, they should be paying me for all the time I spent frustrated with their idiotic friend code system. They have no right to demand more money from me when they refused to do a damn thing about their broken online system before.

>come on guys, it's not alot of money
>sure we're not using it to improve the servers, but come on, we deserve the money anyway
>le what are you? poor?

It's really a case of this, and like someone else say, this meme started when Sony did this exact same shit with paid online on the PS4.
Now, Nintendotards are doing the exact same and backpedalling furiously with the exact same situation.

Paying for online is bullshit, period.

Yea :(

>dude, paid mods are a great deal
>it's only 5 bucks per mod, what are you poor?

This is how it starts. You've been warned.

>It's like $10 for an entire year
That's not what their CEO said. More like $20-$30.

>consoles have paid online
>pc paid mods
I will officially quit this hobby and only play old games when these are both facts.

>pretending "consumer rights" are even remotely relevant
>t. bootlicker and corporate slave

>It's NOT Ok when Nintendo does it
Only on Sup Forums

>Pays for literal gay porn
>Nintendo fan
Checks out

Pokebank is $5 a year, not $5 a month.


My thoughts exactly.

Though I will eventually get a Switch for its exclusives (if it gets a handful of worthwhile ones), I will still not go online with them simply out of principle.

In the mean time, I am saving up for a decent PC rig.

>It's like $10 for an entire year

youre a disgusting homosexual who should kill himself and take nintendo the amiibo tablet company with you. filthy hiv infected queer

>I don't wanna pay to play online.
Then you cant play online you little shit thats how it works

It's happening

Nice poverty shaming

it's a pain in the ass but much cheaper than the alternative

Video games aren't a hobby, they're what you do when you don't have a hobby.

>Haha Sony people are hypocrites about gold
every everyone

more like 17-26

Wait, is it really only 2 bucks?

>paying for something that should be free

>Most console games don't even have dedicated servers
It's jewery, plain and simple.

The difference for paying 50 or 30 for a whole year of a service is nothing. This is literally a case for "its okay when Nintendo does it"
Its like an 2 more hours of any decent job, even shitty minimum wage jobs you can make 30 or 50 in one shift.

The concept of double dipping is just cancer. I stopped paying for PSN and XBL because there was no games I would regularly play on them, so I was paying for a service I extremely rarely used


New CEO says it'll cost between 2000 to 3000 Yen (using nintendo's console prices as a exchange rate, that's $20 to $30)

So $30 at most, which is $2.5 a month
$2.50 a month too much grumble grumble grumble

Any sauce? When did they tell the price?

That's how what works? Online play? No, all you need is a dedicated internet connection to be able to access your own internet. I don't understand how a pay-to-play model makes sense other than you don't want to think about why companies are jewing you for no reason.

>paying for something that was possible to provide for free at some point in the past
things don't just magically start costing money
you consolefags are getting jewed and you're not doing anything about it

It's $2.50 more than it should be.

Just wait til they charge more. By next year it gonna be $50 a year.

Yes, and I almost never play vidya online anyways, so I'll be saving my ninety bucks a year to buy a few more game than I would if I paid for PS+ and whatever Nintendo's premium service will be called.

Nope, im high class...but in venezuela :C

>tfw too smart to buy Nintendo products.

It doesn't really matter how much it costs. Nintendo online is dead even when it's free. You're going to be paying to play with no one after the first 2 or 3 months of a game launch.

Free until Fall.
$2/month until next March
$3/month until next Fall
$4/month for the first half of 2019
$50 per year onward.
>it's only an extra $1 per month per year, what are you, poor?
You certainly will be.

So you are poor then.

Paid online decreases online populations. Decreased online populations leads to early game death. Oncoming game death leads to lack of enthusiasm for building community in the first place. Lack of enthusiasm means online games are planned to move a lot of copies early on and no effort is put into making a lasting title.

Paid online gaming will kill online gaming, it's as simple as that. Why pay a company to keep from having people to play with?

WTF is wrong with you people?
Why are you bending over to get fucked by corporations for Internet that you already pay for?

Or I could you that money for something else Instead of paying for Internet that I already have