Shitty games?

This game was an abomination.

>Encounters every ten steps, and if you happen to dodge some, a new group forms and gang rapes you forcing you into one
>soundtrack is garbage
>horrible graphics and animation, particularly in battle
>There's only one "real" ending despite people saying otherwise
>battle system shallower than dragon quest

Who actually likes this?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm playing it right now, I really like it. If you don't want to enter a battle, just wait until the enemy in front of you goes away.

I beat the game with the law and neutral paths just so I wouldn't have to deal with comments like yours and could actually defend my opinions. The game is trash. Get to tokyo and tell me you can reasonably avoid fights.

I'm at Shinjuku. You mean on the overworld? Just wait when you see the clumps of data representing enemies before they notice you and they disappear after a few seconds. Same in regular exploration areas. You do get ambushed a few times, but not as often as you make it sound.

So I have to just sit and wait on the world map (which btw is is a clusterfuck of design) Just so I dont have to fight a shit tier mob? Horrible. Then even you admit, even in the 3d areas you are forced into an encounter just because the game feels like it?

That's not good design, it may as well be random encounters. particularly because your avatar swings his sword so slowly.

SMTIV is shit


>hurr you must be a persona fan to hate smtiv

Way to dodge every single one of the complaints.

I also thought it was dog shit in every aspect

It wasn't as good as Persona 4

>soundtrack is garbage
There are many things I'm willing to excuse here, but this is absolutely incorrect.

I did not say nor imply that.

It had problems with balancing, the neutral route and dungeons, but it was still really fucking good.

>soundtrack is garbage
This is objectively, factually wrong

>soundtrack is garbage
You can start off an SMT thread without such weak bait you know

>Talking shit about IV's OST

>Guitar chords and some drunken Jap sliding his balls around on a keyboard

dude are you serious


The regular boss theme is way better than that one. This is the best battle theme in the game though:

The only complaint I can accept in the game is the Tokyo map and the smirk system

And both were fixed in SMTIVA
Otherwise git gud

>soundtrack is garbage

My only gripe with the game is the overworld map sucks dick otherwise I enjoy it.

I'm reallu fucking liking it, Sup Forums seems to be wrong every single time

You're looking forward to seeing Odin in glorious 3D right?


>Switch/HD console SMT coming.
>3DS SMT coming.

I'm pretty content right now.
Still not sure which one I like better.

Oh, the Monster Hunter method of starting a thread

I ran out of SMTs to play on my 3DS, burnt out on Fire Emblem/EO, and Pokemon was only worth trying one game.

What should I play next? I was thinking one of the Dragon Quests, though I know nothing about the series.

What's the SMT equivalent of mustache Tigrex?

Matador or Minotaur

Encounters are perfectly fine. You can run around like a fucking mad man if you want and get bodied by a bunch of shit if you feel like it or are just a complete tard, or you can actually be intelligent and avoid the encounters if you've half a brain, or you can just wait for the enemies to fuck off if you're lazy and retarded.

Don't get me wrong, the game is shit for fuck ton of reasons, but encounters sure as fuck isn't one of them.

SMT1 had best setting.
Prove me wrong

>All these Nufags that use graphics as valid complaint

Because SMTII had the best setting.

How do you normally beat Minotaur? My Wickerman decided to be an absolute madman and dodge everything thrown at him while me and all my other demons were dead.

Best boss theme in all of SMT, prove me wrong

8 just came out and its a good introduction into the series

OP has terrible taste in music.

But hey, opinions.