Which feels better, video games, or having a girlfriend?
Which feels better, video games, or having a girlfriend?
I bet being fucking cancer feels better than both of those combined
I don't know, never played video games.
As someone who had a gf, video games are superior.
>girl I went to school with who lives in my area invites me to play Pokemon Go with her many times over the summer
>would never go if I invited her, but would keep inviting me anyway
>I went back to uni, she'd still sometimes invite me for a walk
>usually visiting home soon anyway so tell her we can do it then
>visit home for the weekend and remind her I was around, wait for a message
>ask her on the last day i'm there if she's still up for a walk, either no response or excuse that she can't
>rinse and repeat
>latest time
>seems really keen to go on a walk, brings it up twice
>come down that weekend, same shit happens
>find out classes have been cancelled and I can stay a few more days
>tell her, she seems glad and says we can walk tomorrow
>next day, she pushes it further another day
>net day, indirectly hints that she isn't coming out
>give up and go back to uni, haven't heard from her since
This is it, right? I should definitely just give up now and not wait for her to message me and start the cycle all over again?
A girlfriend is just another human. Video games are fun and engaging and provide potentially unlimited entertainment.
Take it to /r9k/ if you are feeling sad and lonely fuck
Having a gf is much better.
Video Games won't ever leave you
>post on my phone at work occasionally
>keep seeing bans meant for other shitposters in my area
>try to make a legit thread on Sup Forums
>rangebanned from making threads
>but can still post replies
At least mods are finally doing something. Seems to mostly be Sup Forumstards forcing their hand. Multiple threads on /qa/ about Sup Forumstards crying about being rangebanned for making doxxing/raid threads.
having a girlfriend is the best feeling in the world
for approximately 5-7 days
Anime and a waifu > Vidya and a gf
Are you actually autistic?
Sent from my iPhone.
A GF will eventually leave you, you're game will stick with you forever.
As long as it's not digital.
Or you break it.
Or you trade it in.
Fuck no man, having a girlfriend is among the worst things ever. Especially if they are clingy as all fuck. The only people who want relationships are lonely virgins and people who think getting married and having kids is some kind of achievement.
I prefer staying single and fucking sluts and not having to give explanations to anyone.
apparently phone posting while taking a shit, sitting in a waiting room, or killing some time at work makes you cancer
if video games are still fun for you, there's no reason you can't have both.
if they're just something you're using to fill the void, typically a girlfriend will take up a good chunk of that time or fill the void a little for you, so it doesn't feel necessary to use games as escapism anymore.
depends on how big her penis is.
>going outside
>having a job
Fuck off normalfag.
having both
Video games sadly
Relationships are hard work and are really stressful unless you "strike gold" (and few are so lucky) so to speak. This isn't to say relationships can't be good, but god damn they can hurt really bad and drain you
Fapping to anime>>videogames>>>>>>>irl girlfriend
Yikes bud, you should have given up on that a long time ago.
Basically you just look like your time has absolutely no value. Even if that's the case, you should NEVER let a woman think that. It's repellent to females.
>going to a dentist or a doctors office is something Sup Forums frowns upon
Literally LMAOing at your life
>that sore above her mouth
So what kind of STD/drug use caused it?
Do something about it faggot. You can't because you're a beta faggot cuck. I bet you don't even play videogames. Fucking faggot. I bet you don't even give good kisses. I bet you don't even have soft skin. I bet you don't even cuddle. Fucking faggot.
Even better, a video game girlfriend.
This, love starting out with a new girl but it sours fast. I'm good for about 3-4 months assuming we see each other no more than 2-3 days a week. Any more than that and I'm smothered and won't make it more than a month.
it's a pimple you retard. and she shouldn't pop it because it's in the danger triangle.
>thinking that something on a whore's face is as simple as a pimple
Since you retards want to post in a shitpost thread anyways, this is a pornstar. Her name is Lana Rhoades.
A good videogame is better than a bad girlfriend, and a good girlfriend is a rare thing, or at least I find it to be rare.
wife > video games >>> girlfriend
>google her
>she's done interracial
Having a girlfriend that watches and play games with you.
So a fat ugly grrl gamer?
The girlfriend, until she starts playing all your games.
I can barely stand having family.
I'll take money and videogames rather than no money and no videogames
>betting someone half your shit you won't stop loving them
Sup Forums's decline happened way before phones started posting here, qiddo.
Donate $100 to me and I'll give you $1 so you can have some money. Sounds like a deal?
Marriage is based on commitment, not passion. Marrying someone that doesn't agree with that is moronic.
Lets see
>Video games are a hell of a lot cheaper
>Video games won't argue with you and nag at you
>Video games won't cheat on you
>Video games cant get knocked up
>Video games won't leave you
>Video games won't constantly pester you about marriage
Pretty sure I've seen her get facefucked before
who hurt you?
How many people are beta enough to give up vidya if some cunt demands it?
>video games
+ it's fun
+ you lose yourself in another world
+ you're able to do anything you want depending on the game
+ routine shit don't exist unless it's an MMO
+ get to be the hero, the ruler, the crafter, the conqueror, the builder
+ when things go bad, you can just say, fuck it and restart the game/round/checkpoint
- it ruins your actual life if that's the only thing you do
- bugs
- unfinished games like early access
- games made specifically for money released each year
- cashgrabs like smartphone games
- game limitations put on by developers
+ actual feeling of love and being loved
+ can play vidya with her
+ can just chill with doing some other stuff
+ cozy sleep in bed
+ sex
+ not feeling lonely anymore
+ cooks food better than you (most of the time, if it applies of course)
- fucks up your time
- wants attention
- gets mad easily
- fear being cheated on
- she also fears being cheated on so she gets mad at usual stuff like talking with another chick
They both have upsides and downsides.
>wanting anything to do with sluts
Gross. I'd rather be alone.
>tfw broke up with my gf few months ago so I have even more time for vidya now
>tfw miss the sex though
Still got some ugly chick lusting for me, Im almost at the point of just going for it desu
I spent years trying to find a girl without mental issues, and thought I'd finally found one. Turns out she was just great at hiding it and I realized she was crazy a week after we started dating.
I pretty much gave up. It's not worth dealing with their shit.
Video games are better.
I need a job first to even afford videogames or a gf.
How do I bamboozle a girl into sleeping with me, Sup Forums?
I just want it to happen once, then I can move on with my life.
you sound like someone with mental issues
How would you rate your looks 1-10
Maybe a 5 once I lose some weight, which I'm working on now
At the moment, however, probably a 3 or 4
At least I don't break down crying because my college major is useless and complain how fat my mom is despite being fat myself.
Sluts are the best you fucking virgin.
When I played video games and didn't have gf I was missing the experiences of sex and relationship.
When I got a gf I miss all the free time and experiences of spending many hours immersed in video games I really like.
Both are good in some ways and bad in other ways.
Then hire a prostitute. It won't change anything. You've been memed into thinking that sex alone is some magical feeling when it's just baseline physical stimulation and the true pleasure from it can only come from a special context surrounding it. Chris chan lost his virginity, and he's the same as ever, which is exactly what you'll be if you think that sex alone is going to allow you to get on with life.
>Cute girl sitting in front of me in class
>Teacher says pass up your work to the front of row.
>Cute girl turns around to collect my work, looking at me.
>Absolutely gorgeous.
>Face twitches slightly because nervous.
>Give her my paper while my hand is trembling
Fucking pathetic and this is why I'll never get a gf.
In that case its going to be hard to get a gf if you're socially retarded which you probably are since youre on Sup Forums. Id just go for a prostitute in your case tbqh fampai
They're not though. They're filthy and annoying and sex isn't that great, no matter how experienced the other person may be.
Missed chance user, could have capitalized right then and there. Some girls like shy dorks like you.
My gf said this:
>You'll pay less buying a game and having a gf than paying a prostitute and playing a game
Spoiler Alert: You can have both.
game, by far. having a gf only is good if you get a super hot super perfect babe. otherwise theyre trash, especially western women. lowest quality bitches on the planet.
t. virgin
>You can play a game with a gf, but playing a video game with prostitute is being a loser
>constantly asked at the moment why I don't have a gf
>reason I give is I'm too busy and saving to go overseas (which is the truth)
>main reason is I'm trying to catch up on years of backlog
Last thing I need atm is a grill getting in the way.
Alright then, user.
We'll have to agree to disagree man, I love sluts. I wish there was an anti std pill that worked 100% so I could get outright prostitutes without fear of my dick falling off.
can you marry a video game tho
In Japan maybe.
If you can't enjoy both you're a subhuman manchild, please consider suicide.
Gets old and boring real quick. But it's great for that short honeymoon period.
That's fine by me. I'm glad there's nothing like that because I don't like that kind of lifestyle being encouraged, but you do you.
>not having an ugly gf that will treat you like a god and never complain because she's scared to lose you
Truly the best feeling
>Wow user, when are you going to have kids already? Find a girl and get married.
Fuck off Aunt Leia, I want to be financially stable before I even consider that bullshit.
Have you never had a gf? Finding a girl with the least mental issues as possible is one of my life goals, they all have problems.
Posting on Sup Forums counts as a mental disorder.
You really can't, to be honest
Well obviosly if you are a casual and play like 1-2h/d, then it works. But you aren't, right? Right?
>Wow user, when are you going to hold hands with a woman
Why do they have to be fat or ugly? My gf plays video games and she's not fat or ugly.
>having an ugly gf
What the fuck is even the point?
Sup Forums's decline started with the introduction of fucking Sup Forums
Having a girlfriend.
>Can't have both
Except I do.
I play about 6 hours a day, minimum.
She loves watching and playing with me on co-op.
>Cancer was 6 years ago
>New Troll Face was 6 years ago
>The Game_________
desu I would rather find a good looking cougar, I fucked a few of them, and damn they fuck good.
>cooks for you
>gets you stuff
>plays games with you
>can do other activities together
I mean the way she treats me is unlike any other girl I dated before
>get a wife and make babies we don't have many time left
She's been cheating on you behind your back.
finding a girl to go out with and play video games with.
She wouldn't risk losing me silly user
Literally all the other shit except sex and cooking can be done by a male friend, who are much better at those things. You should be able to cook yourself, and the fuck is the point of having sex with an ugly girl?
I've barely played any video games since August but I fantasize about cuddling a girl every day so probably the latter
>only gf i've had turned out to be trans
>couldn't really enjoy it due to the overwhelming sense of regret and desperation to keep up the facade that I knew the whole time and that it didn't bother me
From my experience, video games