Sm64 TAS thread

How do we stop this man?

Other urls found in this thread:

He doesn't need to be stopped, he needs to make more commentated videos. Been a fucking year since he graced us with 0.5 A presses.

>foggy jolly roger bay
>go back
>never foggy again
deepest lore


I have a better question
Who the fuck even cares?


Lets get some actually interesting game breaking vids in here

>he still thinks that's real

Real this, *unzips dick*

It is man. Pokemon has been thoroughly cracked like the dirty slut she is


>Sup Forums finds something and it becomes a meme
>months later reddit starts getting on it
>its no longer funny
how do we stop this

There's no stopping that. Remember rage faces? believe it or not, those were funny once. Now even /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu is a ghost town, the normies have picked it clean and thrown it away.

I think the problem is here, honestly Reddit is like Sup Forums's little brother, they copy Sup Forums and then Sup Forums, being the edgylord contrarian hipster that it is, suddenly can't enjoy doing a thing because it's little bro gets amusement from it. If only we could just learn to ignore reddit and generally not give a shit, Sup Forums would improve.

rage faces are still good

That's pretty fun to mess with.

there should be a vidya YTmultiplier thread


What the fuck? I get the concept, but how did they get textures and shit from other games in there?


Great idea

Reddit's never cared about this meme.

I don't know for certain but I'd assume overwriting other textures/audio/code in the game with their own. iirc TASbot did this by sending a shit ton of controller inputs after doing an expoit, so the controller inputs write certain code to an exploited location.

start it

>Been a fucking year
What the fuck

2005 was 12 years ago.

its not about being contrarian
Its about jokes overstaying their welcome and being run to the ground. They come late, and spew back the same joke that was once or twice funny, and mash it like the canned laugh button in some shitty sitcom in hopes of being seen as "funny".
Its like the marginated guy on highschool that suddenly cracks a good joke that gets everyone laughing, and keeps repeating it over and over and over and over and over hoping to be funny and "in"
It's just a beating a dead horse, people uncapable of moving on

I dont believe this is the case. Sup Forums has plenty of stale jokes it keeps parroting, and I guarantee you if reddit picked them up, Sup Forums'd finally drop them.

Man this game sucks.

you mean plenty of redditors have infested this website and keep doing reddit things here

Did you bother to read?
Its not about reddit, is about abusing the same jokes
But of course, there's some people that just want to fuck your threads and get people angry and simply discourage them from posting, so they just resort to that shit, a game of pretension

White Knight Chronicles or Asura's Wrath?
Both are correct, but you should make yourself more clear.

TAS is fun in general. Don't limit it to SM64.

Well the "gameplay" was Asura's Wrath so I thought it was pretty clear but I guess not. Either way, Asura's Wrath is fucking terrible.


It was the best anime of the year.

didn't he say that he was discouraged from making more commentated videos because he didn't like seeing it become "meme fodder"?

What a fucking sperg

How dare you lie directly to my face so brazenly.

but that was already posted

Does anyone else hear a faint clicking in the background to both of these videos? I've been paranoid about my headphone quality recently and things like this make me question my sanity.

t. TJ """henry""" Yoshi

if true that's sad. they're actually good memes. 95% of memes are utter dogshit, and 4% of the remainder are only mildly funny. pancake memes are solidly funny.

How many 'A' presses does it take to reach the ending of Super Mario 64?

PM'd you the fix.

Someone needs to make a pannenkoek version of this

create unfunny autistic memes in purpose, like Bane

Only 1 if you're going for any%. It's to jump off the pole in Bowser in the Fire Sea.


In the Aerobane Over the Sea-I-A

>he thinks baneposting is unfunny
Redditor confirmed.

Tell me about aerobane? why does he fly the mask?

i didn't mean that
sorry user

Yes, i hear them too

>tfw pannenkoek will never ever commentate another video

>if reddit picked them up, Sup Forums'd finally drop them.
And yet crying wojak posting is still at an all-time high.


no it isnt