Would you stay with her forever?
Fire Emblem Heroes
no because I'm not a fucking loser
Would you let her be your Imouto?
So when's the tournament winners update?
>1 orb
>13173 feathers
You are getting hacked kiddo.
you mean onee-san
I think it'll be coming this week.
>literally reset like 20 times now
>got zero fucking 5 stars
ugg I think I give up.
Go to /feg/ they give 5 stars xml for free.
Remember if you want to big badges defeat the stratums is less than 3 turns
I don't even know who the fuck I'm rerolling for at this point, all I'm getting are 3*s anyway.
After going through the story and rolled an additional 60 of my orbs, I finally got my second 5*.
>stays loli the entirety of your speck of an existence
>defends you against anything not wearing a blue wig.
tough question.
>tfw got a 5* in each of my first two rolls
I'm never going to get another SSR in this game, will I?
I don't speak taco
Is story the only way to make orbs?
Post yfw your starter 5-star had shitty genes
>female corrin
That's a solid pull user.
The 4*s from that batch will make excellent 5*s when you promote them.
I'm just about wrapping up Lunatic, exhausted all my free orbs and all I have is 5* Loli Tiki, Jeorge and 4* Roy.
That's over 150 dropped on summons.
>hermana mayor
No idea how to activate pic related
Who is the next bad guy we get from the next event?
Get hit
Attack or be attacked. Cooldown goes down by 1.
are you effing serious
No, i mean activate it, as in use it once it's ready
Don't do it
Once it goes down to 0 it becomes a star and when you attack next turn it activates automatically. It was in the tutorial.
Also is this the worst map in existences?
Why didn't you fucks tell me that this shit doesn't create a Google play backup? Now I lost all my shit
she's gonna be censored, just watch
long green and pink dress
Not really, if casters end up in the two left spots you can leave them alone and finish them off last.
It's not activating, im going the whole round with it ready to pop off.
Turns out is right, you have to get hit to use non-attack types. LAAAAAAAME all that effort into jagen
Link your account fagget.
Did you spend money?
If the answer is yes, then cry like a little bitch and link your account next time
If the answer is no, then quit your whining and get rerolling for hector again
>all I want is Peri
>all I get is useless fucking idiots
That's the real curse anons.
No. But I lost 5*Lyn, but this is probably got the best.
>all I want is Tiki
pls no jail
On one hand I have an account with Lyn, Camilla, and Abel, on another account I have Lyn and two Hectors.
Is Hector really worth giving up Camilla?
Yes. Camilla dies to archers and everyone with Falchion.
Just for the fact that hector will not die as easily.
>mfw I got Lucina first summon
Never been beaten since.
How's my C Team looking, boys? I kind of want to use Raven instead of Fred but Peri already has Threaten Defense.
>tfw Hana has 39 Attack at level 27 because of Life and Death
Hector is really good but you don't need more than one at high levels, except to merge the weaker one into the strong one for stats.
I love Hector but Abel shits on literately anything that -thinks- it's red, and he absolutely destroys Lucina in the fucking arena that everyone so smugly thinks is unbeatable. He also destroys anything vaguely Archer leaving Camilla room to do whatever the fuck she wants.
Not sure Hector is worth giving both of those up.
>tfw Lyn and Takumi
nuthin personel
How do I level my characters so fast?
Is there a leveling guide somewhere?
You're probably really excited about Takumi, but F Corrin is the real winner of that draw.
Did you upgrade your castle? If yes, just spam Training Tower around your level and hope you don't run into any ridiculous knights with like 40+ defense.
Someone please tell me how Breaker or Warp skills work in this game.
Is my Taco a shit?
I can't Tiki, you're immortal.
But maybe, just maybe if I had some kind of quintessence or something...
>my kagero is +def/-res
wat the fug. do IVs shuffle when you promote to 5*?
what castle? you mean the map?
Your homebase or whatever, upgrade it to 60% but don't go any further.
>Got adult tiki
>3 stars
please kill me
you spend orbs to upgrade your base or home page
Camilla isn't even on the level of those other units.
No, they don't.
You can upgrade your castle in the shop and increase the amount of experience you get from fights.
I was in dire need of a Red Unit and pulled a 5*Marth but he is -spd +def, should i bench him IF eventually I pull another decent red unit?
How do you get crystals?
pic is mine
How is my Abel?
I knew it. His attack seemed low
get the daily crystals from training tower in a high sanctum
>get a 4* Camilla in first roll
>play through a good chunk of the game, summoning 5x everytime I get 20 orbs
>eventually hit lvl 25+ maps
>Camilla is worthless despite being "S tier"
>learn that her attack stat is lower than what it should be
>pray I roll another Camilla 4* or better
>get a Camilla 5 star today
Hopefully she'll be good this time. I just want a team of waifus and still win maps.
how do i git gud and start destroying the 100s of takumi's i see in arena battles lads
5* Lucina, 4* Robin, 4* Barst, 4* Orobo is my go to comp atm, also have Nino, Palla, Kagero on standby
Judge me you fucks. I'm only using Maria while I get another 5* unit, but I wanna see what the new focuses will be before I spend my orbs
>Tfw I pulled two Taco Memes
Literally been sweeping scrubs in Arena all day.
Do i link this shit or keep rolling for Hector + 5*?
>still no azura in my orbs
Please nintendo
Robin, Kagero and potsmoker waifu are the answers you seek. but they better be the same star ranking as tacomeme or you'll be back to square one of using 2 units to kill the tacomeme.
It's only once? That sucks. Level 30-40 is a pain.
Does it have to be lunatic or is hard enough?
Try out Ninja Titty, she can counter him and if she doesn't kill she drops his Def/Res by 6 so your other units can clean up afterwards. Haven't had any trouble with meme men in Arena because of her.
I would roll again unless one of those two is your husbando
Whats wrong with Maria? I use her too decent heals and high res
Yeah thats why she is rated A on every tier list that exist.
Camilla is very good if you have Azura,
You let camilla kill 1 or 2 units and do 15 damage to the enemy team.
Roll a Setsuna. Best Takumi slayer, but kind of useless outside of that and beating up flyers.
The fact she's a healer.
If this was a game where it took 3-4 hits to kill a mothafucka then healers would be useful, but as is with all the one hit kills in the game they don't even get a chance to heal someone most of the time.
So you're just gimping yourself using a unit who cannot even execute their first function in the first place. you would be better served by having Azura/Olivia on your team if you want a support unit or just a fourth regular unit instead to fill out a hole in your team.
Anyone using an emulator to roll on multiple accounts?
I'm going to sell a bunch of accounts that have 4-5 5* on first pulls, so far I have only one.
>All i want is peri
>I haven't gotten a blue slot 5 summons in a row
I've never been feel this autisticly upset before
Is there a resource to see character growth or rankings yet? I don't want to keep asking if characters suck.
nox masterrace
Thats actually a good point. I was in an arena battle earlier and was getting hit so hard her heals didnt help. gonna try without a healer and see how that goes
So which waifus want the D within the game? Of the top of my head.
Olivia is gonna get an map soon, and she can not only dance but also buff attack.
Should I plop $28 on 2 sets of rolls?
Sounds like a desperate man
A female dragon in spanish should be "dragonesa"
where I find dis?
Is it worth spending the effort and 2200 feathers (roster's too underleveled and weak to get the 3* one) to make Narcian a reasonable unit if I only have one Green unit (Cecilia) at the moment, or should I be saving the feathers to upgrade people to 5 star or different units like Olivia to 4 star?
It's your money, I'm not gonna tell you how to spend it. I would wait for a different focus.
However, I will be here to laugh at you when you roll nothing but 3*s and a shitty 4* unit for your money.
>Character growth
There's a website that lets you see what a character's stats will be at max level if you have a 4 or 5* version of them, but I don't have a link to it. All the stat gains before then are random, but they always end up the same.
There are a few tier lists out there, but honestly there are a lot of characters that are going underutilized because of the current meta so they might not judge accurately. Like, there's a million red swordfags out there (myself included), so blue units are generally strong and may be overvalued while reds have to compete harder for their rankings because of how many options you have to fill the red slot on your team. Meanwhile there's barely any goddamn green units at all. Like a tier list for any other game, take them with a grain of salt and make your own final judgements.
There may or not be some new characters in circulation sometime next week.
Give it some time before you make a decision.
Training Tower, only get them for first clear of the day though, so go with the highest you can complete. Barring that, the Quests give you something like 2.5k of each type in the Lunatic selection, but they're one time only.
No mater how many times i reset. My units gain the same stats. Are they fixed?
What should I be rerolling for? Is this guy any good?
One of the key units of the current meta, so yeah, he's good. The rest are kinda shit though, so it's up to you.
Yes. Stat gains on levels are fixed, no matter how many times you let them die and level up again. Stat totals are fixed, barring a +3 Boon/-3 Bane to one stat each so there's some variance between units.
Meme Man is good and so is the Bull, but there's a lot of Meme Men running around right now so you might find yourself in trouble in high level Arena when people are running groups to counter you. You can stick with it if you like what you've got.
Fuck it. I'm going to roll for my waifu Lyn
>big sister Nowi
>watches and learns to act like a big sis from Camilla
>start treating you the same way